GOT SAP........MAN?🐸.......................................NORTHWEST ADVENTURES! 😀

in actifit •  2 months ago 

Got Sap Man! 🐸
Looks like Keith is going to be happy, the Maple sap is starting to flow!🤗
Just a light touch of Winter……😇
This morning the temperature was 24 degrees Fahrenheit…. and the daffodils are starting to bloom in town Lol!☺️🙄
PEPE was sound asleep in my backpack, as we hiked through “Bear Hollow”, we were checking out the Maple tree tapping jugs!😊
Most were still empty, but at least three jugs were partially full of sap!😊
“Silbertop, wake me when we get to “Soaring Eagle”…….Man!”🐸
“That’s not the way to get healthy steps my friend!”🤔
The trail winds through a deep, dark, Maple tree forest.
Then it drops down to the Eastern side of Sumas Mountain.
During the hot days of the Summer, as you hike around the very first switch back on the Eastern side, the temperature and the humidity drop…………..
It’s a very nice respite!😇😎
Winter is the complete opposite!
Rounding the first switch back, a bitter cold nor’easter wind, slaps you in the face!😬
35 MPH winds are common on a “Calm” day!😮
This is the type of weather that cuts right through you!🥶
I pulled the hood of my sweatshirt over my ball cap, bracing myself for the cold!
The trees and underbrush were blowing back and forth violently!😳
“We are here at Soaring Eagle PEPE, are you getting out?”
“Silbertop, trees moving all around, dis make PEPE dizzy……..not good day fer hiking!”🐸
“What a flatlander you are PEPE Lol!”🤣
I was hoping to have enough daylight to hike halfway down towards the valley floor.
About one third of the way down, Silvertop conceited……..
It was cold, and the wind was now picking up speed as well!🥶
“Silbertop we come back nother day, when PEPE can’t walk on top of hard water Big Pond!”🐸
“That might be best PEPE, I’ll text Liz and see if she will make us both a hot steaming latte when we get home!”😊
“Jump back in my backpack my green little friend, Liz just lit the fire in the wood stove as well…… it’s warm and toasty back home!”😊
Stay warm everyone, till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

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