Creators of Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt

in witness-discussion •  2 years ago 

The last several months we have seen certain whales creating FUD and spreading misinformation in a bid to gain control over the chain.

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It was all okay and the team was just working harder try to bring more opportunities to the chain and then two of the top whales decided to block funding to development projects on Burt.

I understand that the whale has a right to vote on any proposal they wish to but it is demotivating for developers when they see such attitude towards developers.

I can go on and share screenshots and and links to their comments and you can read them but I don't want to do that. Instead I want to ask a few questions.

Here are a few questions for @Ctime, and @mariuszkarowski.

  1. Can you write a post about your views on Decentralisation?

  2. Can you write a post about how you think Blurt should be run and the things you don't like about the way Blurt is being run?

Can you please write a post and explain it to us because you don't write posts and even if you write they are either sarcastic or too short to give any of your views to the team and the larger community.

I know it is a distraction tactic that you employ by only writing comments that get buried deep in the comment section.

If you are serious about helping our Blurt then come out from the shadows and share your plans and your views with the world so that they are can judge you and know what you are really made off.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm looking forward to their response. I am not a whale here and I know little or nothing about this. I hope they respond to it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I look forward to reading the response to this post from both people. I think it will be very interesting to read a publication that summarizes their points of view, their proposals, and why not? Their demands.

In this way, those of us who have arrived last on the platform will understand where this conflict began and at the same time see a possibility for it to end.

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Can you write a post about how you think Blurt should be run and the things you don't like about the way Blurt is being run?

Can you please write a post and explain it to us because you don't write posts and even if you write they are either sarcastic or too short to give any of your views to the team and the larger community.

I've been thinking the same thing for a while now....

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