BlogHide Reblurtssilvertop in actifit • 23 hours agoHERE KITTY KITTY! 😻.......................................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Here Kitty, Kitty!😻 Well…………….I really wasn’t expecting this!😳 I had just finished splitting some firewood this morning, when I looked down at my feet………. Cat tracks!!😺 I texted the photo to…silvertop in actifit • 2 days agoCAN YOU FEEL THE WARMTH? 😀......................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Can You Feel the Warmth?🤗 You can tell a true “North Westerner ” this time of year, when their eyes start to wander!…………..😇 “Lis…. did you see the size of those firewood rounds?😊 They have…silvertop in actifit • 3 days agoOHHH.....THAT LOOKS SLIPPERY!😳 .................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Ohhh…..That Looks Slippery! 😳 “Silbertop, sign say 15MPH, SLOW DOWN Man!”🐸 “PEPE, we are on foot, hiking….. Lol!”😇 My green friend doesn’t seem to like this “frozen pond water” Lol!☺️ PEPE…silvertop in actifit • 4 days agoTHANK YOU NEIGHBOR! 👍...............................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Thank You Neighbor!👍😊 What makes snowfalls in the Northwest particularly dangerous, can be seen in the second photo!😳 Winter storms can start off with freezing rain, coating the roads with a…silvertop in actifit • 5 days agoMAKING TRACKS! 😀.........................................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Making Tracks!😳 What wild creature has been slithering through the snow?😳 My friends, if you have ever lived in “Snow Country”, the first two photos should look very familiar to you!😇 My…silvertop in actifit • 6 days agoTO PLOW OR NOT TO PLOW!😇 ........................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀To Plow Or Not To Plow!😊 “That is the Question Lol!” “SEVEN Inches of snow today Silvertop!”🥰 “Where Liz…………we have heard this before Lol!”😇 This winter’s forecast was to be extra cold and…silvertop in actifit • 7 days agoWHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD RAIN?😅 ..........NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Rain?😅 Well the Weather turned out to be quite a bit different than what they were forecasting!😇 If you read my post from several days ago, the local “chatter” around…silvertop in actifit • 8 days agoCAT SCRATCH FEVER! 😻...................................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Cat Scratch Fever!😺😳 “Silvertop, have you seen any Deer lately?”😮 Jeff is one of Silvertop’s neighbors, just a couple of homes up our road. We “share” the newborn deer population each…silvertop in actifit • 9 days agoBURR...THAT'S FROSTY! 🥶................................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Burr…..That’s Frosty! 🥶 This time of year, even with brilliant Sunshine, the frost on some sections of my hiking trails never completely melts!😮 Normally the steep hill in the third photo has…silvertop in actifit • 10 days agoDAD IS ANYONE WATCHING? 😻.........................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Dad Is Anyone Watching? 😻 Everyone should be careful and self custody their Crypto, and Cot is no exception!😺 “Dad, can you hold this lettering punch, While I swing this BIG hammer really…silvertop in actifit • 11 days agoFIRE IN THE HOLE! 🤗.......................................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Fire In the Hole!🤗 They say Springtime is when a “young man’s fancy turns to Love!”😍 Things are a bit different in the Pacific Northwest………… the end of January!😇 Is Winter winding down, or…silvertop in actifit • 12 days agoDO WHAT YOU LOVE....MAN! 🐸.........................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Do what You love…..Man!🐸 They say, do what you Love, and the money will follow!😊 That’s always a wise decision to make!😇 For PEPE, hanging out by this frozen pond, is pure happiness! “Dis…silvertop in actifit • 13 days agoWHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD BEAR?😳..........NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Who’s afraid of the big bad bear!😳 The shadows are always long on the very secluded, and dark, “Buck Ridge Loop”!😮 It was several years ago, but it seems like just yesterday, that Silvertop and…silvertop in actifit • 14 days agoCOT ARE YOU HIKING TODAY? 😻 ......................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Cot, are you Hiking today?😻 It was one of those days, when you just want to sit and enjoy the view of the Mountains!😊 After Cot “Decided” that he was too tired to hike, I changed today’s hiking…silvertop in actifit • 15 days ago"GOOD DAY SUNSHINE!"😎 ..............................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀“Good Day, Sunshine!”😎 Well…….Sunshine for the Pacific Northwest Lol!😇 I was starting to see something out of the corner of my eye, as I climbed the Gold Mine trail for a second day…………. “Is…silvertop in actifit • 16 days agoCAN I HAVE THAT ROCK HONEY?😍....................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Can I have that Rock Honey?🥰 So close to home Liz, and yet so far Lol!😇 Rocks ……. or should I say boulders, you can find a plethora of them everywhere you hike in the mountains!☺️ The Mrs…silvertop in actifit • 17 days agoDA BAGS ARE EMPTY....MAN! 🐸.........................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Da Bags Empty……..Man! 🐸 It looks like someone has a sweet tooth Lol!😇 “PEPE…….Keith has been emptying these sap collection bags everyday, and remember you need to boil this sap for hours to get…silvertop in actifit • 18 days agoWHICH WAY DO I GO! 😇....................................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Which Way Do I Go, Which Way Do I go?🙄 One thing about people from the Pacific Northwest, is that they are always extremely happy to help you with directions Lol!😇 Even hiking deep in the…silvertop in actifit • 19 days agoGOT SAP........MAN?🐸.......................................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Got Sap Man! 🐸 Looks like Keith is going to be happy, the Maple sap is starting to flow!🤗 Just a light touch of Winter……😇 This morning the temperature was 24 degrees Fahrenheit…. and the…silvertop in actifit • 20 days agoMURPHY'S LAW! 🙄...........................................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀Murphy’s Law!!🙄 “What ever can go wrong, will go wrong Lol!”😇 It was just below freezing as I watched Sunbeams shining through the windows of our house early this morning……….😎 “Silvertop the…