Get To Know Me || My Final Stand About The Neoxian City! πŸŒ† (See What I Said About Neoxiancity)

in blurt-192372 β€’  last month 

Hello Neoxian City,
I am called Princely but known here on the chain as @princekeys

I am so glad to be here with you all this evening, and I'm so excited and grateful that you are reading this right now!!!

I know the title of this post might be is tilted to the part where you think πŸ€”, "is he new to Hive!!!"... No I'm not new to Hive, I'm just making a right way into communities that I plan to stay, and be part of them in the long run And the first one in my heart is The City Of Neoxian

This is not my first time posting in the Neoxian community, as I have actually posted maybe about 2-3 times here in the past. But as I was still at the exploration phase of Hive, it was more like me testing out communities to see which one works best for.

So recently, I've been spending about 15-20+ minutes every day viewing most of "The Neoxian City Contents", and following the City authors too. I think I'm falling in love with the Neoxian City πŸ₯°

My Love for Neoxian City persistently grew again when I discovered their front-end (Their Website, which I'm using as of now to write this post), and when I jumped into their discord server too. The way everyone welcomed me was so beautiful ❀️

So the message I have for the Neoxian City today is, "I have come to stay no matter what πŸ€—"

Now the title of this post was;

Get To Know Me | My Final Stand About The Neoxian City! πŸŒ†

But we have just finished with "My final stand about the Neoxian City"

Now let's move on to;

Get To Know Me

Like I earlier said before, I am Princely known here as @princekeys, but I am not a newbie.
So I'm not gonna write this the way we all know an introductory post should be written. I'm just gonna talk a little about my self and that'll be it.

I am a high school science student with the passion for computers and music 🎢🎡. I have always loved computers and music ever since I was a kid, which led to my immense love for Artificial Intelligence Software Engineering and Web Development as well.

In the above photo, I was using my friend's laptop πŸ’» to learn my Web Development with a project titled (Skill-Based Platform), where a user who has a certain set of skills, can provide those skills to the platform, and the platform provides he/she with business ideas based on the type of skills they have. That was just a project I conceived while thinking deeply. Even though I was using it for training, I plan on making it a real life platform when I finally have the resources to do so.

As for music, I guess I grew with it in me because, almost everyone in our household was into music (Mostly musical instruments). So as for me, I can play the keyboard 🎹, and I am also a music producer in making.

I equally have some music idea in other instruments to such as the guitar. Be it a ***Solo guitar,an Acoustic guitar, or a Bass guitar 🎸🎢

Apart from all of the above, I am also a big lover of photography which is where I mostly find my peace πŸ•ŠοΈ. The highest photography I enjoy the most is nature photography, but I also love what we usually say; See, Love, and Snap

See, Love, and Snap

My classmate

Most things I find pleasure in doing as far as photography is consent is, taking photos of my friends without their concern. The reaction you get from them after showing the captured photo is so dope πŸ˜„

A shot of the restaurant I mostly visit to eat


I saw this random tree while on an evening walk. I couldn't believe that I've been passing there almost every day but didn't notice that there weren't leaves on the tree lol πŸ˜†

Beautiful sunset πŸŒ‡

And the last but not the least,

Food 😁

I love food such that at times, I start seeing it as an addiction lol πŸ˜‚.

Food has its way that it boosts my interactions, performance, and any other thing. Each time I'm sad and think of food, I likely get happy or excited at the moment 😁. To cut the long story short, food is like a medicine to me 😊.

Above is the food snaps of yesterday and today

Apart from everything I love, I am a very open minded person, and love to listen and learn in whatever way I can. A strong belief I have is, with all my personality, I will offer greatly to the growth of the #neoxian community and to Hive in general, no matter how small my contribution is πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―.

Alright friends that is that for this post!

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