Training The Children as Young as They are to Do Household Chores

in training •  11 months ago 


Hi Blurtians! Just want to share some of the activities my nieces and nephews while they are at home for a few days vacation. I see to it that they do household chores and also spend some time for games to have balance lifestyle.


The older ones are the one in-charge to do the laundry. They washed their clothes and also the dirty clothes from their younger brother and sister. They helped each other though. They are the ones who wash the dishes, sweep the floor, feed the younger siblings and do other household chores.


They also have time to play games. They have time to play online games or watch movies for children. I allowed them to use cellphones but with limited time and confiscte the phones once the time is 9:30pm, the time for the younger ones to sleep.♥️

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