Message to @opidia - please return my vape!

in vape •  2 years ago  (edited)


Blockchains can be used for lots of things right? Well, this is me using one to direct a public message toward @opidia who has been blanking me for the last month while remaining active here. I loaned her the vape seen in the above image, she has left town without returning it and now doesn't respond to my messages. Which is no different to stealing in my books.

If indeed this is a conscious community as it claims to be, it will collectively acknowledge when an injustice is happening and deal with it appropriately. I believe people should be held accountable for their actions, particularly in this arena where we all give generously to each other because we believe we are giving to a certain kind of person. That is, until real world events prove otherwise. In the end blockchains have a habit of revealing who we really are over time, no matter how hard one tries to delete evidence of it.


After living in my home village in France for the last six months @opidia decided she didn't like it here and abruptly left, which is fine. But what isn't fine is leaving town with my vape. I use it regularly during my tobacco free periods and would like it back immediately. She is fully aware of this yet continues to ignore me.


Hello @opidia

Please respond to my messages or simply return my property. If you don't want to talk, just post it. You have my address. I will also accept the value of the item in crypto (185€). Litecoin is preferable: LUK5939g9dY1eWwbwaRwdbvyP8cbrb9VND

I know you have stake on these platforms and 'fans' who appear to hold a certain amount of respect for you so like me they will no doubt be interested to learn why you think it is okay to steal from people? Not to mention, people who have been nothing but kind to you over the last six months.

Were you talking to me when you posted this quote last week?


There is nothing intelligent about stealing from someone shortly before ignoring their attempts to communicate with you. Personally I am just doing what I always do by documenting that which is on my mind while bringing something of value to this platform. The value in this case is my moral obligation to warn the good people of this community to treat you with caution and avoid physical contact with you at all costs, if indeed you confirm yourself to be a thief by continuing to ignore me.

Ah yes and while I am thinking about it, did you ask my permission to use my image from this post as your hive profile banner?

Screenshot 2022-04-29 at 20.01.06.png

No you didn't.

So this would be another example of stealing. And again, this is something the people of this community don't appreciate.

Looking forward to the return of my vape.


End of message

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That is a serious vape, at a serious price - not something accidentally left in a coat pocket. Thanks for posting, and good luck with that!

Yeah this vape is mega, made in Germany. Useful because of its large chamber & mains connection.

Have tried many different vapes over the years and this one is best for power & intensity!

Though like you point out, it ain't small. Thinking about it, I still have a case & tons of accessories.

Anyway, looking forward to a happy ending to this story...

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lack of personal responsibility, finger pointing, victim mentality- I swear these things are a disease that is spreading. After reading the rebuttal in the comment section, it's easy to see those characteristics are strong in that individual. Sad really. How hard is it to say "Shit man, sorry, I got a bit self involved for a moment there- I'll make sure you get it back. And while I'm at it, thank you so much for all your help this past year, hopefully I can repay the favors one day or pay them forward..."

My husband has learned the hard way that there are some people you can't help out without being the "asshole" in the end. Takers will take until they've drained a source dry, people with victim mentality do not understand integrity.

I agree, all it needs is I’m rly sorry I was going through a tough time I’ll make sure it’s returned next week. I hope op gets it back and it can all be forgotten.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't know the person, so it really could just be they're having a total shit year It happens. But from what I've gathered about Sam here, I wouldn't think he'd take it this far without a reason, certainly not downplay a difficult time for someone without cause.

But yeah, it would be good for it to be peacefully resolved, that's generally my hope for people :)

The truth generally lies somwhere in the middle. Maybe they just didn’t get on but there is no need to say anything but sorry I missed the messages or we must have missed each other I’ll get it back when I get a moment as going through a stressful situation right now. Well that’s my op anyways we all have one I guess 😊

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I cant do anything about the vape. Need more concrete evidence. Is there? If it is on the blockchain i will help you look for it. Something from her acknowledging taking it. Video evidence. Something I can work with. Other than that its just your say so. Not implying your a lier either. Given the circumstances my hands are tied on it.

As for the image, @opidia, please take it off. The owner of the image is asking you remove it.

Since this image is not on this chain there is not much I can do. But I can get some more attention to it by the witnesses.

Opidia is posting regularly maybe an intermediary like you or mega drive can ask her side of the story.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

She removed the picture, I also know she is an ex plagiarist from hive. She hasnt done so on blurt that I am aware of. I have been following her account for a while untill she started acting like a child with her name calling. Which is why ignored her negativity. I just unfollow her and not vote her content again. I enjoyed some of her posts for sure. Just wish she didn't have to act that way.

She reacts. She doesnt respond. Cant reason with a nuclear reactor.

Yeah, I saw what she was up to on hive. And how she went on a deleting spree when she got busted. Very revealing of character. To me she seems more calculated than a nuclear reactor but I could be wrong about that.

Appreciate the offer to follow up on the vape story. Though I don't really understand how you would do that? The only thing I have as proof is a text message from her, asking if she can borrow it. And if memory serves I responded to that message with something along the lines of "sure".

I like to imagine that my hive rep counts for something and people trust what I say. And certainly you will find no record on any blockchain of me being dishonest. While we can't really say that about her.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The hive rep means nothing !'s an algo to gaslight people, nothing to do with reputation.

....I mean , you even have a higher reputation than I do, on hive - and you've never seen me post about the joys of child labor and re-roofing ! !

Oh, the injustice of it all !

Well, hive rep might mean nothing to lots of people but personally speaking I worked my arse off to get mine (flogging those children) and with every passing birthday I felt good about my achievement.

But I get what you mean. This system can be abused.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I valued it at one point - when i got to 72, and I saw the way it can be taken off you (the cabal upvoting a posts, to then down vote it - thus reducing the rep , slowly).

It's bollocks, matey!

Has mega drive asked her? He is supporting all her posts and I feel the least he can do is have the conversation with her and try and serve as a middle man right now. Someone should ask him.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....he does seem to have a very biased view on her account - I thought that.
..and then, when he came 'white knighting' for her after my reply to the 'i support markymark for downvoting me on hive' ....Mmmmm...
Check out the conversation I had with him after that.....very illuminating (for me).

Where is it?

  ·  2 years ago  ·

You were part of the convo thread in parts ...And you said I was rude !!!! ...pffffft lolol - I was in polite mode !
Shocked and offended, I am ! ( joke).
....the intercourse speaks volumes. (from the psychological examination perspective)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I did tag him, pointing out the very poor image that it gives for blurt, and himself , by seeing massive accounts (numero uno) support such disingenuous individuals .

No answer of course , but that's fine - he'll never admit he was in error in regards to the support of this account .( If my psychological profile is accurate).

He won't be engaging in further conversations with me, either....which is a shame - he turned away from opportunity ( which says a lot more than most people realize )...

I would go into more detailed appraisal but that would be a bad strategy for me (at this point) .
If my psychological construct is accurate - based entirely on the conversation we had ( verifiable on the block chain) - then there might be some stormy weather ahead (for 'us')...

I for one would be VERY interested to hear her side of the story.

Good luck in getting it back. I wont be surprised if you never see it again sadly. I rarely lend things out, and if i do it's always with the mindset I'll probably not be seeing it again. Sometimes if it's low value enough it's worth the price for having the person reveal who they really are to me.

That is a great strategy! And I suppose in some ways this situation is no different. I had my doubts about her and for a price I have had them confirmed... or not!

I actually don't care about the money. But I do care about my moral obligation to warn this community if she reveals herself to be without ethics.

There is still time for her to do the right thing and confirm this is all just a big mistake and silly Sam mis-read the situation.

I suspect based on my encounters with her and watching her actions since she came here that Lucylin is correct. That unless she feels any loss of face is greater than the value she attaches to it you won't be seeing it again. There are many that are still buying into the love/light acting job she uses as a public facade, but there are a growing amount of instances now where that mask has slipped and revealed an extremely angry person who spews pure vileness.

One can also take a simple look at the value she attaches to those interacting with her. Her replies thread is barren of any form of upvote for almost everyone except those with lots of stake who she can benefit from.

People reveal who they are in many ways, and I'm sorry it has probably cost you both your vape and seeing her hijack your intellectual property to see this yourself.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

If you go back to day seven you’ll see that she just purely upvotes all her own comments, even one word comments. Now I don’t mind a little self upvoting but if you have no votes left for anyone at all but yourself I draw the line ona. Personal level as what are you giving to the community. I guess some ppl argue stake and that’s each to their own. For me it’s too much and Altho I value that everyone has their own opinions we also have the freedom of how we vote. Not that she’ll be crying over my 4c upvote 🤣🤣

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I will defend her right not to upvote others and to self upvote with all of her stake if that's what she desires. Or use it with VTS etc. But that doesn't mean I think she is the best person to seek community with, that such actions aren't selfish.

When I was debating over the VTS my position was those using it harm themselves ultimately as most by nature won't be upvoting those who use all of their stake on self, either through self votes or VTS. It's human nature to seek to share with others who are sharing, not those who hoard as much to themselves as possible.

Not that she’ll be crying over my 4c upvote


Well like I said I’m not actually saying there’s anything wrong with it I’m just saying that it’s behaviour that makes me not want to upvote a person, because I don’t feel it assists the community and I really value the blurt community. As much as she has the right to do that I have the right not to vote for such people. I actually don’t mind self voting especially when people have a large stake, I get it, but when people start only at voting themselves and up voting one word comments that’s where I personally draw the line.

But yeah ain’t no one crying missing out on my 4c lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sometimes if it's low value enough it's worth the price for having the person reveal who they really are to me.

A strategy I have employed consciously over the years, with people I have my doubts about...Actions define.

Good one. I won't forget this lesson for sure!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That is one hell of a vape, hope it works out well in the end and you get it back.

Time will tell...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Now why does this NOT surprise me ?
Perhaps @megadrive needs to be made aware of this.
I'm sure he wouldn't want to actively support this kind of behavior, and upvoting an account is an endorsement.
It wouldn't be a very good look for blurt, that's for sure..

She still has a chance to do the right thing.

And I will of course let the community know if she chooses to do this in a private way.

Yes, like I said, blockchains have a habit of revealing who we really are over time. How would you sum up her character based on your personal interactions with her?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

.....From the very limited conversation we had, and responses she gave (discounting of the linguistic style as it's not her her first language) but observing the content and tone , I'd say that she's very angry, and emotionally and intellectually insecure - which could mean being very manipulative .
Depending on male influences - or lack of positive ones - when younger,
(some of her posts would indicate a real anger towards males) could dictate to a great degree, how this manipulative strategy is expressed.

...From my real life experiences, people 'see through ' this type of personality quite easily, and given enough time - even the very naive and gullible (or even a hippy ! lol ) will be able to see that 'something is a bit off'...

The archetypal ' All sweetness and roses, love and light' - until something - or someone - threatens the ability to project that image, and then....
The 'sweetness and light' can turn into dark venom and hate as quickly as flipping on a light switch. ...( observable from her responses).

....It's hard to say as it was only had a very short exchange with her directly, before I took up a far more interesting conversation with megadrives, as he felt the need to 'white knight' for her for some then unfathomable reason (now very fathomable)....It was a very insightful chat.

I hope I'm wildly incorrect with my interpretations, as it outlines a very unhappy individual, but the written evidence would suggest I'm somewhere 'in the ballpark'...

If I'm not wrong - then I'd say that the only way you'll ever see your vape again, is if that she judges the social/financial costs of not returning your stolen property, to be a greater than a potential loss in the future.
( the social damage to her image and thus, any future financial damages arising from that ).
....That being the case, then she could see returning your stolen property as the best strategic action to take.....(i.e ...not a decision based on morals).
I say 'could', because that would be a logical choice - but that may not be relevant.

My advice would be - stick to the roll-ups ! lol

Wow! You've really been around the block haven't you. And I would say somewhere 'in the ballpark' is an understatement. Appreciate the detailed response.

Yes, have been aware for some time this move was my best chance at getting it back and was almost willing to let it go but seeing my image on her banner was the last straw. Even a very patient hippy has his limits!

Roll-ups? Yuk. Prefer the vape :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

...If only you'd listened to yoda....


The banner picture I think could be progressed though through the coal list as that’s plagerism. I think they could at least send a warning to change it.

She has changed it now. And she is already a known plagiarist on hive.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So then she aware of the post message to her?

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Defo as @small1axe directly commented too

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


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I guess on this one it’s more of a legal matter. Have you contacted the police? I know they are mostly hopeless on those things but I’m not sure it’s aomething the blockchain can help with?

If this is a conscious community we shouldn't need police. In fact we have everything we need right here to create our own little justice system. It works especially well on those with high stake and a love of earning from the generosity of others.

I mean I don’t vote for the person you referenced already because of seeing them call someone scum and a misogynist, who displayed no signs of misogyny and also because they self upvote every single comment and post . Not saying this is wrong it’s just my personal preference to not upvote users that do that I don’t mind a bit of self voting but I don’t really upvote people who who do it to the extreme. That’s just my personal choice. I hope you get it back x

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're such a misogynist !

How does this make her a misogynist?

Ah! Thanks. Quite entertaining conversations going on there.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'd forgotten all about that thread until miss misogynist scum #3(4?) up there^ linked it - it's very entertaining !

I think I was almost scum 4 but I didn’t quite make it in

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Don't worry- just follow my lead on the next round...We'll soon have you upto #1 ! lol

This however brings up the age old question.

Is it better to be a misogynist or a scum? And does one who is say a scum lose some of their scumminess if they are designated as scum 2 scum 3 etc?

I'm guessing it's easier to understand these deep questions when one has a good vape to relax with and contemplate the mysteries of the world.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

let me help you out here....

bbt (3) - Copy.jpg
*No misogyny was used during the making of this jpeg

You are really cracking me up 😂


  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Omg 😅🙈💀

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Really funny stuffs going on here in blurt.
I think this might interest the boss @megadrive to have a looking 😀😀.

What is life without entertainment.😀

Sometimes you just have to laugh at it all right?

And ironically, having a decent vape really helps with this!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Absolutely. You totally correct.

We're in for interesting times

Maybe if we all share this we can raise the funds to buy yourself a new one.

Something along those lines had crossed my mind in fact.

This whole story is a great one and I believe I could easily cover the cost of the vape by telling it. Though frankly I would rather not waste any further time thinking about her! And I look forward to her doing the right thing.

She is also upvoting retard Markymark here!!! 😂😂😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah I think we have all noticed tbh at least it gives him more credit to continue entertaining us.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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Thank you!

Any news on this vape? I’m still hoping to see a happy reunion photo.