Proposals getting locked, that's my opinion

in witnessdiscussion •  2 years ago 


Many of you are probably aware of the current situation that got the DAO locked by a well know whale @ctime which voted for the return proposal and Stopped funding proposals like the Upkeet one by @symbionts with which tools like joinblurt and the ecosynthesizer explorer was being maintained.

Today, me as a witness is going to share with you what this represent and my point of view under this situation cause we have the duty of informing the community what's going on.

First of all, What a proposal is?

Anyone can write a post announcing generally a new initiative or project and ask for funding directly to the @blurt.dao account, paying a fee of 1,000 BLURT you can start a proposal and if it get voted by the community and reach the top it will be funded automatically by DAO. A list of current proposals can be found here:

The ranking system is exactly the same as the witnesses system one, users can approve and the approved will get an accumulative approvation amount. The most approved, the proposal funded by DAO.

A return proposal is a proposal that have an unique goal, return the funds to the DAO account and stop funding all others what is currently happening.

Does have @ctime the right to lock proposals?

Yes, he can choose use their stake as he want, however there are a few points to take in consideration.

During my journey in several chains I have meet several whales and something that I really don't like of this users is that they think they can give orders to others and conquer the things, I only know 2 whales that are not this way but I prefer to don't put anyone here.

While the user that is blocking the DAO have the right to do this, I don't think he is doing it cause symbionts was being funded and he want to "protect" the chain, whales commonly don't pay attention if the proposal system is retuning to DAO or funding a completely random user which is not the case.

So, my conclusion is that it is a ctime's message to tell us "I'm a whale, and I do what I like".

Affected things

We could think that the things affected after stopping funded the Symbionts proposal is the joinblurt, eco explorer and their curation effort but there are other things that we are not taking in consideration.

The symbionts teams maintain all the previous tools supporting a lot of people, but in the back more people is being affected too, symbionts have a development team that contains some developers that works everyday with all enthusiasm to face life and be able to survive in countries that do not have the best working conditions, appart they are constantly expanding and giving oportunities for new people.

Think that the only thing that we are going to lose are the tools is wrong cause it is just the top of the iceberg, there is a big infraestructure in the back where it is not just beneficial for an individual. But of course, ctime is not interesed on this cause he is a whale that can manipulate everything he want and still have the money to live 3 full times without paying attention to others.


The proposals can be unlocked by the foundation, but it is not the idea, users should reach a consensous to choice what is better for blurt and not follow the whims and immature attitudes of an individual.

That's all for this side, thanks again,

Do you think the proposals should be unlocked? Independently who will be funded

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[Brough by @alejos7ven]

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Hi, @alejos7ven,

Thank you for your contribution to the Blurt ecosystem.

Your post was picked for curation by @alejos7ven.

Please consider voting for our Upkeep Proposal by Symbionts.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hermanito. ¿Cómo estás?
Para nadie es un secreto que mi desconocimiento acerca de estos temas es enorme, no obstante, estoy haciendo todo de mi parte para entender todo este asunto y de alguna manera aportar opciones que pueda dar origen a solucionar conflictos, cualesquiera que sean.

Ahora, fui a la lista de propuestas, y efectivamente (según lo que puedo entender) la propuesta que esté en primer lugar es la que recibirá la financiación. El resto de propuestas quedarán sin financiación, a menos que su posición cambie al primer lugar. ¿Es así?

Ahora, he aquí mi duda:
La propuesta que está en primer lugar (propuesta de devolución) la ha creado Simbiontes. ¿Quieres decir que esta propuesta creada por ellos les perjudica?

Deosss, necesito entender más y no sé cuánto más debo leer, ya que llevo dos días sin publicar por leer tantos artículos al respecto.


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Saludos amigo gracias por pasarte,

Pues sí, en efecto la propuesta fue creada por symbionts a modo de tener dicha característica activa en el blockchain, muchas personas han sugerido eliminar esta propuesta pero es que en realidad cualquiera podría crear una propuesta de retorno así que no es una solución eliminarla. Puedes leer este post que creo podría interesarte:

Y si, en efecto la propuesta que esté arriba será la que será financiada.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Muchas gracias por tu oportuna respuesta, manito. Te habéis convertido en mi ídolo, jaja.

Saludos de un maracucho en Chile... por ahora.

Posted from

Very nice post

Very insightful and informative post. Thank you for writing it.