RE: Followup to my WITNESS UPDATE yesterday.

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Followup to my WITNESS UPDATE yesterday.

in witness •  3 years ago 

There really is no censorship going on as far as Blurt is concerned. The many thousands of words churned out weekly shit talking is proof of this, and in my opinion makes it ludicrous to even assert this.

People are leaving because of this

I would say if this place is so bad as the shit talkers say they should hurry through that exit door. Maybe create their own place where they put up the money and the labor and then let those with the money buying in dictate to them like employees their every move. I would be curious to see how long that would last before they said fuck this.

Bloggers aren't posting anymore because of this

I'm guessing there are bloggers who are becoming reluctant to post anything good about Blurt for fear of certain folks showing up on their blog to shit talk both Blurt and them personally for saying something good about Blurt. People are tired of this for sure, and maybe it would be good for all concerned if those who wish to be dictator of how others see things and write of them did leave instead on non stop talking about it as they do.

Sometimes it's just not meant to be.

If this place and those running one front end and maintaining the chain are so horrible, one can simply not type this front end into their browser and choose another one and problem solved.

Oh noes, my bully noticed me again when I went directly in their area and started throwing rocks at them again. Look everyone, see how much of a victim I am.

It's almost like they think of me every time I start throwing rocks at them. If they knew how to do this right they would accept the sting in their faces from my rocks.

See how they try to block the rocks I throw everyone, they need to grow up and take these rocks in their face. They censor me by trying to stop my rocks while still allowing me to throw them.

Ridiculous really.


Yes all of Blurt is watching and I don't think the majority are sympathizing with the so called victims who keep starting this shit and won't stop beating the dead horse. Speaking for myself, I don't. Stop poking the bear and maybe the bear will go on about its business. It has tried to several times now but the same crowd keeps following it to poke it some more.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wasn’t there literally a blacklist? I am outta loop I just admit. Just remember seeing it discussed that MEGA dude had set it up.

You're thinking of the Coal list. When whale wars on the Foundation happened the first time, it was over the VTS. The original argument against them was it was rewarding plagiarism. In an attempt to appease the whales and find a middle ground, it was re-implemented. Of course, the plagiarism stance was not the real reason behind their push against it despite that being the illusion they gave.

It basically is a tool the front end uses to fight plagiarism. It is not a chain function, but a front end function and any front end owner is free to choose whether or not to utilize it to fight stolen content.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes that was it! The coal list.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Months ago, I recommended a 'Community' feature on Blurt, similar to Hive on the Discord channel... No-one gave a 💩!!!!

Probably too diffiult to implement...

Instead a few weeks later, the 'awesome' mute button was introduced! YAWN!


IMO, they do whatever they want and don't give a poop about the stakeholders here, pissing off an entire community whilst they are doing it...

They think they know everthing better and are arrogant as hell on top!

the bear will go on about its business


I'm guessing there are bloggers who are becoming reluctant to post anything good about Blurt for fear of certain folks showing up on their blog to shit talk both Blurt and them personally for saying something good about Blurt.

I am definetely not your opinion on this one! The bloggers simply aren't earning anything anymore here and the few big curators (ctime, mmm, marius) are trying to be censored by the founders/dev team.

So much stupidity.....

I came here with about 2500 USD worth of Hive and all that is left is $1337 in Blurt!!!! AND I bought massively in the dips!!!!

Am I pissed off? You bloody bet I am!!!

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Instead a few weeks later, the 'awesome' mute button was introduced! YAWN!

I'm pretty sure they give as much of a shit about your yawn regarding what they do with their privately owned front end as Blizzard would be if I bought some of their stock and then yawned at their next update.

They think they know everything better and are arrogant as hell on top!

As mentioned above, it seems more likely to me that they think those trying to dictate what they do with their privately funded, privately maintained front end is no one elses business and those seeking to order them around are the arrogant ones.

Anyone is free to set up and maintain their own front end as Freakeao has.

I came here with about 2500 USD worth of Hive and all that is left is $1337 in Blurt!!!! AND I bought massively in the dips!!!!

I feel your pain despite differing on assigning any blame. Mine was worth 13k just a few months or so ago and looks like I'll be liquidating it for about 1800.00-2000.00.

I explained to you here

That the price many of you were buying in at was an anomaly. Where Blurt sits now is the value it has been at much of my time here. I explained why the price rose and has returned to its current level.

Sucks for sure, but it was unrealistic to expect that the whales who pushed it there would continue propping it up there, even if the Foundation had caved and bowed down to them in effect handing their assets over. They are not made of endless money.

If folks see something is lacking on Blurt and have the tech knowledge or funds to create that application then by all means they should. And just as the current front ends are personal property the new apps made would also be personal property subject to the desires of the creator/maintainer.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thanks for commenting! But you didn't answer the question. This circle has a responsibility towards all the stakholders here...

I'm pretty sure they give as much of a shit about your yawn regarding what they do with their privately owned front end as Blizzard would be if I bought some of their stock and then yawned at their next update.

Well at least Blizzard has brains and its ear on the community needs. Then they are dumber than I thought... Throwing away their investment making one crappy decision after another...

You didn't say YES or NO... ;D

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I did answer.

Responsibility to what exactly? Taking orders on their private property and how they design it? Hell no, I've been adamant about that.

Those who disagree with how they set up and run their front end private property asset then they can feel free to use any others that may be more aligned, or create their own where they are the owner and set the parameters.

It comes across (to me) that demands keep being made on private property, and tantrums by some when they fail in ordering others how to use their property.

Their actions affect ALL FRONTENDS! Most people start off at But if no one comes, how are the alternative frontends supposed to grow? How is anything here supposed to grow???

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

First, it appears to me that a small group is dissatisfied with their actions. Some like myself are neutral and some are for.

I also believe as well that many come here by word of mouth (I did) and the burden for the growing of alternate front ends rests on the owner of that front end and those who believe it is the best choice for use. That is how free markets work.

I would ask why those who believe a front end like my friend Freakeao has the best don't join their energy together and push that front end to a momentum that can't be stopped. Instead of squandering their energy ensuring that the energy seems bad, focus instead on the portion that is in agreement is good.

If enough agree it will become the premiere front end. When I joined Blurt there was another front end that was used by most that was not the Blurt blog front end. The owner left Blurt and stopped running it, but it was the predominant front end.

Edited to add:

Blurtter was the name of that front end.

@freakeao would you develop a community feature in your frontend? I would donate the 1000 Blurt as a proposal!

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