The Buddha pyramids in Glastonbury

in travel •  9 months ago  (edited)

I see this pyramid shop every single time I go to Glastonbury and I was meeting up with a friend this time who wanted to do an hour session, so I thought why not I will test the 20 minute sample session. There is some kind of basis of understanding why meditating in a pyramid is beneficial because of how the energies go to a point in the shop they sell very expensive necklaces and sculptures that are made of a mix of sacred geometry, man-made crystals, and Magnets. Supposedly a man who is the reincarnation of Jesus who was previously a truck driver blesses them and gives them their power 🫠. I think in the spiritual community and life in general it’s easy to give one’s power to outside influences when everything we need is within and I worked through that pattern quite some time ago. I do believe in utilising tools however to help one to go within and you do feel something from these although I have a feeling it’s the magnets more than the second coming of Jesus. Ill review this properly in my full video though 🤗

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  ·  8 months ago  ·  

The only thing I want to see in Glastonbury, this temple, or what is left of it.

Jesus stone.jpg

Is that the place on top of tOr?

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Here is the address: Magdalene St, Glastonbury BA6 9EL, United Kingdom

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

King Arthur tomb.webp

I don’t think it’s ever been proven has it? I’ve never been in there as it’s quife expensive and you can see most of it peering over the gate lol but I always go up the tOr and there is a part of that that links to Guinevere by the big round stone I believe can’t remember quite how now need to look it up. Last time I rly wanted to find the holy hawthorn but it’s hard to know where it is now it’s been cut down 😥

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

For me it would be worth the money just to see the stone in person and the temple. I am not as concerned about the tomb, but if it is Arthur's tomb, that is neat too.

There is a lot of free stuff in glasto with a lot of culture and you can see the whole abbey over the gate but I can understand why you would like to go in :) it’s not top of my list but mayeb one day it’s why I like to vlog so it can pay for entry to things.

  ·  9 months ago  ·  


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