Enhancing my Aerial Yoga Skills

in yoga •  3 years ago 

A few days ago, I wrote about my new passion of learning Aerial Yoga. It has been almost a month of the training and I can now say that I am slowly getting a hang of it. Looking at the opposite person doing it always feels like it is so simple, but when we actually do it, we realize how much of strength is required to do it. Yoga also needs lot of discipline, strength and flexibility but doing this form of Yoga needs much more building up of core and with all the other attributes.

Sadly, my classes will end in another 3 weeks as then I will be travelling back to Muscat and there are no Aerial Yoga classes there. I am going to miss it so much and by the time I again come back to India maybe I would lose the touch of it :-( I am really enjoying this challenging myself every day on doing what seems to be impossible for me.

You feel that you cannot do it, but when you try it with full determination, I believe that even the impossible becomes possible, and that is what life is about, challenging every situation with grace and gaining victory. If you do not gain victory, then somewhere you will learn lessons.

Every pose is a new challenge for me, it requires strength from different parts of the body to come to the final pose. My instructor helps me a lot by giving me a little push here and there to get to the final one.

This particular step my instructor had to take a lot of effort on me. I had to raise my hip and then roll over into the fabric. Raising the hip sounds easy but not when you are floating on a piece of cloth, she had to give me a little push to get into the final position, and eventually I could manage it.

I have started enjoying doing this inversion as I feel so confident about it.

These are some much simple ones, which now I am confident about.



What do you think about this form of Yoga, would you like to try it out?
Lately I have been very much focused on physical fitness and I want to keep trying out new things and challenge my own limits.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸


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