Teaching and Feeding Children

in teacher •  last year 

Bachelor in Elementary Education is my second option to be take in college because I love to teach especially the younger ones/kids. I love kids because how they smile, call, and how they treat me is heart melting. Kids are genuine and innocent that is why, even if sometimes they are the cause of stress, there will be many times and many reasons that they are stress relievers.

When the Parish Youth Ministry in our town made an activity which is teaching and feeding children, I took the opportunity to be one of the "teacher" for the activity.

I was so happy teaching kids of songs/action songs, telling about God, reading and teaching some topics of some subjects in school. They participated in my activity. Even if I was so busy and tired, I would always motivate myself to get up and teach the children to see their smiles and good words. Truly, this event is precious to me and memorable, and I want to do this activity again.




Thank you for reading! See you on my next blogs! ❤️

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