in art •  2 years ago 


Hello friends, and today this Friday I will share a work that I think is difficult and easy to make.

So from these several choices, I chose to take the theme of a work of art, this is called a collage, here I try to make mushrooms on a paper using small materials so I can paste them on the picture, and at first I tried to find pictures of mushrooms on google which I think is good for collage until I finally found this picture;


Okay buddy, without taking too long on the introduction, let's just go straight to our main theme, let's just invite all of you to see the work that I will share this time, and below are the steps in making this collage.


For the manufacturing steps here I only need to paste the materials that I have prepared (but don't just stick them), if you want to try to make them, you must also pay attention to the pattern and arrange them neatly when pasting them on paper.

. . . . . Here is the process from start to finish :
I started by arranging the green beans, I chose green in this part, because I think this is the grass overgrown with mushrooms in this image ;


Then I chose sago seeds, this sago is usually used to make compote in my area, and now I'm using it to make mushroom stems in this picture :D



Then I started gluing all over the top and tried to start from the edges of this mushroom image;


Here is the documentation while I was finishing the top of this mushroom collage ;


The new top is almost half finished ;


The top of the almost finished mushroom is a bit more ;


And finally I finished it 🤗 Butt. . . . .





Okay buddy, that's all I can share at this Friday meeting, sorry if there are some words that are difficult to understand, because I'm still using "Google translator" help to translate my writing into English. See you next Friday, Happy and and peace love greetings.

Greetings @aroyl

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