Extraction the military of Mariupol

in ukraine •  2 years ago 

 " " \" \" \\" \\"image.png\\"\\"\"\"""

They should die just because they love their country, should they?

**Mariupol defenders ask everybody to post this photo of Mariupol in social media with the hashtag #extraction \ _the \ _military \ _of \ _Mariupol #Azovstal #Marioupol Thet need media noise and constant reminders for their rescue.

pic credit https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100025555592189

What is extraction ?

"Extraction is the process of removing personnel when it is considered imperative that they be immediately relocated out of a hostile environment and taken to an area either occupied or controlled by friendly personnel" credit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraction_(military)#:~:text=In%20military%20tactics%2C%20extraction%20(also,or%20controlled%20by%20friendly%20personnel.

The Azov Regiment is one of the worst nightmares of the Russian invaders. That is why we are faced with unprecedented hatred and cruelty in all matters that relate to the rescue of the soldiers of the Azov regiment from the environment of Russian fascists. Probably, the Russians are not given to understand that you can love your country so much that you are ready to die for it. Therefore, they are trying to humiliate the honor of the defenders of Azovstal by all available means. The information war continues as the war of Russia against Ukraine continues.

There are no photos in this post that I took. This is clear. I am far from our defenders. But every minute their fate echoes with pain in my heart and the heart of every Ukrainian. And I want everyone to see these amazing people. For everyone to know about them. This is an unprecedented example of courage and patriotism.

 " " \" \" \\" \\"image.png\\"\\"\"\"""  " " \" \" \\" \\"image.png\\"\\"\"\"""

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 " " \" \" \\" \\"image.png\\"\\"\"\""" pics credit https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2022/may/10/russia-ukraine-war-live-news-russian-troops-trying-to-storm-azovstal-steel-plant-says-kyiv-us-plans-40bn-aid-package-latest-updates?page=with:block-627b26c38f08493b6168a2d1

This is how they looked until February 24, 2022, when Russia vilely attacked my country. They are just like you and me. Only now they are dying for loving their country.

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pics credit https://news.obozrevatel.com/vojna-v-ukraine/vojna-menyaet-ne-tolko-litso-no-i-dushi-foto-zaschitnikov-mariupolya-do-i-posle-vtorzheniya-rossii.htm

How much is life worth?

Maybe it is your post with the photo and tags indicated at the beginning of this post in the any social media will help save their lives.


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Never. We will win and Putin's fascist regime will come to an end.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I sure hope so. You need more weapons.