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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

viruses were never living even by their theory but I tell you there are no 'viruses'. When they say that word they don't mean what you think they mean. In 1917 the word 'virus' meant poison. Viruses as described today were invented around 1930's.

Posted from

Glad to see People who know the "deadly virus" is a Rockefeller lie, as was "contagion." I applaud!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I stand corrected. Splendid piece of work, I'm humbled.

Thanx and welcome to 'camp no-virus' it's the only right place to be xx

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes but not many listen ...

I thought this and was becoming despondent then last week I saw a radio host had made a post all about a show we did two and a half years ago. He had taken quotes from the show as if he'd suddenly realised what I'd been saying back then was actually true. So I'm seeing a kind of time lag and a kind of new wave of interest in this.

Then there are some who will never listen. We can't help those.

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