I cant do anything about the vape. Need more concrete evidence. Is there? If it is on the blockchain i will help you look for it. Something from her acknowledging taking it. Video evidence. Something I can work with. Other than that its just your say so. Not implying your a lier either. Given the circumstances my hands are tied on it.
As for the image, @opidia, please take it off. The owner of the image is asking you remove it.
Since this image is not on this chain there is not much I can do. But I can get some more attention to it by the witnesses.
Opidia is posting regularly maybe an intermediary like you or mega drive can ask her side of the story.
She removed the picture, I also know she is an ex plagiarist from hive. She hasnt done so on blurt that I am aware of. I have been following her account for a while untill she started acting like a child with her name calling. Which is why ignored her negativity. I just unfollow her and not vote her content again. I enjoyed some of her posts for sure. Just wish she didn't have to act that way.
She reacts. She doesnt respond. Cant reason with a nuclear reactor.
Yeah, I saw what she was up to on hive. And how she went on a deleting spree when she got busted. Very revealing of character. To me she seems more calculated than a nuclear reactor but I could be wrong about that.
Appreciate the offer to follow up on the vape story. Though I don't really understand how you would do that? The only thing I have as proof is a text message from her, asking if she can borrow it. And if memory serves I responded to that message with something along the lines of "sure".
I like to imagine that my hive rep counts for something and people trust what I say. And certainly you will find no record on any blockchain of me being dishonest. While we can't really say that about her.
The hive rep means nothing ! ..it's an algo to gaslight people, nothing to do with reputation.
....I mean , you even have a higher reputation than I do, on hive - and you've never seen me post about the joys of child labor and re-roofing ! !
Oh, the injustice of it all !
Well, hive rep might mean nothing to lots of people but personally speaking I worked my arse off to get mine (flogging those children) and with every passing birthday I felt good about my achievement.
But I get what you mean. This system can be abused.
I valued it at one point - when i got to 72, and I saw the way it can be taken off you (the cabal upvoting a posts, to then down vote it - thus reducing the rep , slowly).
It's bollocks, matey!
Has mega drive asked her? He is supporting all her posts and I feel the least he can do is have the conversation with her and try and serve as a middle man right now. Someone should ask him.
....he does seem to have a very biased view on her account - I thought that.
..and then, when he came 'white knighting' for her after my reply to the 'i support markymark for downvoting me on hive' ....Mmmmm...
Check out the conversation I had with him after that.....very illuminating (for me).
Where is it?
You were part of the convo thread in parts ...And you said I was rude !!!! ...pffffft lolol - I was in polite mode !
Shocked and offended, I am ! ( joke).
....the intercourse speaks volumes. (from the psychological examination perspective)
Oh I thought you continued it elsewhere. Well you can be blunt and I can see someone super sensitive could say that but misOgynist is just down right slander imo
Having seen that then the vape thing with no response at all or acknowledgement, I actually think opidia might be more calculated than just plain triggered tbh.
I did tag him, pointing out the very poor image that it gives for blurt, and himself , by seeing massive accounts (numero uno) support such disingenuous individuals .
No answer of course , but that's fine - he'll never admit he was in error in regards to the support of this account .( If my psychological profile is accurate).
He won't be engaging in further conversations with me, either....which is a shame - he turned away from opportunity ( which says a lot more than most people realize )...
I would go into more detailed appraisal but that would be a bad strategy for me (at this point) .
If my psychological construct is accurate - based entirely on the conversation we had ( verifiable on the block chain) - then there might be some stormy weather ahead (for 'us')...
I for one would be VERY interested to hear her side of the story.