BlogHide Reblurtsqueenella in blurt-1845409 • 2 days agoTHE POWER OF A JOYFUL START(image of my smiling self) Early in the morning when the sun had barely risen as I opened my eyes a feeling of peace and warmth washed over me instead of hitting snooze and feeling groggy I took…queenella in blurt-178594 • 5 days agoEMBRACING NATURE'S HEARTimage From a young age I was always drawn to the outdoors As a child I remember spending hours in the backyard chasing butterflies grass cutters and listening to the rustling of leaves in the…queenella in blurt-131902 • 8 days agoFRIENDSHIP, THE BOND THAT ENRICHES LIFEfriendship Friendship is one of the most important fundamental human experience transcending time culture and distance it is a unique bond that offers companionship trust and emotional support…queenella in blurt-1845409 • 19 days agoMY EATING HABITS, A PERSONAL REFLECTIONimage source One of the essential part of our daily lives activity that shapes our health energy levels and our overall well being is our Eating Habits My eating habits have evolved over time…queenella in blurt-190612 • 26 days agoKIDNEY STONESimage source Recently a Friend of mine was diagnosed of kidney stone and he was schedule for an operation now this guy was a very good guy when the news of this disease got to us everyone had to…queenella in blurt-1845409 • last monthMUSIC MY ESCAPE ROUTEimage source In this world that is filled with chaos noise uncertainty and the constant notes of daily life music has always been my refuge my escape route a beautiful safe heaven my sanctuary a…queenella in blurt-190612 • last monthMAGINATION, THE POWER OF CREATIVITY AND POSSIBILITYimage source Imagination is such a powerful site of the human mind that helps us to see things that are not presently in existence it makes us explore ideas beyond the boundaries of reality it…queenella in blurt-190612 • last monthTHE EYEimage source Hello blurt this is my first official write up and I really applause all that is going on in this community and of course I love to be a part this great family and today I want to…queenella in blurt-190612 • last monthMY INTRODUCTORY POST|| @queenellaIt's awesome to be a part of the wonderful community it's has always been my thrill to be a part of a community that allows one to unleash their potentials and to say I'm very impressed in what is…