Graduates. These are unsung achievers, ain't they?

in achievement •  2 years ago 

Historically there was a time when agriculture was a hot sauce in different parts of the world. Those that had farmlands were considered rich and the measure of wealth was based on the number of agricultural assets you had in your possession. Stuff like cows, goats, yams and co were like the bitcoins of this era.

As the world evolved, we all got to a stage where being learned gave people an edge in society. Those that passed through school were guaranteed a better future. They got multiple job offers, got into top-top political positions and were highly rated.


At the moment, just being a graduate or having multiple certificates in different fields of study is no longer seen as enough achievement to guarantee anyone a bright future. We see graduates on the street and a whole lot of them are not getting enough to eat 3 meals a day.

Come to think of this;

  • Isn't it funny how some people have been graduates for more than a decade yet they haven't been able to clear all their student loans?

  • Has education and acquisition of academic certification become a futile route to success?

At the moment, people (including graduates) think that education has moved from being sublime to being ridiculous. They are right on so many levels and I don't necessarily agree with every part of that statement, but mehn... Have you seen what has become of graduates in this era? Truly, how have the mighty fallen?

Right about now, people are asking very serious questions about the relevance of education to success in our world today. They ask about the contribution graduates are making in their society - aside from...

...increasing the unemployment rate. Hehe.

That is an interesting argument and I understand that such discussion is a subjective one and that's what makes it so great. It's a matter of your opinion vs another person's opinion. You debate it, explore it, get very passionate in the discussion and the world keeps turning. Two people can be correct and incorrect at the same time.

There is a discussion to be had here and after seeing the post-graduation lifestyle that faces graduates (mostly in my part of the world), I think that we have to acknowledge that passing through school up to higher Institutions and graduating afterwards is already an achievement on its own.

When parents send their kids to school, it's like giving water to seedlings. Some do well afterwards, others never excel beyond that life. The fact we've all come to face is that being a graduate is not exactly a guarantee of success but whether you later succeed or not, the fact that you passed through a higher institution and graduated should count as an achievement.

It's a hard pill to take for people that are struggling after graduation when they expected their certificate to lead them to a paradise. Some feel their certificate is useless and they take their years of study as a wasted effort. Nonetheless, I don't see any of that as waste in itself.

We all may never agree on this, but I genuinely believe that graduates are one of the unsung achievers in this generation. I hope they all get to reap the fruit of their effort.

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