Today's Thoughts:(#13)

in thoughts •  2 years ago 

Everything has a reason!

Calmness is a state of mind and heart where you are at complete peace. You are free from any agitation and are not bound by any strong emotion. This is the most serene and the best position to be in, as you are able to function much better when calm. You are able to make better decisions. Calmness can be achieved with various things.
–There will always be a reason why you meet people.Either you need them to change your life or you’re the one that will change theirs.”

–It is something that is hard to grasp or believe in the midst of it, but it could not be more true.

Think of the phrase, “People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.”

It is the idea that no matter how good or painful a role they played, they taught us something that will reveal itself to us at some point.

–We have to be open to the pain and difficulty, to be truly open to what it is we are supposed to gain from an experience.

It’s difficult to think in terms of everything happening for a reason, but it can also be helpful.

When we are going through a difficult time, it can be very comforting to think that there is a purpose to this, and there will be a use for what I am going through at this very moment.

•If you have a calm mind, trust us you can conquer anything in this world. That’s because you will be able to harness your deeds and deliver nothing but wonders. And, the world bows to wonders!

•A calm mind is an endless source of energy. Put it this way, try your best to calm your mind and you’ll find that you’ll feel more relaxed, have a better perspective to deal with things and most importantly you are much happier. The result? You feel more powerful than ever. So, everyday you may practice meditation techniques or relaxation techniques which will calm your mind and take away stress out of your life.

*Have A Wonderful Thursday To All Of Us!🤗😍


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