You can see this post in English at below
직관적이고 간결한 구조를 가지지만 훌륭한 보상을 받을 수 있는 보팅 서비스를 소개합니다.
초기에는 임대 개수보다 더 많은 비율로 보팅이 될 예정입니다.
UPVoting U(Symbol : UPVU)
1. 서비스 소개(개요)
- 복잡한 계산과 헷갈리는 사용방법을 떠나 최대한 직관적이고 사용하기 편한 보팅서비스를 지향합니다.
- 매일 높은 효율로 블러트 배당이 이루어집니다.(보팅을 제외하고도 대략 20% 이상, 현재 블러트환경 기준)
2. 서비스 설명
1) BP(Blurt Power) 임대
- 보팅을 받기 위해서는 10,000 BP 이상을 @upvu에 임대해 주셔야 합니다.
- 임대 정보는 KST 기준 00시(UTC 기준 15시)에 반영됩니다.
2) 보팅규칙
- 필수 태그 없습니다.(아무곳에나 쓰셔도 됩니다.)
- 서비스 초기에는 운영진에서 별도로 BP를 75만 정도 외부에서 들여올 예정입니다.
- KST 기준 00~24시(UTC 기준 15시~ 다음날 15시) 사이에 매일 1회 @upvu가 가진 전체 BP 대비 (자신이 임대한 BP)의 비율만큼 보팅이 됩니다.
3) 보상분배
- BP 임대자들에게 매주 BLURT가 배당이 됩니다.
10000 BP 를 임대한 경우
전체 보상 Pool에서 10000개 비율만큼 배당 분배
- 현재기준 투자한 수량 대비 대략 연 20% 이상의 이자를 받을 수 있습니다.(보팅수익은 별도, 순수 배당 이자)(BLURT 전체의 BP 스테이킹 수량에 따라 달라 질 수 있음)
- 서비스 한달 이후부터는 @upvu의 BP를 파워다운해서 충당합니다.(배당에 필요한 수량 만큼만 파워다운)
4) 운영진
추가로 궁금한 사항이나 질문사항 있으시면 댓글 주십시오.
Greetings! We are introducing a voting service that has an intuitive and concise structure, yet provides a great reward.
'At the begining of our service, voting will be done at a higher rate than your delegation.'
UPVoting U(Symbol : UPVU)
1. Service Introduction(Overview)
- Our goal is to make a voting service that is intuitive and easy to use. Users will not have to study complex calculations or service manuals.
- BLURT distribution will be made with high efficiency every day.(Interest rate is 20% or more, excluding voting, based on the current BLURT environment)
2. Service Description
1) BP(Blurt Power) delegation
- You should deleate more than 10,000 BP to @upvu in order to being voted.
- Delegation information is reflected to the system at 00:00 KST (15:00 UTC).
2) Voting Rules
- Mandatory #Tag is not needed. (You can post wherever you want)
- At the beginning of the service, the management team plans to fund about 750,000 BPs from outside.
- Voting will be made 00:00 ~ 24:00 KST(15:00 UTC ~ 15:00 the next day) once a day, as much as the ratio of @upvu's total BP to the BP you have delegated.
3) Reward distribution
- Every week, BLURT will be distributed to those who have delegated BP.
In case you have delegated 10,000 BP
The reward is distributed in the proportion of (10,000 / Total reward pool)
- Currently, the annual interest is about 20% or more compared to your investment. (Voting income excluded)
- After one month of our initiating service, @upvu's BP will be powered down to distribute rewards. (BP is powered down in the amount required for reward distribution)
4) Manager
If you have further questions, please comment.
Best Regards,
hello @upvu
I have delegated 6000 BP to you
I tried to deligate 10000 BP to @upvu but the transaction Is not completed and the message as per screenshot: https://prnt.sc/1zxx2m0
said not enough mana but i have enough blurt power to deligate.
Welcome to the Blurt! Please follow us on Twitter- https://twitter.com/blurtofficial, Telegram- https://t.me/blurtofficialchat, Join our Official Discord server- Here
wow, great, nice to see you also in Blurt with the same service.
wow , it is nice to see you here. I have seen you on steemit and now your service is starting here too.
Best of luck and i hope you a great journey ahead here.
멋진 서비스입니다. 응원합니다!
This is a great development on blurt. Thanks so much ❤️😘
I'm so happy to see new services coming into blurt Community. Good news.
드디어 이곳에도 진출했군요..
Profit 500 BP ??
Profit 500 BP ??
I am very happy to see your services in blurt
Welcome @upvu team
It is great that you have your service operational on blurt.
와.. 이거 블러트 회원가입하고 Blurt를 살려고 해도 방법도 모르겠고 리스팀을 해도 댓글을 달아도 비용이 들어가는군요.. 헉... 어디 정리된 곳도 없고 많이 어렵네요. 에고고
@upvu saya juga telah menanyakan ini di steemit
Good to see you. It's a wonderful project. I like it. When will you start this project? I am willing to delegate, I must think about it.
Your post impressed me so much. Would you like to see my blog and give some upvotes?
Hi, @nazirhussain. Our voting program is done automatically. So I am sorry to say that we do not privately vote to other accounts. I hope this answer was helpful. Cheers.
Woow nice
I have delegated 22,000 BP to you
Hi, @gabikay. Thank you for using our voting service. Have a great day! Cheers.
I have delegated 10,000 BP to you
Hi, @shariarahammad. Thank you for using our voting service. Hope you have a great day. Cheers.
Hello 15 hours ago I delegate 20k blurt still not get any upvote...
Hi @mamun123456. I believe you have already noticed the voting system works properly. The voting is normally done automatically the day after your delegation, because the delegation information is reflected to our system at 00:00 KST (15:00 UTC). Cheers.
I see here that you have a lot of delegates like that but I have no plan to delegate blurt

in my ID so I can't delegate so I am consoling you with a little comment.
I delegated 22k BP but yet to get any upvotes
Hi @ononiwujoel. I believe you have already noticed the voting system works properly. The voting is normally done automatically the day after your delegation, because the delegation information is reflected to our system at 00:00 KST (15:00 UTC). Cheers.
i have delegated 371 BP to you
Hi I delegate 14000 BP.

How I received a reward?
Please tell me about all.
Hi @afzalqamar. I believe you have already noticed the voting system works properly. Voting is done automatically once a day. Cheers.
Thanks so much for that,I want same in steemit my SP there 3000,how much I received a vote there?
Hi @afzalqamar. You will be voted approximately 14 times the amount of SP you have delegated once a day at steemit. So if you delegate 3000 SP, we will vote on you with 42,000 SP every day. Hope this answer was helpful.
What's the delegation amount for 100% vote?
Hi, @cryptopie. You must delegate approximately 300,000 BP in order to get 100% voting. But even if you get 100% vote now. as the number of user is increasing, there is possibility that voting ratio can decrease in the future.
Hope this answer was helpful.
블러트 지갑에서 10,000BP를 임대하는 데 계속 Transaction error 가 발생하는 데, 그 이류를 모르겠네요.
임대할 수 있는 다른 방법이 있나요?
안녕하세요 @strosalia님,
음... 지금 총 BP가 10010이시던데 혹시 블러트에 임대시에 최소로 남겨두어야 하는 수량이 있는건 아닌지 모르겠습니다. ㅠ
혹시 에러메세지가 어떤건지 알려주시면 좀 더 자세히 알 수 있을 것 같습니다.
캡쳐가능하시면 해주시면 감사하겠습니다.
아.. RC가 부족해서 안됐던 건 데 제대로 확인도 안하고 왜 안되나 했네요.
10,000BP 임대했습니다. 감사합니다.
Hey @upvu . How are you doing?
I delegate my steempower , do i need to delegate what little blurt i have to get an upvote herenon #blurt?
Thank you
Hi, @welshstacker. You should deleate more than 10,000 BP to @upvu in order to get voting. If you have further questions please comment. Cheers.
Hi upvu, have delegated large sums of blurt from some accounts
We do not blog, but assume that there are other rewards to get from delegates. But I can not find or see that you have received the delegate anywhere
Hi, @xpilar. Blurt compensation will be provided once a week in the future and we are currently developing our system. We will reflect the delegation history when our system is ready. Thank you for your understanding. Cheers.
Good morning @xpilar sir,
Please kindly vote my witness on blurt.
I will be grateful 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.
I have delegated 10100 BP yesterday but still not upvotes... It's been 24 hours
Hi, @priyanarc. I believe you would have found out that UPVU Voting system works properly. If you have further questions, please let me know. Cheers.
Yes, I have found and thank you so much :) have a nice weekend...
Is the voting passed ? i haven't recieved my upvote for today
Thank you
Hi @kamranrkploy,
You can get upvoting from @upvu once a day(0:00 ~ 23:55) based in Korea Time(UTC +9).
Note please.
금일자 보팅이 아직 안들어 오네요..
안녕하세요 @nasoe님!!
어제는 조금 늦었습니다!! 처리 완료되었습니다!! ^^
금일 보팅이 안 들어와서 글 남겨요^^
안녕하세요 @blackeyedm님!!
어제는 조금 늦었습니다!! 처리 완료되었습니다!! ^^
Sir I did not get a vote for my post from you today
Hi, i miss you upvotes since a couple of days!
Can you have a eye on it?
I want to increase my delegation, will it reflect or do I have to first undelegate??
Sir I did not get a vote for my post from you today
오늘 보팅이 안 들어와서 글 남깁니다^^
안녕하세요 @blackeyedm님,
답변이 늦어 정말 죄송합니다! ㅠㅠ
그 날 조금 늦게 보팅이 되었네요..!!
모두 정상적으로 되었습니다.
Sir I did not get a vote for my post from you today
Hi @shariarahammad,
Sorry for late answer.
Upvu service upvotes once a day in based Korea Time(UTC+9).
And you posted twice in a day based Korea time as above image.
Please note that.
Ok sir
배당 이자는 언제부터 들어오는건가요?
안녕하세요 @kjinhyun 님,
충분한 블러트를 모으느라 시간이 조금 걸렸습니다.
현재 모든 배당관련 자료는 모아져 있고 차주 월요일에 첫 배당이 나갈예정입니다.
답변늦어 죄송합니다.
Thanks brother you are very genius parson and also your topic is high quality
Hello @upvu, I have delegated more than 10k BP. Kindly upvote my posts. Thanks you