Cauliflower benefits and cultivation.

in blurt •  2 years ago 

My Dear Blurt,
I am @ahik777 from Bangladesh

Cauliflower benefits and cultivation.


Winter is the season brimming with different vegetables. During this time, new vegetables are accessible in overflow on the lookout and the cost is likewise modest. Cauliflower is a flavorful and well known vegetable among winter vegetables. Vegetables are plentiful in nutrients, minerals and different supplements that are mean quite a bit to the human body. Vegetable nutrients shield our body from different sicknesses. Cauliflower has unique importance in our wellbeing and illness counteraction. This cauliflower has a ton of nutrients A, B, C. Aside from that, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and sulfur are fundamental for the body. Cauliflower stems and green leaves are wealthy in calcium. Which we can take to meet our body's everyday lack of calcium. Aside from that, cauliflower assumes a significant part in forestalling disease. Cauliflower is a plant of the Cruciferea group of the plant world. Its logical name is Brassica Oleracea.


As indicated by nourishment researchers, the wholesome substance per 100 grams of palatable cauliflower is as per the following: 2.6 grams of fat, 7.5 grams of carbs, 0.1 grams of fat, 0.8 grams of mineral salts, 2 grams of dietary fiber, 41 milligrams of calcium, 1 .5 mg, healthy benefit 41 kcal, phosphorus 57 mg, potassium 299 mg, magnesium 15 mg, sodium 53 mg, nicotinic corrosive 1 mg, vitamin B-10.02 mg, B-20.03 mg, L-ascorbic acid 91 mg, vitamin E 0.08 mg, vitamin K 15.5 micrograms, folate 57 micrograms. Cauliflower can be eaten as a curry with vegetables and fish, meat. Cauliflower stems and green leaves are wealthy in calcium. So by eating cauliflower stalks and youthful green leaves, we can meet the absence of calcium in the body. Calcium is the most bountiful mineral in the human body. However, recollect that calcium from vegetables can't be completely consumed by the body due to oxalic corrosive in vegetables. So eat more vegetables.

Calcium partakes in the development of bones and teeth in the body and helps in different elements of the body including blood dissemination, muscle constriction. Absence of calcium causes a lethal infection called 'lockjaw'. L-ascorbic acid fortifies teeth, gums and muscles. Safeguards against cold, hack and cold. Builds the invulnerable arrangement of the body. Cauliflower's L-ascorbic acid and magnesium go about as cell reinforcements. Vitamin K safeguards the thoracic pipe. Cauliflower forestalls the development of malignant growth cells in various pieces of the human body. The dynamic fixing present in entire milk helps in the creation of white platelets. In addition, this fixing is extremely useful for pregnant moms. At the point when blood cholesterol expansions in our body, different issues happen in the body. Cauliflower helps in diminishing overabundance cholesterol. A decent eating regimen for diabetics and hypertension patients.



Iron assumes a significant part in the development of blood in our body. By and large, cauliflower is an extremely valuable vegetable for eager moms, developing kids and young people, and the individuals who practice exorbitantly. Since cauliflower is wealthy in iron. Cauliflower is an exceptionally essential vegetable for the development and improvement of our body. Cauliflower and cauliflower contain a substance called indoles, which assume a significant part in forestalling disease in the body. Forestalls stomach malignant growth, bladder and female prostate, bosom and uterine disease. Vitamin A, C of cauliflower assists with settling different winter sicknesses, for example, cool, hack, fever and tonsil issues.

Cauliflower contains sulforaphane which annihilates malignant growth undeveloped cells. Aside from that, it forestalls the development or development of different sorts of cancers in the body. Cauliflower is exceptionally helpful for decreasing circulatory strain in the body and keeping the kidneys sound. Cauliflower contains calming supplements that control aggravation in the body. Aside from that, the fiber in cauliflower assists with alleviating clogging and accelerate assimilation. Vitamin An in cauliflower is exceptionally useful for eyes. Hones the vision of the eyes. Cauliflower contains vitamin E or tocopherol. Cauliflower assumes a significant part in ladies who are barren or fruitless. Cauliflower contains vitamin K, which delivers a substance called coagulase that assists blood with thickening when the body is cut.


Try not to douse or wash cauliflower in water while cooking. In this the food material of cauliflower gets blended in with water. Try not to cut cauliflower and leave it open in the fridge or some other spot. Individuals experiencing kidney sickness shouldn't eat cauliflower. Since the vegetables in cauliflower put squeeze on frail kidneys. Individuals experiencing thyroid organ infection shouldn't eat cauliflower. Eat more winter vegetables to keep away from different sicknesses.

Cauliflower is the most famous winter vegetable. Cauliflower is eaten by making curries or curries and soups. Be that as it may, in spite of being a colder time of year vegetable, cauliflower is presently being created in summer too.

Dietary benefit and use:

Cauliflower is plentiful in sulfur, potassium and phosphorus minerals. Moreover, per 100 grams of palatable parts, there are 90.8 grams of water, 2.6 grams of meat, 0.4 grams of fat, 4.0 grams of protein, 1.9 grams of mineral salts, and so forth.

Environment and soil:


Very much depleted rich Doash and Etel soils are best for developing cauliflower. Cool and soggy environments are best for cauliflower. Raised land where there is no waterlogging and entire day sun is best for developing cauliflower. The more natural matter there is in the dirt for developing cauliflower, the better the yield will be. Soil causticity or pH 6.0-6.5 is best for developing cauliflower.

Full duplicate assortments:

In excess of fifty assortments of cauliflower are presently accessible in this country. Various assortments of cauliflower can be developed in ahead of schedule, mid and early season in winter. Aside from this, there are assortments reasonable for summer development. There are various assortments of cauliflower, for example, Early assortments - Agrahani, Arlipatnai, Early Snowball, Super Snowball, Tropical Snow-55, Summer Precious stone F1, Snow Sovereign F1, Intensity Expert and Cross breed assortments. The seeds of these assortments ought to be planted in Shravan and Bhadra months. Medium early assortments - Paushali, Rakushi, Snowball X, Snowball Y, White Top, Snow Wave, Bigtop, Bigshot, Monalisa F1, Chondrima 60 F1 and so on. Bhadra and Ashwin months are appropriate time for planting seeds of these assortments. Nabi Assortments - Maghi Banarasi, Remarkable Snowball, White Mountain, Christmas, Erfurt and Half and half Assortments. Ashwin-Kartik month is the best chance to plant the seeds of these assortments.

Aside from these assortments, two high yielding assortments of medium early cauliflower named Bari cauliflower-1 (seedling) and Bari cauliflower-2 (trailblazer) were created by Bangladesh Horticultural Exploration Establishment. The heaviness of every cauliflower of Bari Cauliflower-1 assortment is 850 to 1000 grams. Cauliflower is covered with leaves. Bari Cauliflower-1 assortment seeds can be delivered in the environment of this country. 400-500 kg of seed for every hectare can be delivered from Prabhati assortment. The life expectancy of coppice creation is 100-110 days and seed creation is around 180 days. 50-60 tons of yield for each hectare can be gotten assuming the development is moved along. It is feasible to get great yield of seeds by developing in the northern piece of the country.

Bari Cabbage-2 (Antecedent) is round in shape, smoothed above and beneath. The leaf surface has a slim waxy covering. Each cabbage weighs 2.0-2.5 kg. The assortment produces seeds just in the environment of Bangladesh. It requires 100-110 days from seed planting to coppice creation. Further developed development gives a yield of 55-56 tons for each hectare and a seed yield of 550-650 kg. This assortment is appropriate for development wherever in Bangladesh. Seed Rate 2 to 2.5 grams of seed seedlings are expected for establishing in 100 plots. In like manner, 200 to 250 grams of seed for each section of land is required.

Seedling planning:

Cauliflower seedlings are delivered in seed beds and established in the field. The size of seed bed ought to be 1 meter side and 3 meter length. Blend equivalent measures of sand, soil and natural matter and make a seed bed. 7/8 days prior to establishing seedlings in the subsequent seed bed, 100 g urea, 150 g TSP and 100 g MOP compost ought to be blended well in each seed bed. Afterward, in the event that the seedlings don't develop as expected, it is smarter to sprinkle around 100 grams of urea compost per seedling.

Endlessly establishing distance:

Following 10-12 days of germination, the developed seedlings ought to be moved to the subsequent seed bed. Seedlings are appropriate for planting when they have 5-6 leaves. Normally 30-35 days old seedlings are planted. Distance from one line to another ought to be 60 cm or 2 feet and distance from one plant to another in each column ought to be 45 cm or one and a half feet. Be mindful so as not to contort or twist the roots while relocating. Since it defers the foundation of seedlings in the dirt and diminishes development.

Manure application rules:

At the hour of land arrangement, half waste excrement, full TSP, half MOP and boron composts ought to be applied. The excess portion of the fertilizer excrement ought to be blended in with the dirt by multi week prior to planting. After that seedling ought to be planted and flooded. Urea and other portion of MOP and Boron composts ought to be applied at 3 kc. The primary portion of compost ought to be applied following 8-10 days of relocating, the second portion of manure ought to be applied following 30 days of relocating and the last portion of compost ought to be applied following 50 days. In any case, everything looks great assuming full borax or boron manure is given at the hour of land planning. What's more, on the off chance that you can't give it around then, 10-15 grams of boric powder per 10 liters of water can be showered on the leaves during the first and second portions. Nonetheless, care ought to be taken to guarantee that the manure doesn't fall on the dew-wet leaves in the first part of the day.

Supplement inadequacy issues:

Cauliflower plants are handily harmed assuming the dirt is lacking in the optional supplements boron and molybdenum. Inflorescence development isn't great in that frame of mind of boron. The shade of the cauliflower becomes brown, the florets become empty and the cauliflower spoils. This illness is more normal in acidic and sandy soils.To conquer this issue three grams of borax (Sohaga) ought to be blended in each liter of water and ought to be showered well once on the seedling plant once seven days subsequent to planting and again following 6/7 weeks.

Lack of molybdenum makes the leaves of cauliflower become limited and bowed. Now and then leaves twist. The presence of the inflorescence is surprising and little leaves are found in the inflorescence. Additionally the edges of youthful seedlings become yellow or white. More established plants don't foster new leaf sharp edges appropriately Assuming that the lack is high, the development focal point of the plant breakdowns

To defeat this issue sodium molybdate blended in with half gram per liter of water can be showered with borax. As of now, nibble blends are accessible on the lookout. This blend can be splashed at timespans days. For instance, Trucel-2 or Agromin ought to be blended in with five grams for every liter of water and showered. Aside from this, the food that is accessible in the market called Vaksol Super, is 25 ml for every 10 liters of water. Showering 1-2 times prior to blossoming and 3-5 times in the wake of blooming following 15 days gives great outcomes.

Water system ought to be done following treatment. Additionally, water system ought to be done when the land is dry. Care ought to likewise be taken that water doesn't gather on the land for quite a while. Prior to applying compost, the dirt layer ought to be broken and the weeds ought to be cleaned with a digger.

Exceptional consideration:

In the wake of applying compost between the columns of cauliflower plants, the dirt between the lines can be lifted and pulled to the foundation of the plant from the two sides. It works with water system and seepage. Be that as it may, to keep the cauliflower white, the leaves ought to be tied and covered when youthful. Assuming that the blossom is presented to coordinate daylight, the shade of the bloom and the shade of the cauliflower will become yellow.


Cauliflower sprouts become yellow when presented to daylight. It doesn't decrease the taste, yet the engaging quality is diminished generally. Thus, the market cost of cauliflower likewise diminishes. Since clients generally lean toward alluring and shining white cauliflower. The cycle is called whitening when the primrose is covered by wrapping a portion of the encompassing leaves to safeguard it from the sun. Duplicates hold their white tone in the event that they are concealed half a month prior to reap. Plant raisers have now prevailed with regards to making a few self-pollinating cultivars that cover the actual forebear with leaves around it.

Irritation and vermin the executives:

Cauliflower weevil: The bug eats the youthful leaves, tips and leaves of the plant and obliterates it. Bug eggs and hand picking. Keeping cauliflower development land clean. Utilization of unapproved insect sprays in the event that bug pervasion is high. For instance - Cypermethrin (Ripcot/Bunk/Relothrin) 1 ml/liter of water or carat 1 ml/liter of water ought to be splashed. Cauliflower Cutworm: Cutworm cuts the foundation of seedlings. Lure ought to be utilized in the field in the wake of night for example (1 kg of rice grain or wheat husk with 20 g of Sevin bug spray water or Chitagur). Granular insect poisons ought to be involved during development in the field. For instance, Diazinon 13 kg/ha or Carbofuran 10 kg/ha ought to be given. Likewise Chlorpyrifos (Darsban/Lorsban) ought to be blended in with 2 liters of water and showered. Cauliflower mealybug: Mealybugs suck the sap of leaves and youthful shoots.

Keeping cauliflower development land clean. Utilization of natural pesticides. For instance, neem leaf juice, ata tree leaf juice, cleanser powder blended in with water can be showered. In the event that the pervasion is high, an endorsed insect poison ought to be applied. For instance, Imidacloprid (Tido/Imitaf) ought to be splashed with 0.5 ml/liter of water or Sabicron at 1 ml/liter of water. Cauliflower infection Balai.

Side effects:

Water-splashed spots should be visible around the foundation of the impacted plant. In no less than two days of disease, the seedling hangs and cotton-like white mycelium is found in the impacted part and frequently mustard-like parasitic spores are found. Roots decay, saplings fall and trees bite the dust. On the off chance that the dirt and surface of the dirt become hard during Satsya, the occurrence of illness increments. The illness is soil borne and spreads through soil, tainted plants and water. Seedlings emerge from the beginning when pulled.

Give moderate water system and satisfactory natural manures and keep up with great seepage framework. Mustard oil ought to be applied at the pace of 300 kg for each hectare. Eprodione or carbendazim bunch fungicides, for example, Roveral 2 grams or Autostin 1 gram ought to be showered and drenched with soil per liter of water. or on the other hand Blend copper oxycoride 4g/1 liter of water + streptomycin 1g/10 liters of water and splash twice following 7 days. Mancozeb + Carbendazim (Friend) or Mancozeb (Indofil M45) 2 gm/liter of water ought to be splashed at the base of the plant. Cauliflower card or head decay illness Side effects Earthy colored round spots show up first on the card of cauliflower. Afterward, different spots converge to shape enormous spots. Bacterial assault makes the cards decay and crumble rapidly. Tainted cards or heads produce not very many inflorescences. Therefore it becomes unpalatable.


Seeds ought to be gathered from solid plants.
Prior to planting the seeds ought to be treated with Provax or Carbendazim or, more than likely at the pace of 2 grams for every kg of seeds. Eprodione and Carbendazim fungicides are blended at 0.2% each independently and showered each 10-12 days. In any case, it ought to be recalled that the yield can't be gathered until 5 days in the wake of applying the medication. Alternaria spot or curse or leaf spot sickness:

Side effects:

This illness is brought about by an organism called Alternaria brassicola. In the event that this illness goes after the seedling stage, the seedling becomes more limited or passes on. On the off chance that the plant is tainted in the wake of planting, the leaves first show earthy colored spots like high heads. Afterward, the spots become bigger and up to 5 cm in distance across, yellow in variety, then step by step the spots transform into roundabout, pale earthy colored spots. Sickness free seeds ought to be utilized. Prior to planting the seeds ought to be treated with Carbendazim at the pace of 2 grams for each kg of seeds. Adjusted manure ought to be applied. On the off chance that the assault of the sickness is high, fungicides ought to be utilized in the supported measurement. To be finished before sickness assault in coppice crop development.

Duplicates can't be developed over and over on a similar land; 2. Coppice crops can't be developed ashore that gets conceal for a large portion of the day; 3. Give moderate water system and sufficient natural manures and keep up with great seepage; 4. Utilization of mustard seed at the pace of 300 kg/ha; 5. Utilization of tricho-manure per 2.0 ton of roughage in seed bed; 6. Soil ought to be cleaned with sun-heat, high temp water, wood powder.

Special thanks to the supporting team..@outofthematrix @leifasaur @r2cornell @saboin

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