Financial literacy is always regarded as the ability to understand and at the same time to manage that which has to do with personal finances effectively, It also it has to do with budgeting, which quite related to that of saving, investing, and as much ad debt management, which has to do with financial planning, hence through that which has to do with without financial literacy, and as much and as much as achieving financial stability which has to do with the long-term wealth which sometimes becomes difficult.
Hence the importance of financial literacy surrounds itself on that which is helpful in that of making informed financial decisions and by avoiding that which is patterning to debt traps enables an effective budgeting alongside with better money management which goes on empowering the individuals to grow wealth through that of smart investments.
Therefore my financial literacy is known as the key to which is after building wealth, while as well trying to achieve that of financial freedom, which is after securing a stable future as the case may be.
Am @kingworld-line