RE: Message to @opidia - please return my vape!

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Message to @opidia - please return my vape!

in vape •  2 years ago 

I guess on this one it’s more of a legal matter. Have you contacted the police? I know they are mostly hopeless on those things but I’m not sure it’s aomething the blockchain can help with?

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If this is a conscious community we shouldn't need police. In fact we have everything we need right here to create our own little justice system. It works especially well on those with high stake and a love of earning from the generosity of others.

I mean I don’t vote for the person you referenced already because of seeing them call someone scum and a misogynist, who displayed no signs of misogyny and also because they self upvote every single comment and post . Not saying this is wrong it’s just my personal preference to not upvote users that do that I don’t mind a bit of self voting but I don’t really upvote people who who do it to the extreme. That’s just my personal choice. I hope you get it back x

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're such a misogynist !

How does this make her a misogynist?

Ah! Thanks. Quite entertaining conversations going on there.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'd forgotten all about that thread until miss misogynist scum #3(4?) up there^ linked it - it's very entertaining !

I think I was almost scum 4 but I didn’t quite make it in

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Don't worry- just follow my lead on the next round...We'll soon have you upto #1 ! lol


This however brings up the age old question.

Is it better to be a misogynist or a scum? And does one who is say a scum lose some of their scumminess if they are designated as scum 2 scum 3 etc?

I'm guessing it's easier to understand these deep questions when one has a good vape to relax with and contemplate the mysteries of the world.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

let me help you out here....

bbt (3) - Copy.jpg
*No misogyny was used during the making of this jpeg

You are really cracking me up 😂


  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Omg 😅🙈💀

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Really funny stuffs going on here in blurt.
I think this might interest the boss @megadrive to have a looking 😀😀.

What is life without entertainment.😀

Sometimes you just have to laugh at it all right?

And ironically, having a decent vape really helps with this!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Absolutely. You totally correct.

We're in for interesting times