Getting to Know Various Kinds of Animals(Apis)

in animals •  3 years ago 


Good night all friends....
How are you guys doing tonight? I always wish you good health and wellness. On this occasion I want to share knowledge about the kinds of animals that exist in this world that I know for all my friends.

Based on their habitat Animals can be grouped into 4 habitats, namely: Air, Water, Amphibians and Land. So that we can more easily recognize and learn about these animals, as well as learn where the animals live.

Honeybee / Apis

Bees in Latin are called Apis, a type of honey-producing insect. Associated with the chain of life in nature, bees help the natural pollination process for plants, so that bees can produce honey. Honey resembles syrup but is thicker and sweeter in taste, which bees and other insects produce from flower nectar. Honey bees have been known to humans all over the world since the times of ancient cultures several thousand years ago.




Honey bees are used as medicine to cure diseases because of the many nutritional content in honey bees, namely a mixture of sugar and other compounds. Mainly fructose (about 38.5%) and glucose (about 31.0%), so it is similar to synthetic sugar syrup produced in reverse, which is about
48% fructose, 47% glucose, and 5% sucrose. Honey's remaining carbohydrates include maltose, sucrose, and other complex carbohydrates.

That's a little knowledge that I know. Hopefully this information can add to the knowledge of all friends. Thank you for dropping by at my post. Until we meet again in my next article about various other animals.

By @adiva

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