Witness Introduction

in witness •  2 years ago 

As some people have noticed recently, I joined the ranks of the witness on Blurt.

I have had experience with this kind of blockchain, what Blurt is, since February 2018. Thanks to my friend I managed to find the Steemit platform then, which was the progenitor of the Blurt network.

During this time, I was an active user first on Steem, then on Hive.

These years of experience have allowed me to acquire sufficient knowledge and understanding of what this blockchain is What are its strengths and weaknesses and what rules, govern its economy. Also understands many technical issues related to its functioning.

As soon as I heard about the next fork which is Blurt and got acquainted with the solutions of the most pressing (in my opinion) problems, on previous networks, which were introduced by the founders here. I immediately felt that this is the fork which is really worth spending more of my time than just a regular user and trying to approach the matter with more commitment than before.

So I finally decided to put down roots somewhere and a year after joining the Blurt community I bought a VPS server which has been proudly processing your interactions with the network for a week now.

I come from Poland, where I also live now. English is not my native language and I do not need to use it on a daily basis, therefore I apologize for any problems with syntax and other linguistic errors resulting from deficiencies in this field. I will try to improve in the future;)


What are my views on which direction Blurt should go?

One of my main principles is absolute freedom of speech. I believe that censorship in any form is harmful. Everyone has the right to express their opinion, even if it seems harmful to the majority. In my opinion, it will always do much more harm to people, than to let it be freely expressed.

Therefore, I do not accept:

  • Pseudo institutions like "hivewatchers" or other "Chekers Facts"

The only form of content blocking that I recognize is the fight against plagiarism and content theft. Nevertheless, I believe that this need arises due to the care for the image of the platform and not the mere need to fight this content.

Each author is able to take care of his rights himself. There are the right tools to easily search the web for plagiarized content that everyone has access to.

In my opinion, the Blurt network should make every effort to ensure that reporting plagiarism by legitimate authors (regardless of where they publish) is extremely easy and effective for the victims of theft. The procedure should be quick and efficient. While limiting any activity related to self-verification of this content by members of the community. For example, creating "special" groups that devote their time to such activity.

If someone wants to conduct such activity, he should focus on reaching potential authors whose content may have been plagiarized and leave the decision on what to do with this fact to the authors of potentially stolen content. Every country in the world has laws to deal with such matters in the right way. There is also international law.

History with all kinds of groups like watchers, fact checkers etc. It shows that sooner or later, very often, using the rights granted to them to block content, they direct their "fight against plagiarism" towards "the fight for the only right truth".

  • Dovnvotes, which in my opinion are a tool created by a mentality of the same kind, which I wrote about many times in my publications, which can be found here on my blog.

  • No other form of demonetization related to the type and overtone of the content.

It is these "solutions", which have crept more and more into the reality of Hive and Steem, among other things, make them failure.

My skills:

Apart from the so-called "soft skills" consisting in communication skills and the ability to identify key problems plaguing a given project, I also have quite a lot of technical skills which, in my opinion, are necessary for every Witness.

For years I have been designing websites on various CMSs, and I am also familiar with writing them from scratch. So I know PHP, CSS and to a lesser extent Java script.

I treat my adventure with Blurt as an opportunity to expand these skills with the knowledge of languages ​​such as React js, Phyton and blockchain technology.

I believe that from these efforts, some useful programming solutions for members of the Blurt network may be born in the future.

I have been investing in cryptocurrencies for years and I have quite a good understanding of the economics of the world of finance and the market, which in combination with the above skills certainly helps me understand both sides, i.e. Investors and developers.

In turn, years of blogging make me understand well the needs of content authors and regular users.

What I would like to see:

  • There are hundreds of thousands of platforms on the internet where people can discuss, blog and publish. However, only a few of them combine all the strengths that Blurt has, and even fewer support freedom of expression. In my opinion, this is one of the main advantages that Blurt can use to conquer the market.

Therefore, I believe that it is this advantage that we should take care of at all costs, encouraging all kinds of authors of unwanted and blocked content to move their activities here.

  • Many content authors as well as small businesses are looking for opportunities to publish their content on personal customized fanpages, groups and websites. We should develop tools to implement such solutions.

Blurt, however banal it may sound, is a currency. Its value will be the greater the more useful it will be and the more desirable it will be as a means of making payments for all services. So you need to focus on developing these projects that will allow, for example, to pay for popular services such as all kinds of premium access to games, applications, hosting spaces, etc., for this cryptocurrency. However, it is best if these services can be paid mainly thanks to Blurt tokens so that the demand on the market and its depth on the buyers' side are balanced by the supply from the sellers. I also intend to support such projects with my skills and promote.

  • In my opinion, the Blurt promotion should be carried out mainly in an organic way. The strength of Blurt is the community. There are hundreds of people who know the value of our platform and understand what makes it unique. No one else will explain to other potential users what is the difference between Social media and Blurt as users.

So I think it would make sense to develop various affiliate programs to encourage existing users to engage in this activity. However, only on the basis of wines, where both the invited user and the inviting person gain something from this action. All systems in which the Inviter is the beneficiary of, for example, some% of the commission on posts, for the benefit of the inviter (as was the case on Hive), are in my opinion dissuasive and create an unhealthy sales atmosphere.

I think that I managed to list the most key aspects of what position I intend to take as Witness on matters important to the network. You can certainly learn more about the other aspects from other statements and articles on My blog. Both those already published and those that will appear on a regular basis.

So those who think that it is worth having someone like me in the top 20 on the list, I encourage you to vote for me here:


Best regards to everyone And Happy Blurting! :)


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Jak zapewne niektórzy już zauważyli niedawno, dołączyłem do grona witnessów na Blurt.

Doświadczenie z tego typu blockchainem jakim jest Blurt, mam już od lutego 2018. To właśnie wtedy dzięki znajomemu udało mi się trafić na platformę Steemit, która była protoplastą sieci Blurt.

Przez ten czas byłem aktywnym użytkownikiem najpierw na Steem, następnie na Hive.

Te lata doświadczenia pozwoliły mi nabyć wystarczającą wiedzę i zrozumienie tego czym ten blockchain jest, jakie są jego słabe i mocne strony. Jakie zasady rządzą jego ekonomią, a także zrozumieć wiele technicznych zagadnień związanych z jego funkcjonowaniem.

Gdy tylko usłyszałem o kolejnym forku jakim jest Blurt i zapoznałem się z rozwiązaniami najbardziej palących (w mojej opinii) problemów dwóch poprzednich sieci, jakie wprowadzili założyciele od razu poczułem że to jest właśnie ten fork któremu naprawdę warto poświęcić więcej mojego czasu i spróbować podejść do sprawy z większym zaangażowaniem niż dotychczas.

Tak też zdecydowałem się w końcu zapuścić gdzieś korzenie i po roku od dołączenia do społeczności Blurt wykupiłem Serwer VPS który już od tygodnia z dumą przetwarza wasze interakcje z siecią.

Pochodzę z Polski gdzie również obecnie mieszkam. Angielski nie jest moim ojczystym językiem i na co dzień nie mam potrzeby posługiwania się nim w związku z tym przepraszam również za ew problemy ze składnią i inne błędy językowe wynikające z braków na tym polu. Będę się starał poprawić w przyszłości;)

Jakie są moje poglądy na to w jakim kierunku powinniśmy iść?

Jedną z głównych zasad jakie wyznaję jest absolutna wolność słowa. Uważam że cenzura w każdej formie jest szkodliwa. Każdy ma prawo wyrażać swoją opinię nawet jeśli większości wydaje się ona być szkodliwa. W mojej opinii, zawsze dużo większą szkodę i tak przyniesie blokowanie tej opinii aniżeli pozwolenie na jej swobodne wyrażanie.

W związku z czym nie akceptuję:

  • Pseudo instytucji pokroju "hivewatchers" czy też innych "Fakt Czekersów"

Jedyną formę blokowania treści jaką uznaję to walka z plagiatem i kradzieżą treści. Niemniej uważam że potrzeba ta wynika z powodu dbałości o wizerunek platformy a nie z samej potrzeby walki z tymi treściami. Każdy autor sam potrafi się zatroszczyć o swoje prawa. Są odpowiednie narzędzia aby w prosty sposób wyszukiwać w sieci splagiatowane treści do których każdy ma dostęp.

Sieć Blurt powinna w moje opinii przykładać wszelkich starań do tego aby zgłaszanie plagiatów przez prawowitych autorów, (niezależnie od tego gdzie publikują) było wyjątkowo łatwe i skuteczne dla ofiar kradzieży. Procedura powinna przebiegać szybko i sprawnie. Przy jednoczesnym ograniczeniu wszelkiej aktywności związanej z samodzielnym weryfikowaniem tych treści przez członków społeczności. Na przykład tworzeniem "specjalnych" grup poświęcających swój czas na taką aktywność.

Jeśli już ktoś chce prowadzić taką aktywność powinien się skupić na docieraniu do potencjalnych autorów, których treści mogły być splagiatowane i pozostawiać decyzję co z tym faktem zrobić autorom potencjalnie skradzionych treści. Każdy kraj na świecie ma odpowiednie prawa pozwalające rozwiązywać takie sprawy we właściwy sposób. Istnieje też prawo międzynarodowe.

Historia z wszelkiej maści grupami pokroju watchers, fakt checkers etc. Pokazuje że prędzej czy później bardzo często, wykorzystując nadane im uprawnienia do blkokowania treści, kierują swoją "walkę z plagiatem" w kierunku "walki o jedyną słuszną prawdę".

  • Dovnvotes, które w mojej opinii są narzędziem stworzonym przez mentalność tego samego pokroju, o czym z resztą pisałem wielokrotnie w swoich publikacjach które można znaleźć tu na moim blogu.

  • Żadnej innej formy demonetyzacji związanej z rodzajem i wydźwiękiem treści.

To właśnie powyższe "rozwiązania" które coraz bardziej wkradały się od lat do rzeczywistości Hive i Steem, sprawiły między innymi, że te nigdy nie osiągnęły większego sukcesu.

Moje umiejętności:

Po za tak zwanymi "miękkimi skilami" polegającymi na umiejętności komunikacji oraz umiejętności wyłuskiwania kluczowych problemów trapiących dany projekt, posiadam również dość spore umiejętności techniczne które są poniekąd w mojej opinii niezbędne dla każdego Witnessa.

Od lat projektuję strony internetowe na różnych CMS, a także nie obce jest mi pisanie ich od podstaw. Znam się więc w stopniu zaawansowanym na językach PHP, CSS a także w nieco mniejszym stopniu na Java script.

Przygodę z Blurtem traktuję jako szansę na poszerzenie tych umiejętności o znajomość języków takich jak React js, Phyton oraz technologii blockchain.

Wierzę że z tych starań, w przyszłości może narodzić się kilka przydatnych rozwiązań programistycznych dla członków sieci Blurt.

Od lat inwestuję w krypto-waluty i mam dość spore zrozumienie ekonomii świata finansów oraz rynku, co w zestawieniu z powyższymi umiejętnościami z pewnością pomaga mi dobrze zrozumieć obie strony czyli Inwestorów jak i developerów.

Z kolei lata blogowania sprawiają że dobrze rozumiem też potrzeby Autorów treści i zwykłych użytkowników.

Co chętnie bym widział:

  • W internecie są setki tysięcy platform na których ludzie mogą dyskutować blogować i publikować. Jednak zaledwie kilka z nich łączy w sobie wszystkie te atuty jakie ma Blurt, a jeszcze mniej wspiera wolność wypowiedzi. W mojej opinii jest to jeden z głównych atutów jakimi Blurt może podbijać rynek.

W związku z czym uważam że to właśnie o ten atut powinniśmy dbać za wszelką cenę zachęcając wszelkiej maści autorów treści gdzie indziej niechcianych i blokowanych do tego aby przenieśli swoja działalność właśnie tu.

  • Wielu autorów treści ale i również małych firm poszukuje możliwości do publikowania swoich treści na osobistych customised fanpage, grupach i stronach internetowych. Powinniśmy rozwijać narzędzia umożliwiające wdrażanie takich rozwiązań.

Blurt, jakkolwiek banalnie to nie brzmi, jest walutą. Jego wartość będzie tym większa im większą użyteczność będzie sobą przedstawiał i im bardziej będzie pożądany jako środek umożliwiający realizację płatności za wszelakie usługi. Trzeba się więc skupić na rozwijaniu tych projektów które będą umożliwiały np. opłacenie popularnych w sieci usług takich jak wszelakiej maści dostępy premium do gier aplikacji, przestrzenie hostingowe etc, właśnie za tą krypto-walutę. Najlepiej natomiast aby te usługi można było opłacać głównie dzięki tokenom Blurt aby popyt na rynku i jego głębokość po stronie kupujących równoważyła podaż ze strony sprzedających. Takie też projekty zamierzam chętnie wspierać swoimi umiejętnościami i propagować.

  • Promocja Blurt powinna być w mojej opinii realizowana głownie w sposób organiczny. Siłą Blurt jest społeczność. To setki ludzi którzy znają wartość naszej platformy i rozumieją na czym polega jej wyjątkowość. Nikt inny nie wyjaśni innym potencjalnym użytkownikom jaka jest różnica między innymi Social mediami a Blurtem jak użytkownicy.

Uważam więc, że sensowne było by rozwijanie różnych programów partnerskich aby zachęcić obecnych użytkowników do podejmowania takiej aktywności. Jednak tylko na zasadach win win, gdzie zarówno zaproszony użytkownik jak i zapraszający zyskują coś na tej akcji. Wszelkie systemy w których Zapraszający jest beneficjentem np. jakiejś % prowizji od postów, na rzecz zapraszającego (jak miało to miejsce na Hive), są w mojej opinii odstraszające i tworzą niezdrową akwizytorską atmosferę.

Myślę że udało mi się wymienić najbardziej kluczowe aspekty tego jakie stanowisko jako Witness zamierzam obierać w sprawach ważnych dla sieci. O pozostałych aspektach z pewnością możecie dowiedzieć się więcej z innych wypowiedzi i artykułów na Moim blogu. Zarówno tych już opublikowanych jak i tych które będą się pojawiały na bieżąco.

Tych którzy uważają więc że warto mieć kogoś takiego jak ja w pierwszej 20 stce na liście, zachęcam do oddawania na mnie głosu tutaj:


Pozdrawiam Wszystkich!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome @khrom I am glad to see a technical witness join the ranks, I would like to see hundreds of frontends exist on Blurt where each displays the content relevant to such frontend, and all linked to a central directory for ease of discovery. That way each site operator can display content they deem to be appropriate and comfortable to the level of risk exposure they would like to take, the chain itself will always remain immutable.

I also agree in organic user acquisition and created a referral commission issue on Gitlab https://gitlab.com/blurt/blurt/-/issues/70

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

hopefully this could be done in the future.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nice post and I think you will find that blurt mostly lives up to what you are looking for and the rest is lies and details on how content is shared on different front ends. There is no on chain censorship and blurtlatam.com does not currently hide post as nsfw. The mute function is much more simple on blurtlatam.com also. I like to view both blurt.blog and blurtlatam.com to get different views on hot and trending.

I think there is still room in market for making another front end that would not have any sort or mute, coal or nsfw function. It can be totally free market which seems like it would be up your alley.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That was the original vision of @jacobgadikian, that there would be several frontends that people could choose from. If you want to see everything uncensored, you use the frontend that is uncensored, but while you’re scrolling Blurt at work and you don’t want to see nudity or profanity, you can use a frontend that gives you the option to hide NSFW content.

Everyone has different interests and different personalities and there can be different frontends to cater for all these different people.

The chain itself will never be censored.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There is always a lot of misunderstanding where there is money. But also where there is money, there are plenty of people willing to scam. I am not surprised that there are frictions, especially since the history of previous DPOSs does not fill you with confidence.

I myself experienced differences in what posts are displayed on frontends and it is difficult for me to say whether it was a result of the introduced changes or an attempt to make the discussion about what happened before difficult. Nonetheless, I see these "lies" as just the best testimony to what freedom of expression is. Everyone lives in their own world where they have their perception. Sometimes our traumas, fears or intentions influence what we believe in such a way that we inadvertently spread a lie, other times the truth is called a lie by those who do not want the truth to see the light of day. in the end, however, when neither side suppresses this debate, the illusions begin to dissipate, the lie is exposed and punished, and the arguments and clashes turn into meaningful debates.

Time shows best where everyone is going.

what @sabion says about @jacobgadikian's vision makes a lot more sense than anywhere else because Blockchain cannot be censored and the lack of Downvots means that, unlike Hive or Steem, there is no option that regardless of which Frontend we use a certain group of ussers can destroy the authors' output anyway, regardless of which frontend they use.

nevertheless, creating a certain space for people who prefer other values ​​attracts investors who, with their votes and capital, can choose delegates who, for example, support the introduction of other solutions, e.g. also those that will partially censor blockchain. And that's the risk. For example, if you are creating a meeting point for gamblers, smugglers, thieves in your restaurant. then do not be surprised that suddenly there are gang fights, thefts and police action in front of your premises and the whole business starts to scare decent customers.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Very good response. And I think you are very right on every point. There has never been real censorship on blurt no matter what the whiners want to say and that is the direction blurt still is going.

I only came to blurt because of @jacobgadikian we are old college roommates, from what I know this vision you talk about fits his personality and things that we talked about many years ago. Blurt being a scam an used for self enrichment does not fit into that narrative no matter how anyone wants to paint it.

But he also does not want this to be a personality cult and I think that his decision to continue building away from blurt and letting blurt shape its self in many ways once again reflects upon that and was a good move.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Agree 100%

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Where do I begin...I've been waiting for the right moment to welcome you into the witness group, and I believe this is it! Smart move brother.....seriously, very glad to have you aboard. You communicate intelligently, and you have great ideas. Frankly these ideas and views line up very much with my own. Especially the part about "What I would like to see:" and the free speech stuff of course.

So you are very much welcome; and with all sincerity, thank you @ctime and @mariuszkarowski and the Polish community for voting in a highly skilled communicator, @khrom. I can already see your ideas make sense and you are easier to work with. Wining combination.

Thank you for communicating in a foreign language of all things. I know it would not be easy for me to say the least.

Looking forward to seeing you in witness chat and working together to bring Blurt to the next level.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

thank you ... and for a warm welcome and kind words. I also hope that our cooperation will be fruitful

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A great witness presentation post 👍Welcome aboard!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Thank you for all your hard work & support. 🖖

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Do Blurt witnesses have powers/abilities to make their personal beliefs and opinions part of everyone's blockchain experience?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The witnesses are responsible for it in this direction from the technical side, the blockchain is going. If, for example, the next hardfork will bring back downvoting, all the top 20 witness will have to agree that such a hf will pass or it will not be possible to introduce it. In other words, by choosing a witness, you choose the direction in which the network will go. If you choose someone who believes that censorship is the only way, you can be sure that the person will propose such and not other technical solutions in the future and if there are twenty similar people in the top 20, the platform will go in this direction

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If, for example, the next hardfork will bring back downvoting, all the top 20 witness will have to agree that such a hf will pass or it will not be possible to introduce it.

.....yup - the weakness of the system - 20 psychological weaklings is all it will take.

The list is growing of these types of individuals who are also witnesses... ( you not included, obvs)....
When money is the motivator behind action - not principle - down voting and censorship becomes expendable - and can easily be rationalized as an expedient strategy if other dimwitted individuals concur.

That's what psychological weaklings do...

Good luck , matey !

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So, a witness can do nothing, except veto (go against the flow) or comply with the herd? And essentially every time, what they "choose" to do is go with the flow. Your only hope in "voting in" a witness that will matter is picking one that will veto (break ranks and stop a hard fork). Ridiculous system. All the flaws of democracy and none of its advantages.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Throw in the low IQ, collectivist mindset - that seems endemic on all DpoS governance - what could possibly go wrong ?...lol

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What do you suggest? How can it be done otherwise?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think doing it right isn't going to be easy. Perhaps that's part of why we're in this situation.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

whole life is 3 choices. You can go with the flow against the flow, or you can also take care of your personal development and look for a third way. what more can you do?

Also, the third way for the witness is to develop tools and improve the system in such a way that this option is possible.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

so i think that in a way this is the biggest weakness of this system. the number of people responsible for approving the system would have to be greater in the future.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Increasing the number would not fix the problem.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Why wouldn't it? The more people you have, the bigger the chances that variety takes place in discussions. Luckily, people are not always the same, but different.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

here you may be right

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So a witness has no power, except to completely veto everybody else's decision during a hard fork, or to go along with the group consensus. Which means 999 times out of 1000, the witness does nothing at all.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Welcome to Blurt. We are all about complete Anarchy here.

Live and let live … let all your dirty laundry hang out.

you should tolerate the opinions and behavior of others so that they will similarly tolerate your own.

Dutch Proverb : https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/live+and+let+live

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Where did you find this quote ?

you should tolerate the opinions and behavior of others so that they will similarly tolerate your own

As i can't find it in the post above ? ,... in what context was this placed ?
As it is a noble but dangerously stupid stance to take .

When you tolerate stupid it will overrun you one day .
Like i as a pure straight male tolerated and accepted the existence of other gender orientated people .
I tolerate it's existence while it's not my opinion or behavior , but live and let live is my way , so peace to all .
They can tell me all about their opinions and behaviors , i am listening , no problem ( as it's amusing at times to ) , but when i speak my opinion and explain my behavior ,.. it's not tolerated or accepted as something existing at all ,.. no , then i am labeled , homophobic , transphobic and toxic .
And i am forced to accept Billy Bob who is now Betty Boob , or what ever , as a legit object for me to date .
,...., No thank you ! ,.. may i pass please .

Just one of many examples i can give on the topic tolerance ,.. mass emigration anyone ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


It’s a Dutch Proverb for Live and let live …


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thought you knew better ,...

Well , no problem , ,.. gotta go ,.. have to sell some bracelets on the roadside to get round .
Maybe not from the same situation ,.. but from the same principle for sure .

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

The invaders will all be swept away …. Live and let die.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ho' for the record ,.. i am born and raised Dutch ,..
Leven en laten leven ! ,.. live and let live ,..
I know better ,.. orange is not my color ,.. De Witt fit's me better . ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Tego się nie spodziewałem. Powodzenia!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

życie jest pełne niespodzianek :)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com


You got my vote already but I appreciate your laying all out for everyone to see your aims. This is what I've been asking for, a clear explanation of what a potential top witness is all about. Thankyou.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks a lot for the vote. I am glad that my scribbles are useful: D

  ·  2 years ago  ·  



  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nukes work Fine 🤬

For Space 🥓

Welcome in the witness ranks buddy! 🙏🍀

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome to the witness team!

From reading this intro post, I think you have some good ideas to help move Blurt ahead. It'll be nice to see what you can bring to the platform.

Our GitLab is here:

You can have a look at the issues and join in the conversations.

You're also welcome to join our Discord server if you haven't already: https://discord.blurt.world

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

thanks. I am slowly getting acquainted with what is happening there and slowly introducing myself to the secrets of how docker and condenser work. I hope that in the future I will be able to present some ideas as time allows :)


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No i swietnie. Glos juz dwano oddany. Ciesze sie ze podjales sie takiego kroku bo co swoj to swoj😉

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A no zobaczymy jak to będzie. Fajnie by było jak by w końcu jakiś DPOS poszedł w dobrym kierunku. możę uda mi się dołożyć od siebie parę groszy w tym temacie.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

One of my main principles is absolute freedom of speech.

Right on ! ,... be that witness .

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell. También, encuéntranos en Discord