Clinging to Chains of Happiness...

in tikatarot •  2 years ago 



I'm telling you about a feeling
And it's all so beautiful
And it's something that you're never going to regret
You'll never lose yourself in time
But then again, nobody's perfect…

And I'm broken by parts of me,
But now I have a chance to fix this
And I'm telling you about the hope that's left
I'm stuck in the past, I can't break…

It's dragging on and on and on
I've given up trying I know what's in store
For, I didn’t want to give up hope
I'm tired of this way of living
I'm tired of living hell!

I gave up my pride, but it was no use
It's just not worth it anymore
So many times we have had the chance to escape
To stop time and begin again…

We pass it by, we cling to our chains
We hold back our happiness,
If we won't grab that chance
To be free of undeniable questions to face…

A person to become
Tomorrow we’ll seek
Cling to Change
Tired of living hell


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your own destiny and the maker of your own dreams…”

tikatarot sign.png

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