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I also logged a…bo022 in actifit • yesterdayMy Actifit Report Card: December 20 2024一个人的名声之所以能够穿越时光的长河,历久弥新,值得被后世传颂,根本在于他是否具备卓越的德行,而非仅仅因为他拥有显赫的社会地位或是堆砌如山的财富。德行,如同璀璨星辰,在人生的夜空中指引着方向,它体现在对正义的坚守、对弱者的同情、对承诺的信守以及面对诱惑时的自律与清白。这样的品质,无论时代如何变迁,都是衡量一个人价值的不朽标尺。世人对于一个人的评价与信任,往往建立在其实际行动的基础之上,而非仅凭其华ronnie10 in actifit • 19 hours agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 20 2024Days are moving by so fast. I'm losing count and I feel that I am not achieving the best that I can with everyday that passes by. This report was published via Actifit app ( Android | iOS…jeffjagoe in actifit • 3 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 17, 2024Yesterday I logged 8,415 steps on @actifit, roughly 1,600 steps short of my daily 10K step goal. Majority of my steps were logged on a short hike with Scarlett and Duke as you can see in the photo…bo022 in actifit • 2 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 19 2024遵循正义之道:赢得人心与支持的力量 在人生的旅途中,我们不难发现一个深刻而朴素的道理:那些始终遵循正义原则的人,往往能够赢得更多人的衷心支持与无私帮助。正义,如同一盏明灯,照亮了前行的道路,也温暖了人心,让人们愿意携手同行,共同面对生活中的风雨与挑战。…ronnie10 in actifit • 2 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 19 2024Half an hour before midnight. Let me just post this. I went walking today and played tennis which was a great combination. But, I only reached 10K. I thought it would be more than this to be…mariannewest in actifit • yesterdayMy Actifit Report Card: December 19 2024Found 3 of these in the garden. An intense day of taking care of trees and such. Saw a gopher pulling down a plant. Need to set traps. #sbi-skip This report was published via Actifit app (…bo022 in actifit • 3 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 18 2024人的气质,自出生那一刻起,便如同被深深烙印在灵魂深处,很大程度上受到遗传、环境等先天性因素的影响,因此本质上难以轻易改变。这种内在的气质,无论是温文尔雅,还是豪爽奔放,都仿佛是个人独有的标签,难以通过简单的外在手段进行重塑。然而,在这纷繁复杂的世界中,有一种神奇的力量,它能够穿透心灵的壁垒,润物细无声地影响着每一个人的内在世界,那就是——读书。…abbak7 in actifit • 2 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 19 2024This report was published via Actifit app ( Android | iOS ). Check out the original version here on actifit.ioronnie10 in actifit • 3 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 18 2024It was a mediocre day. I don't know what to say about today. But, I barely reached the minimum which is 5K. This is not good and I need to do more in the coming days! This report was published…ronnie10 in actifit • 4 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 17 2024I have been talking so much side talk in my previous reports. In this report I guess I was too close from reaching 10K. I didn't reach it though. But, I'm only 200 steps away. This report was…jeffjagoe in actifit • 5 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 15, 2024Yesterday I logged 3,877 steps on @actifit, roughly 6,300 steps short of my daily 10K step goal. One of my New Year’s resolutions will be to actually strive towards 10K each day. I spent the day at…abbak7 in actifit • 3 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 18 2024This report was published via Actifit app ( Android | iOS ). Check out the original version here on actifit.iodanmaruschak in actifit • yesterdayMy Actifit Report Card: December 19 2024Instead of my usual morning walk I used that time to finish up the Christmas gift craft project I’ve been working on. I walked to the post office to mail it, and then walked to the grocery store and…bo022 in actifit • 5 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 16 2024善于进行启发教育的人,在教育他人的过程中,应当细心观察并深入了解对方理解事理的实际状况,然后依据这些具体情况,循序渐进、由浅入深地引导对方逐渐明白事理,直至完全通晓。在这个过程中,教育者必须保持极大的耐心和敏锐的洞察力,切勿急于求成,勉强去开导那些对方一时难以理解或无法通明之处。因为强迫或急于求成的做法,往往只会适得其反,让对方感到困惑和挫败,从而失去学习的兴趣和动力。真正的启发教育,应当是如春风mushanov in actifit • yesterdayMy Actifit Report Card: December 19 2024Малко коледно тържество в детската градина. This report was published via Actifit app ( Android | iOS ). Check out the original version here on actifit.iochrisparis in actifit • 2 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 19 2024Jeudi, la plupart des dossiers sont classés... Encore quelques-uns pour demain avant les vacances... Thursday, most of the files are closed... A few more for tomorrow before the holidays...…jeffjagoe in actifit • 6 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 14, 2024Yesterday I logged 4,069 steps on @actifit, roughly 6,000 steps short of my daily 10K step goal. Majority of my steps were logged doing some Christmas shopping in the morning after breakfast. The…fizz0 in actifit • 2 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 19 2024This report was published via Actifit app ( Android | iOS ). Check out the original version here on