in actifit •  last month 

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Rain?😅
Well the Weather turned out to be quite a bit different than what they were forecasting!😇
If you read my post from several days ago, the local “chatter” around our town was that a severe Winter storm was about to hit!😳
The third snowy photo I took last year, and the next few photos show how much “snow” we have received today Lol!😊
I can hear you guys now……………
“Silvertop, it’s only January 31, Winter isn’t over yet!”🤔
February can definitely bring snow to the Pacific Northwest, so I’m not putting away my snow shovel just yet Lol…………….
For the moment it looks more like rainy weather that my friend PEPE will enjoy!🐸
“Liz ….. where is PEPE?”😮
“Silvertop, I dropped him off at the bay, he was having “Big Pond” withdrawals today Lol!”🥰
“Water feels good …..Man!”🐸
“Maybe we need to get PEPE a wading pool honey lol! “ 😇
Stay dry everyone, and enjoy the weekend!
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

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