Vaxxed... To Death! (Redux)

in vaccines •  2 years ago 

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[This is an update of an article I wrote four years ago. I contended then, as I do now, that vaccines were never intended to help keep people well, but are part of the depopulation/population control agenda and have been at least since 1917 when the Typhus vaccine developed by the Rockefeller Foundation caused the “Spanish Flu” pandemic of 1918 that killed between 20 and 40 million people. This doesn’t even cover the toxic Covid vaccines that are decimating the population worldwide.]

Remember when the CDC told us that all mercury had been removed from vaccines... They LIED! When they got caught red handed, they backtracked a bit and said that mercury (thimerosal), aluminum and other toxic metals "fell within the guidelines for safety." The problem here is that there are NO safety guidelines for toxic metals- any amount is dangerous... They LIED again! However, it seems that toxic metals are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to "toxifying" vaccines (I put ``toxifying in quotations because although many of these ingredients aren't toxic in and of themselves- they definitely aren't good for human beings).

I just read a series of articles on News Target that illustrate some of these ingredients- some of which I was aware of, some not. In an article entitled "The 9 Most Shocking Vaccine Ingredients for 2018," there was this list...

The 9 most SHOCKING vaccine ingredients of 2018

07/31/2018 / By S.D. Wells

“The year is 2018, and it would be nice to brag about science and medicine having come “so far,” but that’s impossible in regards to vaccines when they’re used to make humans sick and dysfunctional, especially newborn babies, infants and children. The theory of vaccines is legitimate, and the idea that doctors who attend eight years of medical school recommend all of them sounds convincing, but today’s nerve-and-immune-system-crippling ingredients should sound off all of your common sense alarms like ambulance sirens heading to the scene of a life or death emergency.”

The problem with questioning anything at all about vaccines is that you’re immediately labeled “anti-science” and “anti-vax” by the pro-vaccine cult – the same goons and trolls who want to have you burned at the stake if you get cancer and refuse chemotherapy.

Another huge problem with questioning anything about vaccines is that, if you do, you’re immediately labeled a conspiracy theorist, but then again, most of the “conspiracy theories” of the past decade or two have been proven true, like the U.S. government spying via Prism on all of its own citizens, and the CDC covering up health detriment caused to babies by the toxic MMR vaccine, or the Obama Administration running a shadow government the past two years, and we could just go on and on.

So, the next time you even consider a flu shot, or decide to have a baby, or hear about a friend or relative catching the measles, take a look at this article again, and remember what you learned about the insane, useless, experimental contents found in what is still termed “modern medicine,” even though the vaccine industry has already shelled out over $3 billion in damages to families whose kids were maimed or killed by the farce of “safe and efficient” immunization.

Top 9 vaccine ingredients you would never eat if found in food, so why allow them to be injected into muscle tissue?

#1. Infected African Green Monkey Kidney Vero Cells
#2. Deadly Porcine (Pig) Virus called Circovirus (in highly experimental Rotavirus jab)
#3. Fetal Cells from Human Abortions
#4. Peanut Oil (the main cause of childhood severe peanut allergies)
#5. Latex (some syringes are poked through latex vial stoppers, hence severe childhood latex allergies)
#6. FD&C Yellow #6 aluminum lake dye (why do we need vaccines to be colorful?)
#7. Squalene (main cause of auto-immune disorder)
#8. Over 50 Parts Per Million of Mercury (still found in certain flu shots)
#9. Genetically Modified DNA from other Humans (foreign proteins cause unnatural immune reactions)

To these, I'd like to add one more... #10. Army worm ovary cells. Now let's look at a few of these and more importantly, their consequences.

#1. Infected African green monkey kidney “vero” cells: "Today, the crooks and freaks at the CDC and Merck use infected African Green monkey kidney cells in the smallpox vaccine. Are you still in denial? Check this FDA page of 'vaccines, blood, and biologics' and you’ll find the truth about African Green monkey kidney cells being injected into humans for the sake of 'immunity.'"

This is a list of vaccines containing African Green Monkey cells:
Rotavirus vaccines (Rotarix by GlaxoSmithKline and RotaTeq by Merck & Co.)
Polio vaccine (IPOL by Sanofi Pasteur)
DTaP-IPV (Kinrix)
DTaP-HepB-IPV (Pediarix)
Smallpox vaccine (ACAM2000 by Sanofi Pasteur)
Japanese encephalitis vaccine (Ixiaro by Intercell)

To add a bit about the Salk Polio Vaccine: One of the researchers, Dr. Bernice Eddy, discovered contamination in the Salk vaccine, Simian Virus-40 (SV-40) a cancer-causing contaminant. When she brought it to the attention of her supervisors she was dismissed as an “hysterical female”, the vaccine was manufactured, approved by the FDA and given to an unsuspecting public. The cancer rate among the “Baby Boomer” population is more than double that of preceding generations.

#2. Deadly Porcine (Pig) Virus called Circovirus (in highly experimental Rotavirus jab)

"It’s a cold, hard, and hard-to-accept fact that the rotavirus, a.k.a. RotaTeq vaccine, contains types 1 and 2 of the deadly porcine circovirus that kills wild baby pigs by the thousands in the Far East. Why bring the virus to the United States, put it in a vaccine and give it to babies? Great question. Supposedly, RotaTeq is an oral vaccine used to help prevent rotavirus infection in children, but the vaccine itself has insane side effects to which you may never want to expose your child. Let’s take a look."

"One dangerous side effect reported after taking RotaTeq is a serious problem called intussusception. That’s when a baby’s intestines become tangled, and the baby can die as a result. According to reports, babies have died from this after receiving the RotaTeq vaccine. Could it possibly have to do with the fact that the vaccine contains a deadly pig virus? Some infants require hospitalization after the RotaTeq vaccine, including surgery on their intestines." I wrote about this in my last vaccine post- it's when intestines "telescope," collapsing in on themselves.

Porcine virus was also used in 1917 in a Typhus vaccine created by the Rockefeller Foundation and was responsible for many of the deaths attributed to the 1918 “Spanish Flu” pandemic that killed millions around the world.

#3. Fetal Cells from Human Abortions & #9. Genetically Modified DNA from other Humans (foreign proteins cause unnatural immune reactions) It should be fairly obvious that mixing DNA from different humans is a bad idea... there's a reason that you have the DNA you were born with- if you needed more, you would have been born with it.

"Yes, you may be getting infections from other people’s blood. You could get hepatitis, AIDS, or maybe just that problem where your immune system attacks itself and the doctors just can’t seem to figure out what went wrong. They’ll probably tell you it’s genetic and you inherited the problem, because no doctor in the history of America has ever blamed the insane ingredients in vaccines for health problems, even though the secretive vaccine court has paid out billions for vaccine damages to children."

#6. FD&C Yellow #6 aluminum lake dye (why do we need vaccines to be colorful?) Does the need to be "colorful" really outweigh the danger of ingesting aluminum?

#7. Squalene (main cause of auto-immune disorder) "Squalene is a component of some adjuvants that is added to vaccines to enhance the immune response. A naturally occurring substance found in plants, animals and humans, squalene is synthesized in the liver and circulates in the human bloodstream." (WHO) If squalene is already produced in the body, then why do we need it as an additive in vaccines... unless it's to counteract the damage done to the autoimmune system done by vaccines.

#10. Army worm ovary cells. "Can any human alive explain why the flu shot called Flucelvax contains cells taken from the ovaries of fall armyworms in the “pupal” stage. Sure, the explanation is that, rather than using eggs to brew the virus, the flu virus’s outer coat is “cranked” out this way in worm ovaries. This helps the vaccine manufacturers speed up their process, while the method helps the virus, as a shape-shifting protein, get inside human cells. Ready to be the next guinea pig and get that highly experimental and insane 'shot in the dark?'"

The others are fairly well self-explanatory.
[This is an update of an article I wrote four years ago. I contended then, as I do now, that vaccines were never intended to help keep people well, but are part of the depopulation/population control agenda and have been at least since 1917 when the Typhus vaccine developed by the Rockefeller Foundation caused the “Spanish Flu” pandemic of 1918 that killed between 20 and 40 million people. This doesn’t even cover the toxic Covid vaccines that are decimating the population worldwide.]

Remember when the CDC told us that all mercury had been removed from vaccines... They LIED! When they got caught red handed, they backtracked a bit and said that mercury (thimerosal), aluminum and other toxic metals "fell within the guidelines for safety." The problem here is that there are NO safety guidelines for toxic metals- any amount is dangerous... They LIED again! However, it seems that toxic metals are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to "toxifying" vaccines (I put ``toxifying in quotations because although many of these ingredients aren't toxic in and of themselves- they definitely aren't good for human beings).
I just read a series of articles on News Target that illustrate some of these ingredients- some of which I was aware of, some not. In an article entitled "The 9 Most Shocking Vaccine Ingredients for 2018," there was this list...
The 9 most SHOCKING vaccine ingredients of 2018
07/31/2018 / By S.D. Wells
“The year is 2018, and it would be nice to brag about science and medicine having come “so far,” but that’s impossible in regards to vaccines when they’re used to make humans sick and dysfunctional, especially newborn babies, infants and children. The theory of vaccines is legitimate, and the idea that doctors who attend eight years of medical school recommend all of them sounds convincing, but today’s nerve-and-immune-system-crippling ingredients should sound off all of your common sense alarms like ambulance sirens heading to the scene of a life or death emergency.”
The problem with questioning anything at all about vaccines is that you’re immediately labeled “anti-science” and “anti-vax” by the pro-vaccine cult – the same goons and trolls who want to have you burned at the stake if you get cancer and refuse chemotherapy.
Another huge problem with questioning anything about vaccines is that, if you do, you’re immediately labeled a conspiracy theorist, but then again, most of the “conspiracy theories” of the past decade or two have been proven true, like the U.S. government spying via Prism on all of its own citizens, and the CDC covering up health detriment caused to babies by the toxic MMR vaccine, or the Obama Administration running a shadow government the past two years, and we could just go on and on.
So, the next time you even consider a flu shot, or decide to have a baby, or hear about a friend or relative catching the measles, take a look at this article again, and remember what you learned about the insane, useless, experimental contents found in what is still termed “modern medicine,” even though the vaccine industry has already shelled out over $3 billion in damages to families whose kids were maimed or killed by the farce of “safe and efficient” immunization.
Top 9 vaccine ingredients you would never eat if found in food, so why allow them to be injected into muscle tissue?
#1. Infected African Green Monkey Kidney Vero Cells
#2. Deadly Porcine (Pig) Virus called Circovirus (in highly experimental Rotavirus jab)
#3. Fetal Cells from Human Abortions
#4. Peanut Oil (the main cause of childhood severe peanut allergies)
#5. Latex (some syringes are poked through latex vial stoppers, hence severe childhood latex allergies)
#6. FD&C Yellow #6 aluminum lake dye (why do we need vaccines to be colorful?)
#7. Squalene (main cause of auto-immune disorder)
#8. Over 50 Parts Per Million of Mercury (still found in certain flu shots)
#9. Genetically Modified DNA from other Humans (foreign proteins cause unnatural immune reactions)
To these, I'd like to add one more... #10. Army worm ovary cells. Now let's look at a few of these and more importantly, their consequences.
#1. Infected African green monkey kidney “vero” cells: "Today, the crooks and freaks at the CDC and Merck use infected African Green monkey kidney cells in the smallpox vaccine. Are you still in denial? Check this FDA page of 'vaccines, blood, and biologics' and you’ll find the truth about African Green monkey kidney cells being injected into humans for the sake of 'immunity.'"
This is a list of vaccines containing African Green Monkey cells:
Rotavirus vaccines (Rotarix by GlaxoSmithKline and RotaTeq by Merck & Co.)
Polio vaccine (IPOL by Sanofi Pasteur)
DTaP-IPV (Kinrix)
DTaP-HepB-IPV (Pediarix)
Smallpox vaccine (ACAM2000 by Sanofi Pasteur)
Japanese encephalitis vaccine (Ixiaro by Intercell)
To add a bit about the Salk Polio Vaccine: One of the researchers, Dr. Bernice Eddy, discovered contamination in the Salk vaccine, Simian Virus-40 (SV-40) a cancer-causing contaminant. When she brought it to the attention of her supervisors she was dismissed as an “hysterical female”, the vaccine was manufactured, approved by the FDA and given to an unsuspecting public. The cancer rate among the “Baby Boomer” population is more than double that of preceding generations.
#2. Deadly Porcine (Pig) Virus called Circovirus (in highly experimental Rotavirus jab)
"It’s a cold, hard, and hard-to-accept fact that the rotavirus, a.k.a. RotaTeq vaccine, contains types 1 and 2 of the deadly porcine circovirus that kills wild baby pigs by the thousands in the Far East. Why bring the virus to the United States, put it in a vaccine and give it to babies? Great question. Supposedly, RotaTeq is an oral vaccine used to help prevent rotavirus infection in children, but the vaccine itself has insane side effects to which you may never want to expose your child. Let’s take a look."
"One dangerous side effect reported after taking RotaTeq is a serious problem called intussusception. That’s when a baby’s intestines become tangled, and the baby can die as a result. According to reports, babies have died from this after receiving the RotaTeq vaccine. Could it possibly have to do with the fact that the vaccine contains a deadly pig virus? Some infants require hospitalization after the RotaTeq vaccine, including surgery on their intestines." I wrote about this in my last vaccine post- it's when intestines "telescope," collapsing in on themselves.
Porcine virus was also used in 1917 in a Typhus vaccine created by the Rockefeller Foundation and was responsible for many of the deaths attributed to the 1918 “Spanish Flu” pandemic that killed millions around the world.
#3. Fetal Cells from Human Abortions & #9. Genetically Modified DNA from other Humans (foreign proteins cause unnatural immune reactions) It should be fairly obvious that mixing DNA from different humans is a bad idea... there's a reason that you have the DNA you were born with- if you needed more, you would have been born with it.
"Yes, you may be getting infections from other people’s blood. You could get hepatitis, AIDS, or maybe just that problem where your immune system attacks itself and the doctors just can’t seem to figure out what went wrong. They’ll probably tell you it’s genetic and you inherited the problem, because no doctor in the history of America has ever blamed the insane ingredients in vaccines for health problems, even though the secretive vaccine court has paid out billions for vaccine damages to children."
#6. FD&C Yellow #6 aluminum lake dye (why do we need vaccines to be colorful?) Does the need to be "colorful" really outweigh the danger of ingesting aluminum?
#7. Squalene (main cause of auto-immune disorder) "Squalene is a component of some adjuvants that is added to vaccines to enhance the immune response. A naturally occurring substance found in plants, animals and humans, squalene is synthesized in the liver and circulates in the human bloodstream." (WHO) If squalene is already produced in the body, then why do we need it as an additive in vaccines... unless it's to counteract the damage done to the autoimmune system done by vaccines.

#10. Army worm ovary cells. "Can any human alive explain why the flu shot called Flucelvax contains cells taken from the ovaries of fall armyworms in the “pupal” stage. Sure, the explanation is that, rather than using eggs to brew the virus, the flu virus’s outer coat is “cranked” out this way in worm ovaries. This helps the vaccine manufacturers speed up their process, while the method helps the virus, as a shape-shifting protein, get inside human cells. Ready to be the next guinea pig and get that highly experimental and insane 'shot in the dark?'"
The others are fairly well self-explanatory.

Courtesy: Natural News
The "scientists" at the CDC and at major pharmaceutical companies are well aware of the effects and side effects (I would argue that there are no side effects- only direct effects) that these compounds cause in humans... particularly infants. Why then do they do it? Certainly there is the profit motive, but they could still charge the same amount by putting nonlethal ingredients in their concoctions... there must be something else at play here. The scheme to depopulate the developing countries in Africa and on the Indian subcontinent using bogus vaccines is well documented. The Gates Foundation has already been "outed" as the culprit in the UN/WHO depopulation plan for the third world- in fact there are warrants for Gates arrest in some places. The fact that vaccines contain toxins is no more a surprise than the dangers of fluoride in the water supply. The real question is- why are "they" allowed to get away with it?
[This is an update of an article I wrote four years ago. I contended then, as I do now, that vaccines were never intended to help keep people well, but are part of the depopulation/population control agenda and have been at least since 1917 when the Typhus vaccine developed by the Rockefeller Foundation caused the “Spanish Flu” pandemic of 1918 that killed between 20 and 40 million people. This doesn’t even cover the toxic Covid vaccines that are decimating the population worldwide.]

Remember when the CDC told us that all mercury had been removed from vaccines... They LIED! When they got caught red handed, they backtracked a bit and said that mercury (thimerosal), aluminum and other toxic metals "fell within the guidelines for safety." The problem here is that there are NO safety guidelines for toxic metals- any amount is dangerous... They LIED again! However, it seems that toxic metals are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to "toxifying" vaccines (I put ``toxifying in quotations because although many of these ingredients aren't toxic in and of themselves- they definitely aren't good for human beings).
I just read a series of articles on News Target that illustrate some of these ingredients- some of which I was aware of, some not. In an article entitled "The 9 Most Shocking Vaccine Ingredients for 2018," there was this list...
The 9 most SHOCKING vaccine ingredients of 2018
07/31/2018 / By S.D. Wells
“The year is 2018, and it would be nice to brag about science and medicine having come “so far,” but that’s impossible in regards to vaccines when they’re used to make humans sick and dysfunctional, especially newborn babies, infants and children. The theory of vaccines is legitimate, and the idea that doctors who attend eight years of medical school recommend all of them sounds convincing, but today’s nerve-and-immune-system-crippling ingredients should sound off all of your common sense alarms like ambulance sirens heading to the scene of a life or death emergency.”
The problem with questioning anything at all about vaccines is that you’re immediately labeled “anti-science” and “anti-vax” by the pro-vaccine cult – the same goons and trolls who want to have you burned at the stake if you get cancer and refuse chemotherapy.
Another huge problem with questioning anything about vaccines is that, if you do, you’re immediately labeled a conspiracy theorist, but then again, most of the “conspiracy theories” of the past decade or two have been proven true, like the U.S. government spying via Prism on all of its own citizens, and the CDC covering up health detriment caused to babies by the toxic MMR vaccine, or the Obama Administration running a shadow government the past two years, and we could just go on and on.
So, the next time you even consider a flu shot, or decide to have a baby, or hear about a friend or relative catching the measles, take a look at this article again, and remember what you learned about the insane, useless, experimental contents found in what is still termed “modern medicine,” even though the vaccine industry has already shelled out over $3 billion in damages to families whose kids were maimed or killed by the farce of “safe and efficient” immunization.
Top 9 vaccine ingredients you would never eat if found in food, so why allow them to be injected into muscle tissue?
#1. Infected African Green Monkey Kidney Vero Cells
#2. Deadly Porcine (Pig) Virus called Circovirus (in highly experimental Rotavirus jab)
#3. Fetal Cells from Human Abortions
#4. Peanut Oil (the main cause of childhood severe peanut allergies)
#5. Latex (some syringes are poked through latex vial stoppers, hence severe childhood latex allergies)
#6. FD&C Yellow #6 aluminum lake dye (why do we need vaccines to be colorful?)
#7. Squalene (main cause of auto-immune disorder)
#8. Over 50 Parts Per Million of Mercury (still found in certain flu shots)
#9. Genetically Modified DNA from other Humans (foreign proteins cause unnatural immune reactions)
To these, I'd like to add one more... #10. Army worm ovary cells. Now let's look at a few of these and more importantly, their consequences.
#1. Infected African green monkey kidney “vero” cells: "Today, the crooks and freaks at the CDC and Merck use infected African Green monkey kidney cells in the smallpox vaccine. Are you still in denial? Check this FDA page of 'vaccines, blood, and biologics' and you’ll find the truth about African Green monkey kidney cells being injected into humans for the sake of 'immunity.'"
This is a list of vaccines containing African Green Monkey cells:
Rotavirus vaccines (Rotarix by GlaxoSmithKline and RotaTeq by Merck & Co.)
Polio vaccine (IPOL by Sanofi Pasteur)
DTaP-IPV (Kinrix)
DTaP-HepB-IPV (Pediarix)
Smallpox vaccine (ACAM2000 by Sanofi Pasteur)
Japanese encephalitis vaccine (Ixiaro by Intercell)
To add a bit about the Salk Polio Vaccine: One of the researchers, Dr. Bernice Eddy, discovered contamination in the Salk vaccine, Simian Virus-40 (SV-40) a cancer-causing contaminant. When she brought it to the attention of her supervisors she was dismissed as an “hysterical female”, the vaccine was manufactured, approved by the FDA and given to an unsuspecting public. The cancer rate among the “Baby Boomer” population is more than double that of preceding generations.
#2. Deadly Porcine (Pig) Virus called Circovirus (in highly experimental Rotavirus jab)
"It’s a cold, hard, and hard-to-accept fact that the rotavirus, a.k.a. RotaTeq vaccine, contains types 1 and 2 of the deadly porcine circovirus that kills wild baby pigs by the thousands in the Far East. Why bring the virus to the United States, put it in a vaccine and give it to babies? Great question. Supposedly, RotaTeq is an oral vaccine used to help prevent rotavirus infection in children, but the vaccine itself has insane side effects to which you may never want to expose your child. Let’s take a look."
"One dangerous side effect reported after taking RotaTeq is a serious problem called intussusception. That’s when a baby’s intestines become tangled, and the baby can die as a result. According to reports, babies have died from this after receiving the RotaTeq vaccine. Could it possibly have to do with the fact that the vaccine contains a deadly pig virus? Some infants require hospitalization after the RotaTeq vaccine, including surgery on their intestines." I wrote about this in my last vaccine post- it's when intestines "telescope," collapsing in on themselves.
Porcine virus was also used in 1917 in a Typhus vaccine created by the Rockefeller Foundation and was responsible for many of the deaths attributed to the 1918 “Spanish Flu” pandemic that killed millions around the world.
#3. Fetal Cells from Human Abortions & #9. Genetically Modified DNA from other Humans (foreign proteins cause unnatural immune reactions) It should be fairly obvious that mixing DNA from different humans is a bad idea... there's a reason that you have the DNA you were born with- if you needed more, you would have been born with it.
"Yes, you may be getting infections from other people’s blood. You could get hepatitis, AIDS, or maybe just that problem where your immune system attacks itself and the doctors just can’t seem to figure out what went wrong. They’ll probably tell you it’s genetic and you inherited the problem, because no doctor in the history of America has ever blamed the insane ingredients in vaccines for health problems, even though the secretive vaccine court has paid out billions for vaccine damages to children."
#6. FD&C Yellow #6 aluminum lake dye (why do we need vaccines to be colorful?) Does the need to be "colorful" really outweigh the danger of ingesting aluminum?
#7. Squalene (main cause of auto-immune disorder) "Squalene is a component of some adjuvants that is added to vaccines to enhance the immune response. A naturally occurring substance found in plants, animals and humans, squalene is synthesized in the liver and circulates in the human bloodstream." (WHO) If squalene is already produced in the body, then why do we need it as an additive in vaccines... unless it's to counteract the damage done to the autoimmune system done by vaccines.

#10. Army worm ovary cells. "Can any human alive explain why the flu shot called Flucelvax contains cells taken from the ovaries of fall armyworms in the “pupal” stage. Sure, the explanation is that, rather than using eggs to brew the virus, the flu virus’s outer coat is “cranked” out this way in worm ovaries. This helps the vaccine manufacturers speed up their process, while the method helps the virus, as a shape-shifting protein, get inside human cells. Ready to be the next guinea pig and get that highly experimental and insane 'shot in the dark?'"
The others are fairly well self-explanatory.

Courtesy: Natural News
The "scientists" at the CDC and at major pharmaceutical companies are well aware of the effects and side effects (I would argue that there are no side effects- only direct effects) that these compounds cause in humans... particularly infants. Why then do they do it? Certainly there is the profit motive, but they could still charge the same amount by putting nonlethal ingredients in their concoctions... there must be something else at play here. The scheme to depopulate the developing countries in Africa and on the Indian subcontinent using bogus vaccines is well documented. The Gates Foundation has already been "outed" as the culprit in the UN/WHO depopulation plan for the third world- in fact there are warrants for Gates arrest in some places. The fact that vaccines contain toxins is no more a surprise than the dangers of fluoride in the water supply. The real question is- why are "they" allowed to get away with it?

Courtesy: Natural News
The "scientists" at the CDC and at major pharmaceutical companies are well aware of the effects and side effects (I would argue that there are no side effects- only direct effects) that these compounds cause in humans... particularly infants. Why then do they do it? Certainly there is the profit motive, but they could still charge the same amount by putting nonlethal ingredients in their concoctions... there must be something else at play here. The scheme to depopulate the developing countries in Africa and on the Indian subcontinent using bogus vaccines is well documented. The Gates Foundation has already been "outed" as the culprit in the UN/WHO depopulation plan for the third world- in fact there are warrants for Gates arrest in some places. The fact that vaccines contain toxins is no more a surprise than the dangers of fluoride in the water supply. The real question is- why are "they" allowed to get away with it?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

All allergies come from jabs and i cannot believe how some smart people in some fields do think , jabs are not bad ..the idea of jabs is not bad .
This is so painful for the brain to even try to talk / explain things , i just cant anymore .

Your post repeats many paragraphs. Great post tho.
"although many of these ingredients aren't toxic in and of themselves- they definitely aren't good for human beings"
It is the mode of entry that makes them so toxic. Injection is much more lethal than ingestion.
There are no 'viruses' in vaccines. What there is is a soup of dead cell debris from multiple sources (animals and human) from the cell cultures.
There is also the problem of anaphylaxis which the whole vaccine industry has seemingly ignored.

The leader of Blurt said in his interview with a Russian blurter that his biggest achievement with Blurt was the Blurt hospital in Nigeria. What was the first thing that hospital did on opening? They vaccinated all the babies. Nice work (not).

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Actually, the 1917 Typhus vaccine was made using swine viruses using chicken albumin as a host to keep them alive

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

viruses were never living even by their theory but I tell you there are no 'viruses'. When they say that word they don't mean what you think they mean. In 1917 the word 'virus' meant poison. Viruses as described today were invented around 1930's.

Posted from

Glad to see People who know the "deadly virus" is a Rockefeller lie, as was "contagion." I applaud!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I stand corrected. Splendid piece of work, I'm humbled.

Thanx and welcome to 'camp no-virus' it's the only right place to be xx

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes but not many listen ...

I thought this and was becoming despondent then last week I saw a radio host had made a post all about a show we did two and a half years ago. He had taken quotes from the show as if he'd suddenly realised what I'd been saying back then was actually true. So I'm seeing a kind of time lag and a kind of new wave of interest in this.

Then there are some who will never listen. We can't help those.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I've suspected that the spanish flu was a vaccine induced illness (just like covid), and am not surprised to hear that it may have been an earlier depopulation event. So much of what we are going through now are repeats of what we went through then.

Vaccines are black magic, created by witch doctors. All vaccination world wide, for all diseases, must stop immediately.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good points all. The damage that the Gates Foundation and Clinton Global Health Initiatives have done in Africa and India is incredible, and that's just two.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Knowing that gates never ever vaccinated their own child

Yes, the jabs are and always have been about messing with Our health, increasing the visits to "doctors" for profit. Never about Our well being. As some here have pointed out, "deadly viruses" (and "contagion") is a Rockefeller lie to sell petro-"medicine" for profit and the fear factor (used to full advantage in 2020).

The reason They are allowed to get away with it is that "governments" are for-profit corporations that create only an illusion that We have any say or that they are interested in Us. They are owned by the same Ones who also own Big P(HARM)a, and so will side with Their other investments.

You might want to check out My latest on revenge and solutions:

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Do you know this post is in triplicate?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

It’s a very long article.
It’s a very long article.
It’s a very long article

@blurtbooster loves these though.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Actually it's kinda short for me, only 7 pages. Most of mine are around 10

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is no surprise to me, they haven't had our best interest at heart for my lifetime and beyond! I would like to see those responsible tried be and hung for the murders they committed!

Keep shining the light of truth to route these evil cockroaches!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you my friend! I'm using fiction and humor to tell the truth. Like Oscar Wilde said: If you want to tell the truth you better make people laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Great to see you back! I suspect you wouldn't be a soft target, if the cockroaches were stupid enough to come looking....

What a strange time we live in!
