Today's Youth

in today •  3 months ago 

Hello Friends on Blurt Blockchain!
Long time no see!
I was busy last two weeks. Now I am baack!

Today I would like to share the topic of "Today's youth".

Today's Youth

Youth is the future of a country. To the youth, It is the responsibility of adults today to raise them to be good people.

The young people around me see a lot of young people who are bent on destruction. You can't blame the damaged youth. Growing trends also play a role in the destruction of youth.
The main culprit for damaging young people is the mobile phone. Parents allow their children to easily use mobile phones. The closest example is the very young 12-13 year olds using their own accounts on Tik Tok. ass shaking head shaking They are addicted to social media like an opium addict.
Similarly, parents watch YouTube videos. Videos for adults to watch, butt, Can be on the chest. If children watch this, it may lead them astray. However, YouTube allows you to create separate accounts for children. In that case, YouTube will show only videos about children. However, the majority of adults using mobile phones in Myanmar is how to use a mobile phone. In Myanmar, parents who are struggling to earn money to support their families from day to day do not have time to study technology. However, it is also the parents' responsibility to teach their children not to go astray.

The news I heard about that matter is very bad. The reason is that a 7-8-year-old boy watched X videos. Parents should allow children to use mobile phones with special care. I conclude this article by presenting that if children are allowed to use Mobile Phones recklessly like this, the future of Myanmar has reached a very bad state.

Written by @myanmarkoko

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