Chess is not just a game.

in blurt-1683810 •  12 days ago 

I know I've been away for a while now on this platform but am still trying to find my way back cause I believe this platform can do so much more for the people. I've also done multiple search to see the possibility of how this amazing platform can build and groom champions in the various fields and one of those fields is CHESS.

Let me tell you a story.


Chess is game played mostly for fun to some people but to others it not ordinary game, I'm not a pro but I can say that there are stages in life we become or have bocome the pawn.

The pawn is actually the starting stage of life and gradually it fights it's way to the top and when it finally gets to that top that's where you see its true potential. The pawn is a piece on the chess board that has the least power and point but has ability to become a king, queen, rookie, knight or even a bishop when it gets to it's destination.

That is the stage I am facing in life, moving is hard for the pawn cause it can on move twice on its first move and then one time on its next. Just like a rocket that's been launched to space, the take speed it's different from the speed it maintains up there.

The pawn has the ability to kill any other piece or to be killed that's to say that in life one must make sacrifices or become the sacrifice for others to succeed which ever way there has to be success. We all are born winners in life but the mindset and zeal to win has to be there.

It took me over a month to save up for my equipments just to return to my blogging and it also took just 3hrs or less for me to loose those equipments to thief but I didn't give up, I didn't change my direction cause at the moment I can only go forward and not even backwards.

@chesshub africa is an existing chess organization and since it has gone dark I decided to pick the pace and invest the little I have into it to see how #blurt and #chess could come together and do more.

Some months ago a chess king by name Tunde Onakoye founder of Chessinslums Africa broke the world guiness record, that changed a lot for me, I knew even though I can't get to that height I can build people to get there with the resources I have.

I remember starting up the @blurtfundme initiative and the blurt team and everyone delegated and supported by donating to an ophanage and it was a success, well now we ain't just delegating and donating, this time we are partnering and sponsoring the @chesshub africa as we will soon be launching this initiative, so far with my little resources I have been able to raise 8000 blurts to start powerup and looking forward to aquiring more blurt and the team is making plans of getting chess baords and preparing for its first competition.

Chess is more than a game and should be treated that way, am sure the likes of @megadrive, @drutter, @imransoudagar, @onchain-curator, @silvertop, @tekraze, @angelica7 @ultravioletmag and more knows about the impact chess has on people and this will not only revive change lives but put blurt out there so people can see it.

Believe me the pawn in the game being played by the right person stands a chance to become either a king or queen.

Thank you all that's all I have for you all while I prepare for my next post and my team for our launch.

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