@opidia returned the vape but she left something behind 🐱

in vape •  2 years ago  (edited)

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-14 at 10.52.57.jpeg

I have just retuned from a week in the UK and while I was annoyed that I wasn't able to go with my vape as intended I was happy to find when I got back that @opidia has now returned it and concluded this matter in an honourable fashion. With that said the vape was in fact left with our village mayor in an open plastic bag, which some people might interpret as an aggressive act. Vapes are normally used with illegal herbs so leaving it with the mayor (who is both our neighbour & landlord) was a pretty dumb thing to do. You could have left it with anyone in this village except him? Or even just lowered the vape by it's cable onto our courtyard table? Thankfully the mayor handed it over without too much commentary about our weed smoking habits, so now it is done.

Two abandoned cats

Before I depart this subject once and for all I do feel like mentioning that @opidia and her friend left two of their cats behind. The cat in the image at the top is called Chupy and was deposited with a lady in the village while they did their move. When they came back to pick it up recently, they discovered that the lady had been feeding it commercial cat food (because that's what most people do!) and instead of showing gratitude to the lady who had done them a favour they explained that the cat had been contaminated now and they no longer wanted it. And with that they drove off into the sunset! Oh wait, they also said something to her about cats being vegan, which I must quickly clarify for them is entirely untrue. You only have to look at the species they are from to see how vegan they really are.


The lady also told me yesterday they abandoned a second cat, named Samba, who is currently roaming this village homeless. Samba is male and not neutered, so will now add to the homeless cat problem this village already has. The lady does not feel herself to be responsible for either of these two cats but is currently trying to find a home for Chupy who visits her courtyard once a day for food.

I will let you decide for yourselves what kind of person abandons members of their family because someone fed them junk food.

It is unlikely @opidia will be commenting here because she has informed me in the comment section of this post that she will never communicate with me again, publicly or privately. She also pointed out in her final message how easy it would be for me to lie about the return of my vape. Well, here's me demonstrating how I am not a dishonest person. I just wanted the vape back. And now I have it :)

Great to see how this blockchain has a way of keeping us honest. Even in the real world.

Thank you @opidia & friend for returning the vape and for all the lessons. You can be sure they will not be forgotten. I wish you all the best on your journey.

In my next post I will go into why I was in the UK.

Just wanted to conclude this matter in a dedicated post.

Love & Light everyone 🌱

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So glad you got the vape back. Sorry to hear about the cats, especially the part about they were contaminated now. Seems that in this case it is a principle cared about more than the actual living being. That's sad. Especially in the sense that the cat had no say in what it was being fed, so even if it were a crime to be what is asserted amounts to being contaminated, the cats were innocent of choosing to not be contaminated.

When one brings another species of living being to live with us, we assume responsibility good or bad for that beings well care. Any person who loves other animals understands this is a burden one agrees to when we take these animals out of their natural habitat and handicap them from their own natural ways.

I remember one of my biggest fears a couple of years ago when my partner talked me into us getting our current animal friend was if she (the dog)were to outlive me. All of my animal friends throughout my life have always been drawn to me over everyone else, and this dog is no exception. I hope that I can live long enough to see her to her end days so she will receive the care that is in my nature to provide her, as well as the companionship of one who views her as an equal yet different.

Her name is Lexi, but I named her Troubles and Troubs for short. He further nickname i gave her is Troubs in the Shrubs, because Maltese have such long hair.

troubs in the shrubs.jpg

Here is one of her right after we got her.


I believe in regards to your mayor that it is yet another testament to your character as to why he didn't mention the weed smell or resin if there was any.

Hoping in your next post we learn that there was something good for why you were in the U.K.

I'm glad to see you back. I was worried after your vape post maybe you were done with Blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

When one brings another species of living being to live with us, we assume responsibility good or bad for that beings well care. Any person who loves other animals understands this is a burden one agrees to...

...but not if you're a malignant narcissistic or a sociopath...MMmmmmm...

I can forgive many things - but fucking over animals to suit your own selfish proprieties ? ....Never....


Hello to Lexi! She is lucky to have you.

It seems to me that how we look after animals in life says a lot about how we look after humans.

I would like for this to not be my last post on blurt but after what @lucylin has just shown me I am not so sure. If all it takes is a high stake to get our face and username onto the first image a new user sees before joining up (despite our actions in life) then I don't feel good about being here. But something tells me this won't take long to be resolved and I will get back to my posting routine in due course. I actually have a bunch of stuff I am excited to talk about...

I hope you'll read this because i wish to address some drama that is being stirred recently regarding megadrive and opidia that I believe is unfair to megadrive.

First, thank you for your kind comment regarding my good friend Lexi aka Troubles.

I've been very blessed to have her in my life, and I am very lucky to have her as well. I agree as well that one can tell a lot about a person by how they view and respect (or disrespect) animals and nature. I take that a bit further than many, as I can feel the energy and intelligence in plants as well, especially trees who for the most part have a very open energy/nature despite the many intrusions of a bad nature men have had with them over the course of history.

Now onto Megadrive. My understanding is that the two of them have interacted online for some time. I will say after watching her operate since coming here some months ago is that she is pretty good at the facade of love/light unless one is watching for cracks in it.

After watching megadrive (Ricardo) for much longer I get the sense that he is a good hearted man, and has an appreciation for those who extoll virtues of kindness and love. I would ask that you look to yourself to see how convincing she was in person to have you give her as much rope as you did, and then understand how it would be easier to maintain such a facade online.

I know that she is somehow tied to his Gamestate project, offering her talents in artwork to aid him in the huge undertaking he has been placed under with it.

I believe he is an extremely busy man, and because she understands the game, and how to ingratiate herself with those who are useful to her he, much like yourself only without benefit of in person interaction is at this time grateful for a love/light person who is also lightening the burden currently on his plate.

And in all fairness to how situations can be different given energetic properties unique to people, I wouldn't ever rule out the idea that in her actions in relation to megadrive she will ALWAYS act honorably, despite her record of such with some elsewhere.

To make one last point on the good character of Ricardo, I need to point out that thread that was shared with you when there was bickering going on between her and several others. She went to Ricardo to complain after initiating the entire disagreement. When Ricardo weighed in there, he didn't just target those who were being complained about. He read the entire back and forth, and when asking the matter be dropped, he asked all of them, opidia included, to please stop the aggressive words. I believe this was a testament that despite how well one gets along with him, he is fair and will not sacrifice his good intentions simply because of his good working relationship with another when he sees that person is wrong.

So I do hope that you will consider this and not allow what I consider perhaps a not so correct view of his character nor his working relationships with others to keep you away. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if behind the scenes he even asked her to please return your property, because he is just that kind of guy to not weigh in publicly yet feel the need to make things as they should be.

And in closing, I say all of this without being a sycophant, lol. I've posted my share of things that has probably made Ricardo lose a smile at times. And he has never afforded me anything but the utmost of respect in return.

Appreciate your words as always. And by the way I seriously love the name Troubles. We still have four nameless cats and that does seem to fit for one of them!

Not for one moment do I believe any of this to be the fault of @megadrive. Life is a constantly shifting experience. We live, we learn, we make decisions. We live a bit more, we learn a bit more and we make different decisions. So all I ask is that he look at this story and consider changing the image. It just isn't a good look for blurt.

And yes, like I said to @lucylin I was tired when I responded to your messages yesterday. Which can make me a bit moody! Feeling much better this morning with the sound of the waking birds and the first light of another wonderful day. And I will stick around here no matter what happens :)

I can feel the energy and intelligence in plants as well, especially trees who for the most part have a very open energy/nature despite the many intrusions of a bad nature men have had with them over the course of history

Love this! And quite agree. The more time I spend with plants the more I see this to be true.

My understanding is the image in question was changed many weeks ago. I'm not really sure why it is being brought up again. Here is what I see there now, at least on the Blurt Blog front end which is run by the Foundation (Megadrive and Jacob).

front page.png

I believe it was changed really quickly after it was first complained about, which is again a demonstration that they listen to the users here.

Feeling much better this morning with the sound of the waking birds and the first light of another wonderful day. And I will stick around here no matter what happens :)

Awesome. Glad the sounds of nature was able to restore harmony to your heart. As well that you are sticking around. Between the good vibes here and the high potential for growth simply not possible at the other chains I have believed for almost a year and a half now Blurt is where good seeds are to be planted.

Plants are so awesome. There's been a few times in my life I bonded with a specific tree and the energy merging that took place is so much better than any drug could make one feel. It also opens ones perception up to feeling the interconnections of us all which is a form of ecstasy that can bring tears of relief to ones soul.

I still see it on the landing page actually, that original Image

It is what it is.

And the show must go on!

Interesting. Just curious, but do you use Blurt.blog?

That's the front end I use and I keep seeing the picture I shared the screenshot of.

Blurt.blog yeah Altho sometimes use live when I remember as it’s less buggy but I think it’s syill there on .blog

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

......permission to use part so of your posts, sir ?

opidia has started a deletion of her old comments from a month ago (I just noticed because of my feed notifications - she's editing out all the emotional outrage and expletives - replacing with emoji's lol)
....A manipulator always have their own image at the forefront of their minds- but they can't cover their actions so easily (like abandoning pets).

Seems like she's trying to whitewash a tarnished image....but I am gonna help to keep it in just the manner this account deserves.....
(i'm good like that - an old hippy like you wouldn't understand! lol)

I never realized the landing page was her artwork - (is the image of her as well ?)


......permission to use part so of your posts, sir ?

Sure. Use away!

Appreciate the updates. If I were her I would abandon that account altogether. The whitewash game doesn't work. As you are adequately demonstrating.

Though now you tell me what she is doing my biggest concern is that she may lie and manipulate other people here to get money out of them. I chose to focus on the vape to keep this story simple, but there is plenty more. Ultimately she was able to get money out of me and that money will never be returned.

Just to clarify, I wanted a room in her house as an office because I believed she was interested to learn how to trade and had been watching numerous trading videos I uploaded to Odysee for her. On this basis I was prepared to pay money for the room. However, she asked me to pay one year in advance, with the excuse that she had to pay one year in advance for the whole house. This annoyed me intensely at the time (because monthly is so obviously better in this kind of situation where none of us really know each other yet) but I reluctantly agreed. In the end she was not the person I imagined she was going to be, she hadn't watched the trading videos I spent weeks uploading for her and from what I could tell she was not interested in putting in the hours of work required to become a great trader. So, we didn't use the office at all, she left the village after 7 months and now the house is up for sale again, confirming she did not in fact pay the whole year in advance. Or if she did and has received a refund from the landlord, why was she not even willing to discuss the refund subject with me? I wouldn't go as far as calling her a thief, but rather an opportunist who is willing to lie and take what they can from any given situation before moving on and potentially repeating the process somewhere else. From my perspective she has ripped me off and there is no way I will ever get that money back. Lesson learned. Many lessons learned in fact. I never locked my courtyard entrance before I met her. And now I do!

So yes, if someone here does not persist in letting people know the truth, what is to stop her getting more money out of another friendly person who falls for the same games?

I never realized the landing page was her artwork - (is the image of her as well ?)

WTF is going on with this platform???? Seeing that image makes me feel sick. And I think that's all I have to say about that.

In fact I do have more to say. I don't feel like posting here on blurt while that image remains on the landing page for newcomers. Out of principle I can't do it. Either she is in bed with the devs and they don't care about her actions in the physical world or this is an honest mistake and they are using the face of someone who in my opinion cannot possibly have the best interests of this community at heart.

Do me a favour and drop me a DM when it's gone.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Stay, matey !

Don't let bad people drive off good people (that's how 'they' really win)....

If I wasn't getting down voted to oblivion on hive, I would have still been there.
The morons there have that tool - a tangible disincentive - but not here they don't ...ergo it is still a free-er environment than hive.

Don't go anywhere, you old hippy - you don't have to be remotely involved in any shite - or the attempted exorcism....to quote mia zebrinksy (my god) "...that's my job..."

...And while we're on the subject - can you perform some hippy ritual on me, to rid me of the demon within myself ?.... It's the one that finds mia zebrinksy, strangely hot....that'd be much appreciated !

Have slept now and feel less annoyed by all of this but still feel like something needs to be done. If I were to show that image to any person she interacted with in this village they would speak in one voice about how unfriendly she was. So the absurdity of seeing it there to welcome newcomers (while driving people to her page) is hard to take.

I have known @megadrive aka @cryptodrive for a very long time. We started interacting back in the early days of steemvoter (which I found to be a very useful tool) and he does as @practicalthought points out seem like a decent guy. Perhaps he might consider asking blurt's resident photographer (me!) if he would like to replace that image with something more appropriate?

And sure, I will keep posting here. Was just tired yesterday when I saw her face. I didn't take a single picture of her, so it was weird when I saw it. Lots of emotions came up.

As for your mis zebrinksy reference, I am so out of 'the bizz' these days I had to google her! Your demon seems in sync with the majority of other men in this respect and I do appreciate your offer of dealing with the shite so I don't have to. This subject has bothered me for long enough and I am ready to focus now on more enjoyable things....

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Have slept now and feel less annoyed by all of this but still feel like something needs to be done

Don't worry about that, matey . Good to see you still here...have a gander...

I do appreciate your offer of dealing with the shite so I don't have to.

'tis my calling in life, it seems...

....oooh, intellectual conflict !


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

...it now appears I am going to be put on 'some list', - coal? megadrive is still white knighting for her...

You can not be serious!?!?!?

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I can hopefully get a bit of tension out of the photo thing... One of the devs (not sure who) mentioned, that a carousell will be installed and asked @ultravioletmag, if he can use some photos from the Blurt UK meetup... I presume that image will disappear... So please, do keep posting! 🙏🌞

EDIT: Our cats just phoned... They command: The hooman must stay!!!!


Appreciate the update & cat command!

Yeah, I'm over it now. I have too much stuff to talk about yet so I'll be sticking around regardless of an image on a landing page.

Here is my current team of trouble makers ;)


Those cute little mongrels 😂😂😂😻😻😻😻😻More hooman commanders😂


Omg adorable

I’m a bit scared tho lol megadrive asked to use one of ours from the meetup I hope I don’t get people saying how bad it is every day and making posts complaining lol 😅😬

Don't be silly... We are all glad, that you are here!!! Have a great start into your happy Friday!!! 🙏🌞❤️

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Poor little kitties. I see there is more dat drama than human drama this week!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Glad you got your vape back.

I doubt the mayor "didnt know" about your weed smoking habits. He probably does too. Its more common than one thinks.

Yes some people show us two things, how to be and how not to be. oh not some, all people. except then it would be, which one would you want to see more of? because we can all be examples of how to be and how not to be.