How the wealthy thinks🤔

in upvu •  last year 

The reasoning direction and creative capacity of a man determines his class in life.



A Poor person always think of getting physical money.
A Rich person always think of using money for acquiring material things.

A Wealthy Person will always think more of new ideas, creativity and values to offer.
Creativity and Value will bring both money and material things the poor and rich focus to the wealthy effortlessly.

Creativity is the ability to engage the mind in productive thinking to achieve what is unusual. Becoming solution to problems through mental revolution, seeing what others are not seeing, thinking what others don't think. Seeing opportunities in challenging situations.

Naturally! Man was created by God to be creative and innovative.

For instance! God created trees not furnitures. He gave man the responsibility to do the reasoning of furnitures from trees and many other innovations. It means It's our responsibility to develop and use that creative potential in us to achieve whatever we aspire in life..

Obviously! every products and services around us today was someones reasoning, creativity or innovation.

Many of the world’s richest billionaires are successful self-made entrepreneurs who accumulated large fortunes by providing low-cost inevitable goods, products and services for the public.

Successful billionaires/entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, Bernard Arnault, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison created or propagated entire new industries that also generated value for consumers all over the world. The wealth and value generated for society by this successful entrepreneurial billionaires dwarf even their personal fortunes, just because they made the lives of millions of consumers, many of them living in low-income households, better off.*

I have chosen to be in the class of the wealthiest, since being wealthy is not only about how much i have in my bank account rather my mindset and how my ideas, creativity and life is adding value to humanity.

Someone can even have natural resources at his/her backyard and still be poor, If having natural resources (For instance!! CRUDE OIL) behind the house or within your reach is not combined with a level of mental responsibility, capacity that will mobilise great ideas and processes to maximise the resources, converting them into finished and useful products and services that add inevitable values to the masses.

So!! How can i be creative in my mind like the wealthy to offer unusual values to humanity?



Take responsibility to constantly upgrade your mind through positive knowledge.
Among many of the ways to be creative in the mind requires improving continuously, not being comfortable with the old way, never be obsolete, being updated, tasking the mind to reason things better based on global recognition and demands. Always be curious, observative to know the WHY? of things around you. Go for relevant informations because If you are uninformed in a specific area you may be deformed in that area. If you don't read you will be obsolete. It's therefore inevitable to be informed and updated on your goals before you can do it successfully. Being Poor is a mental state and can be an indicator of lack of sufficient ideas, information or creativity. It's not just about going to school or passing through the four walls of the higher institutions for certificates, there's no end to learning, that means; after certification is creativity, innovation and implementation. After certification is when the creative ability of individuals should comes out to establish useful and wealthy activities in the field of entrepreneurs offering values for enormous consumers. Where school stops is where creativity should start by the use of the mind.



Be a solution driven thinker.
Solution thinking is hard work that's why a manager sitting in the office with a pen is paid higher than the labourer carrying bricks on the field. One is a labourer using physical strength, the other is a manager using his mind to create and control processes for maximum productivity. If we want to do well then it's our major responsibility to think critically well. There is no limit to what we can achieve except the limitations we place in our minds.

You can do it or You can't do it are both a state of your mind. That great result you desire must first be seen and believed in your mind if you want to achieve it. Engage positive Imaginative thinking about life and solution to problems around you. Don't think about problem, discover problems and think solutions then discuss solutions with the great minds.

Great thinkers are problem solver, our life is shaped by our thoughts. My future will be shaped by what I'm thinking today because I'm currently a product of my yesterday's thought.



Keep company of great minds and solution thinkers.
I found out that rubbing mind great minds in your field of interest will enhance your knowledge, success and creativity and reasoning in that field. Who you follow determine what follows you eventually.

We don't have to limit genuine valuable relationships only to the physical, we can relate with great minds books, contents and observations. Just like the major benefits i enjoy on #blurt ; Relationship is more of connectivity than proximity.



Conclusively! We must be investment driven The more we think of investing the more freedom we acquire.

Solutions to many challenges might require investing ranging from time, ideas, digital assets, governance, etc.

Never leave situations the way you met them, always strive to make situations better if not solved.

We must always look out for problem around us to solve. It's when an individual is solution driven that his/her mind is being tasked for creativity. Every problem have a solution, our work is to think, create, and solve them in different and innovative ways. The more problems we solve, the more we lift and impact our people and society positively. Ultimately, the wealthier we all become.


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