Corolla cultivation methods and benefits.

in blurt •  2 years ago 

My Dear Blurt,
I am @ahik777 from Bangladesh

cultivation methods and benefits.


Undesirable gourd and brutal gourd are incredibly nutritious vegetables. Notwithstanding its disagreeable taste, its pervasiveness is wide. Most of the times it is sold at an excessive expense keeping watch. Unsavory gourd and gourd are available in the market over the long run. Unsavory gourd is a little more noteworthy in size and Uche is to some degree more humble. Cruel gourd has various helpful properties. Its juice is used to treat polyuria, skin disorders, solidness and asthma. Certain people especially diabetics consume it regularly as it is significant for prosperity generally. Its use as prescription is ordinary in specific bits of Southeast Asia.

Characteristics of soil:

Gourd/Uchcha can be created in an extensive variety of soil. Regardless, its yield is better in regular rich dirt and sandy dirt soil.

Creation season:

Improvement of brutal gourd is possible at whatever point of the year, but serious gourd is basically evolved in the dry season in this country. Gourd seeds can be planted at whatever point among February and May. Uchche can be created at whatever point of the year. Nevertheless, its improvement is more in winter.

Land decision and preparation:

The right land, above all, ought to be picked for the improvement of disagreeable gourd. A land with extraordinary water framework and drainage workplaces and adequate sunshine should be picked. The soil of the land should be made undisturbed and cruel by wrinkling and startling. The soil and pit should be all set for proper root advancement of the gourd plant. Moreover, if you can make an effort not to again and again foster a comparative collect on a comparable land, you can diminish the infiltration of sicknesses and bugs.

Laying out methodology:

Right after sprinkling the soil well with water, the 15-multi day old seedlings should be laid out the next night. Seedlings should be planted with soil. Then, put water down and out.


Water framework: in case of drought, water framework should be done relying upon the circumstance. The symptoms of nonattendance of water are showed up at changed periods of plant advancement. For example, plant advancement stops at the basic stage, blooms drop later, normal items quit creating and drop, etc. Water framework should be stopped when the regular items begin to create during the production of extreme gourd seeds. Squander No more water framework is normal after the start of storms from June-July. Beds and exhausts should constantly be saved clean for leakage of land. Since gourds can't get through waterlogging.


After water framework, soil compaction upsets wind stream in the root zone of plants. Along these lines, after each water framework, the soil at the underpinning of the plant should be broken. Weed Control The land should be kept freed from weeds reliably from planting to harvesting.

Bowie given:

Game plan of Bawny is the essential thought of gourds. Seedlings 20-25 cm. A space of 1.0-1.5 meters should be created utilizing the level. Farmers generally don't use bunds for paddy advancement yet rather cover the land around the lines with straw. As the Uchher tree is more restricted, extraordinary yield is furthermore obtained in this technique. In any case, if the serious gourd is created in the soil during the tempest, the market worth of the natural item will lessen due to the discolouration and as needs be, the yield will moreover reduce as a result of the decay and reduction of standard treatment. Furthermore, by using bunnies or lofts, the gather yield increases by 25-30% stood out from cover. The idea of the natural item is moreover better.

Banana Improvement.

Banana is incredibly famous by and large as a nutritious natural item. At the point when banana seedlings are planted, 2/3 of the time is no more. As a result of the colossal size of banana trees, there is convincing explanation need to fence to protect them from cows and goats. If it isn't influenced by other normal debacles including floods, it is attainable to get paddy from 1 segment of place that is known for land (Eri-Aman joined) 80/90 maunds. Its evaluated cost is 45/50 thousand rupees. It will cost (counting fertilizer, work, improvement and cleaning) around 16 thousand rupees. Of course, bananas of one part of land will be sold from 1 lakh 80 thousand to 2 lakh taka. The most outrageous cost will be 50 thousand rupees. Banana mocha is moreover used as an incredible curry.



Various varieties of banana are created in Bangladesh including Amrit Sagar, Meher Sagar, Sabri, Anupam, Champa, Kabri, Nepali, Mohanbhog, Manik.

Land plan and fertilizer application: The land should be organized well by wrinkling 7/8 times. Then, at that point, normal composts (eg cow dung, kachuripana, etc) should be applied as 12 tons for every hectare. Then, at that point, dig an opening far off of 2.2 meters. Each opening should be covered with soil by applying 6 kg manure, 500 gm kheil, 125 gm urea, 250 gm TSP, 100 gm MP, 100 gm gypsum, 10 gm zinc and 5 gm boric destructive. Following 15 days new and blade shara (sword seedling) seedlings of embraced arrangement should be laid out in each pit. Thusly, regularly 1000 to 1000 seedlings can be planted per part of land. A while later, 125 grams of urea and 100 grams of MP for each plant should be applied in 2 segments at time periods months.

Laying out time:

Banana seedlings can be laid out in three seasons in a year. The primary season is mid-January to mid-Walk. The ensuing season is mid-Stroll to mid-May. The third season is mid-September to mid-November. Downtime Care Water framework is normal following 15-20 days during dry season. It is essential to keep the nursery freed from weeds for quite a while in the chief period of planting. Care ought to be taken to ensure that there is no waterlogging in the banana domain.

Companion Harvests:

For the underlying 4/5 months ensuing to planting, the land stays unfilled. If seedlings are laid out in September-October, sweet pumpkin, cucumber and various vegetables can be created as intercrops in the banana garden.

Banana disorder and its contravention:

Bananas are regularly pursued by unpleasant little creatures, Panama ailment, Banchitop disease and Sigatoka affliction. Bananas are regularly spotted with dim spots when polluted with scarabs. Malthion or Sevin 85 WP with Libasis 50 EC can be applied for aversion. Banana leaves conventionally become yellow in Panama disease. On occasion the tree parts up. There could be no other measure to prevent this ailment except for emptying the tree. Banana leaves become pretty much nothing and impeded when corrupted with Bunchitor contamination. It will in general be applied by mixing ragor or sumithion in with water for camouflage. Minimal yellow spots appear on the leaves when affected by Sigatoga. At one time these spots are huge and brown in assortment. If this condition occurs, the leaves of the influenced plant should be seared and Miltilot-250 EC or Bavistin can be applied.

Comparably as there are certain rules and rules for consuming honey, the identical is substantial for dull cumin. Both can be eaten together. Besides, eating dim cumin with honey while starving in the initial segment of the day enjoys many benefits. In the first place, the dim cumin seeds should be seared a little. Then, grind it. Those powders should be mixed in with honey and consumed in the initial segment of the day. If possible, the blend should be made with some warm milk and plastered. It will lighten stomach torture. One thing ought to be reviewed for this present circumstance, eat with a few limitation and in the initial segment of the day while starving. Basically, this is the norm of eating dim cumin around the start of the day while starving.

Rules for eating dull cumin to get more slender.


Rules of eating dull cumin to get more slender Numerous people eat dim cumin in different ways to get more fit. In any case, there are a couple of helpful standards for eating dull cumin. Heat the dim cumin insignificantly and grind it. By and by make a mix with lemon crush and honey. Include dim cumin and season well. As of now eat the paste. Subsequently it is plausible to get more fit by eating dull cumin stick everyday.

There are furthermore a couple procedures for consuming dull cumin. One of them is to put a press or measure of dim cumin seeds in a holder, retain it with lemon crush and leave it the sun for two or three days. Then, at that point, eat the dim cumin seeds reliably. This will diminish excess body weight.

You can eat dull cumin clearly. If you can't persevere through its taste, swallow it with water. By eating dull cumin like this reliably for two or three days, the body will lose excess weight and the body will be sound. Islamic rules of eating dull cumin Islamic standards of eating dim cumin In Islam, eating dim cumin is asked. The standards of eating dull cumin seeds are extensively depicted in hadiths. Prophet Muhammad SAW said in the hadith, "Dull cumin contains medicine for all diseases except for death". The current science has had the choice to separate the benefits of consuming dim cumin seeds. Moreover in Islam the ummah is enabled in the Prophet's hadith about eating milk, dates, etc. So it's a given that the upsides of eating dim cumin have been portrayed in Islam as well.


Seeds can be established in October-November. Nonetheless, first-second multi day stretch of November is the most obvious opportunity to sow seeds. The seeds can be planted from the completion of Agrahana. In any case, expecting there is a chance of deluge it is more astute to plant close to the beginning of Poush. For viable dim cumin creation sowing seeds in lines far off of 15:10 cm is great. Make 1-4 inch openings and sow 2-3 seeds for each opening. Care should be taken that the seeds don't plunge exorbitantly profound. There is convincing explanation need to separate the seeds before planting. In any case, before establishing it is more brilliant to wash well and kill buildup and cheetah seeds. Wet seeds should not be planted. 1 kg to 1.5 kg of seeds is normal for 1 bigha of land. In addition, 4 to 6 kg of seed is required per hectare. Anyway, 3.5 kg to 4.5 kg of seed is adequate at whatever point laid out in line.

Rules for eating dim cumin There are rules for consuming dim cumin to get strong and adequate benefits. You can eat dim cumin in any way you really want, yet accepting you eat it properly, you can get various clinical benefits from it. The usage of dim cumin is out of control and there is a lot of examine eating dim cumin in Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) provoked the ummah genuinely about the benefits of eating dim cumin and imparted to everyone, "Dim cumin contains medicine for all diseases except for death.

Dull cumin can be eaten as dim cumin oil, rough dim cumin, dim cumin with honey, dim cumin with garlic, etc. All of the benefits of consuming dull cumin seeds is extraordinary. Taking into account that, in the current article we will know the right standards and strategies for eating dull cumin to get clinical benefits. We ought to immediately know the rules of eating dull cumin.

Rules for eating dull cumin.

Dull cumin can be eaten in two ways. One is to chomp it unrefined and the other is to eat dull cumin through something or by smashing it. Numerous people eat dull cumin with honey, garlic, turmeric, mint leaves, tulsi leaves, etc. Also, these moreover enjoy many benefits. By virtue of a mother of one more imagined youngster, dull cumin paste can be consumed. For this present circumstance dim cumin can be ground and eaten with pepper and some salt. This norm of eating dull cumin is very significant for mothers. Another standard of eating dull cumin is to mix dim cumin powder with guava leaf juice. Dull cumin and guava leaf juice are especially beneficial for awareness casualties. Thusly, dull cumin should be eaten. A mix of dim cumin seeds can be downed by mixing dull cumin oil with some mint leaf squeeze and crushed orange. This will wipe out additional worries. Eating dull cumin is in like manner a norm. There is a norm to eat dim cumin and honey together. Dim cumin mixed in with honey facilitates cold and hack fairly. Also, dim cumin oil can be mixed in with honey. Separate dull cumin oil and mix it in with honey. Consuming this mix a couple of times every day is by and large great for the body.

Rules for eating garlic honey and dim cumin.

There is moreover a norm to mix dull cumin oil with garlic and honey. Nevertheless, here you really want to at first show why to eat with garlic. Garlic can be consumed with dim cumin to fix headache. Garlic can be cooked and mixed in with honey and eaten rough. Nevertheless, it works in two ways. Mixing honey in with garlic powder can give clinical benefits. Garlic can be mixed in with salad and mixed in with honey and dim cumin.

Local properties:

Goes probably as a catalyst Augmentations pee stream Decreases flight course natural liquid Augmentations period Lessens unsettling influence of the gastrointestinal framework Cleans the blood Reduces asthma and impediment Applying pure honey on bug eats reduces the disturbance Unrefined onion juice helps in hair improvement Isolated from being used as a flavor in curries, onions are similarly used in arranging different superb dishes. Sensible land and soil: Productive sandy dirt soil is best for onion advancement. Onion advancement in rainstorm requires raised land where water doesn't gather. The land should have water framework and drainage system. Rank Show.

Bari Onion-3:

The combination is a concise length crop especially in Kharif season for instance summer. It looks round and red in assortment. Mid-June to mid-July is the most obvious opportunity to sow the seeds. The most obvious opportunity to sow seeds early advancement is mid-February to initial multi day stretch of Spring and the time of April is the best time for migrating. Bari Onion-4: It is a high yielding winter onion. The shape is round, the assortment is grayish-reddish and severely wrinkled. Yield 17-22 tons for each hectare. Bari Onion-5: This collection is a concise range crop sensible for summer improvement. It will in general be created over the long run. It requires 95-110 days from seed to harvest. Typical yield is 18-20 tons for every hectare. Neighborhood breeds: Taherpuri, Bhati of Faridpur, Jhitka, Kailasnagar are unmistakable among the close by assortments. In the early rabi season, the yield of both these combinations is duplicated and the idea of the tuber is in like manner moved along. Two onion collections made and referred to have been embraced for business advancement in North Bengal, Kushtia, Jessore and Faridpur regions. Qualities of good seeds Extraordinary seeds don't press when crushed physically. Awful seeds will cause pressure. Incredible seeds will break at whatever point pressed with teeth. Awful seeds will smooth. Accepting put in water, it will absorb water. If horrendous, it will float.

Seedling game plan:

25-30 grams of seeds are required per seed bed of 3x1 meter size. Onion can be created in rabi and kharif season. Seeds are sowed under seed bed in July-August (Shravan-Bhadra) for Kharip season and February-Walk (Magh-Phalgun) for Rabi season. The land is gotten liberated from weeds and furrowed well and seed beds of 3x1 meter size are put something aside for multi week with a ladder. Preceding sowing the seeds, the seeds should be assimilated the previous evening and the next day should be gotten and dried in the sun for 1 hour and a short time later sowed in the seed bed. Resulting to sowing the seeds should be covered with free soil. Disguising should be given in the bed on the day resulting to planting. The seed bed should be covered during the day and open around night time. If fundamental, water should be given with a shower. Planting: The land is prepared by 5 wrinkling and terrifying. 15x10 cm. Seedlings are established a distance away. 1 meter wide and 15 cm during storm. Seedlings are planted by making raised beds. 30 cm between two beds. Wide water channels are ke.

Benefits and weaknesses of papaya.


Papaya is an incredibly notable result of Bengal. As the dietary advantage of this natural item is copious, the natural item is very fruitful in keeping the body sound. Papaya enjoys various genuine benefits, including keeping the heart sound, further creating insusceptibility, and abstaining from stomach related issues. Could we understand what are the advantages and awful signs of papaya - But many benefits of papaya as it is delectable to eat, this natural item has 39 calories in 100 grams. Papaya contains protein, starches, fiber, supplements A, B, C, D. Beside this, papaya contains potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, sodium and egg whites compounds. Papaya has been seen for a long time as an answer for certain illnesses. This natural item is incredibly important for digestion. Applying papaya juice is productive in many cases of bug snack, minor polishes off.

Papaya is moreover extensively used in excellence care items across the world. This natural item keeps the liver and glucose common, disposes of pernicious substances from the processing parcels. Eating papaya stimulates the body and recovers essentialness. Papaya is incredibly profitable for those encountering gastric and heartburn as it takes out overflow stomach destructive.

Papaya is an ideal sustenance for creating kid. We ought to know more benefits of papaya - Augmentations opposition: A survey coordinated in Japan has shown that the cell fortifications present in papaya increase the body's safety. It has also been exhibited that papaya root and blooms fix kidney infection, bronchitis and jaundice. Reestablishing Joint torment As demonstrated by a couple of assessments, papaya contains a compound called chymopapin that fixes osteoarthritis and rheumatoid contaminations.

Ladylike issues in women:

Papaya juice is valuable for women who have inconsistent periods. For this present circumstance, eating unrefined or prepared papaya is significant. Since this normal item warms the body, it is furthermore seen as 'hot food'. To kill stoppage: As papaya contains a lot of vitamin E, C and folate, this normal item takes out the issue of passing stool or blockage.

Rough papaya and its juice help in assimilation. The fiber in papaya keeps craps normal. This discards the issue of passing stool. Discards vision adversity in old age: It is fundamental to eat papaya every time to face out the challenge of loss of vision with age.

The disease counteraction specialist beta-carotene contained in this normal item keeps visual discernment extraordinary. Facilitates body torture Chymopapin and papain impetuses present in papaya help to patch body torture. If you have a consume wherever on the body, you will find support by using papaya remove. Papaya fixes skin aggravation To wipe out the skin irritation that occurs during youthfulness or due to storing up of soil on the face, standard usage of papaya will clear your skin. Besides, including it as a facial covering with the interior piece of papaya disposes of skin break out. Damaging effects of papaya Eating an unreasonable measure of papaya hurts the body. Papaya is also perilous for pregnant women. Eating papaya can cause unnatural birth.

Special thanks to the supporting team..@outofthematrix @leifasaur @r2cornell @saboin

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