Discovery is not about finding new places or finding new lands. It is deeply on a personal note. Self discovery is a continous which as well can be say a life long journey where you bring to light your passions, strengths , your true identity and your purpose. Discovery always starts with when one leaves or step outside its comfort zone in order to experience a new thing.
During self realization one unmask what happiness is essential in life, bow to overcome isues of life, how to put once life on check for proper results maybe through listening to people, meditation, travel, journalism.Personal Discovery leads to fulfilment of one's destiny,growth and having confidence.
Personal discovery is an unending journey that models our identity, our life purpose and our hapiness. it is at the place of personal discovery that the understanding of our passion,strengths, values is uncoverderd and this comes as a result of acceptance to leave your comfort zone, reflection and curiosity.
Many start their of personal discovery at times of facing tough challenges or tough life changes, some experiencing difficulties where as other after graduating from school. Those momenof facing challengess srops questions in our mind, questions like what do I really want?, who am i?and where am i heading to you in life?. Thses answers comes from meditation, whereas some comes from exposures to travel, cultures and uncovering our desires.