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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

People trust the site, I do not as I know who edits it after researching the site a few years ago, but other people trust it and with regards this subject they at least got it right.

I actually used to reason in the same way, and I still agree with this perspective somewhat, but I have decided that it is counterintuitive to, in a certain way, legitimize the site by referencing it because it comes back to haunt you when others see that you use it and hence incorrectly believe that you also trust it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Agree in part but and a big but, I could use a 1000 sources that all state the same facts, but then I have to use the MSM, and they are just as bad at bending the truth which then leaves me to write about it, and who is going to believe just me and my opinion when I was not alive at the time? Nobody.

Here's the important caveat Bro, Wikipedia changes their information daily. Let's say you wrote a post a couple of weeks ago about the Neo- Nazi involvement in Odessa and you cited the Wikipedia entry which a couple of weeks ago actually stated that it was true. You publish your post, someone goes to read it today, they click your Wikipedia link and there now is no mention whatsoever about Neo- Nazis. Guess who now looks hypocritical?

I could read one of your posts on my show and those who know me would not be able to tell that I was reading because your thoughts match mine so closely. You are a very well-informed man, and exceptionally articulate when you write. Why taint that with such a shitty source like Wikipedia?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Try reading it again. 😀

You lost me, 🙃 read what again? The entry on Odessa?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The article, I removed wiki.

Ah! I see that now. When I wrote my previous comment it was still the Wiki link, that's why I was confused. Blurt often lags heavily when updating. Good Man! Wiki doesn't deserve your credibility! 😊😉👍💯