Rough Road Ahead! 😳
It’s easy to get “Tunnel vision”, especially during today’s Crypto markets !😮
Everyone gets used to seeing the same “View” from their window of continuous uphill gains!😇
Someone once said that a Bull market is like a dopamine high!☺️
One small drop in spot price can have “newbie investors” quickly hitting the SELL button!😳
“ Silbertop, look at da green bubbles, WHEN Lambo Man! “🐸
That’s the top 100 Crypto’s PEPE, you don’t have “Bags” for all of those alt coins Lol!😇
“ PEPE da APE IN, all green bags, PEPE like green color Man, like me! “🐸
I think my green friend needs to take a deep breath, and maybe do what is written on the T shirt of that guy in the fifth photo…………….
“ Stacking Sats! “ 😊👍
Silvertop doesn’t want to influence PEPE or anyone, with financial advice…..but here is my two cents worth!😇
With trading or investing, it is usually best to use “Dollar Cost Averaging”!😊
That way you pick up an average spot price, and usually you will come out way ahead!👍
Exercising is the same ………………
Being a “Weekend Warrior” as they call it, is much harder on your body, than a smaller/shorter workout throughout the week!
Especially when it’s over 90°F outside Lol!🥵
That’s Silvertops weather today ….HOT!😅PEPE was reading something about a Frog in a boiling pot of hot water, and he said…………….
“ Silbertop it be too hot in da small pond Man, I just sit by computer and keep pressing da BUY buttons! “ 🐸
PEPE has much to learn Lol!🤣
Remember today’s markets are just a “reflection” of past markets………….
They say “History may not repeat, but it definitely rhymes!”😇
During these hot days, keep one eye on you fitness goals, AND the other on your Crypto……….one day at a time my friends… as well PEPE!😇
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊
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