I hope you'll read this because i wish to address some drama that is being stirred recently regarding megadrive and opidia that I believe is unfair to megadrive.
First, thank you for your kind comment regarding my good friend Lexi aka Troubles.
I've been very blessed to have her in my life, and I am very lucky to have her as well. I agree as well that one can tell a lot about a person by how they view and respect (or disrespect) animals and nature. I take that a bit further than many, as I can feel the energy and intelligence in plants as well, especially trees who for the most part have a very open energy/nature despite the many intrusions of a bad nature men have had with them over the course of history.
Now onto Megadrive. My understanding is that the two of them have interacted online for some time. I will say after watching her operate since coming here some months ago is that she is pretty good at the facade of love/light unless one is watching for cracks in it.
After watching megadrive (Ricardo) for much longer I get the sense that he is a good hearted man, and has an appreciation for those who extoll virtues of kindness and love. I would ask that you look to yourself to see how convincing she was in person to have you give her as much rope as you did, and then understand how it would be easier to maintain such a facade online.
I know that she is somehow tied to his Gamestate project, offering her talents in artwork to aid him in the huge undertaking he has been placed under with it.
I believe he is an extremely busy man, and because she understands the game, and how to ingratiate herself with those who are useful to her he, much like yourself only without benefit of in person interaction is at this time grateful for a love/light person who is also lightening the burden currently on his plate.
And in all fairness to how situations can be different given energetic properties unique to people, I wouldn't ever rule out the idea that in her actions in relation to megadrive she will ALWAYS act honorably, despite her record of such with some elsewhere.
To make one last point on the good character of Ricardo, I need to point out that thread that was shared with you when there was bickering going on between her and several others. She went to Ricardo to complain after initiating the entire disagreement. When Ricardo weighed in there, he didn't just target those who were being complained about. He read the entire back and forth, and when asking the matter be dropped, he asked all of them, opidia included, to please stop the aggressive words. I believe this was a testament that despite how well one gets along with him, he is fair and will not sacrifice his good intentions simply because of his good working relationship with another when he sees that person is wrong.
So I do hope that you will consider this and not allow what I consider perhaps a not so correct view of his character nor his working relationships with others to keep you away. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if behind the scenes he even asked her to please return your property, because he is just that kind of guy to not weigh in publicly yet feel the need to make things as they should be.
And in closing, I say all of this without being a sycophant, lol. I've posted my share of things that has probably made Ricardo lose a smile at times. And he has never afforded me anything but the utmost of respect in return.
Appreciate your words as always. And by the way I seriously love the name Troubles. We still have four nameless cats and that does seem to fit for one of them!
Not for one moment do I believe any of this to be the fault of @megadrive. Life is a constantly shifting experience. We live, we learn, we make decisions. We live a bit more, we learn a bit more and we make different decisions. So all I ask is that he look at this story and consider changing the image. It just isn't a good look for blurt.
And yes, like I said to @lucylin I was tired when I responded to your messages yesterday. Which can make me a bit moody! Feeling much better this morning with the sound of the waking birds and the first light of another wonderful day. And I will stick around here no matter what happens :)
Love this! And quite agree. The more time I spend with plants the more I see this to be true.
My understanding is the image in question was changed many weeks ago. I'm not really sure why it is being brought up again. Here is what I see there now, at least on the Blurt Blog front end which is run by the Foundation (Megadrive and Jacob).
I believe it was changed really quickly after it was first complained about, which is again a demonstration that they listen to the users here.
Awesome. Glad the sounds of nature was able to restore harmony to your heart. As well that you are sticking around. Between the good vibes here and the high potential for growth simply not possible at the other chains I have believed for almost a year and a half now Blurt is where good seeds are to be planted.
Plants are so awesome. There's been a few times in my life I bonded with a specific tree and the energy merging that took place is so much better than any drug could make one feel. It also opens ones perception up to feeling the interconnections of us all which is a form of ecstasy that can bring tears of relief to ones soul.
I still see it on the landing page actually, that original Image
It is what it is.
And the show must go on!
Interesting. Just curious, but do you use Blurt.blog?
That's the front end I use and I keep seeing the picture I shared the screenshot of.
Blurt.blog yeah Altho sometimes use live when I remember as it’s less buggy but I think it’s syill there on .blog
I wonder if you see it because of your cache. How often do you clear your cookies and such? I do mine multiple times daily. I know that if one doesn't clear them that one often sees an older page.
I’m using an iPad much of the time so never clear it 😂