What is a Migraine?
In my own definition , I can say that migraine is an advanced form of headache , just like headache , it is a neurological disorder by consist of a very intense headache . This intense headache is followed by nausea , vomiting , and makes you very sensitive to light.
Depending on what caused it , the longevity of migraine can range from few hours to several days, this affects your daily activities.
According to research , migraine has four main phases.
the first phase is
- prodrome : this is the early warning , some of the symptoms includes change of mood , fatigue , and a huge cravings for food. this warning occurs days before the Migraine takes place.
- Aura :
disturbance in visuals , difficulty in speaking is experienced by some people.
- Headache Phase :
At this phase , the intense and sever headache takes place mainly on one side of the head. This is also accompanied by nausea.
- Postdrome :
This period occurs when the headache calms down. The patients experience a form of fatigue , and emptiness which may last for upto 24hrs
Having a clear understanding of the difference between the two will help you to know the type of coping strategies to apply.