Honduras breaks relations with Taiwan

in taiwan •  last year 

Last week the Honduras government made good on one of their campaign promises, to move from recognizing the Republic of China and recognizing the People's Republic of China. I have read a lot of Tweets from Taiwan nationals and they speak pretty badly about Honduras.

I guess thay have a right to feel betrayed, but I think they should ask themselves why so many countries have decided to cut ties withh them and go with the PRC. What I find most intriguing is the outcry this has caused in the USA, as most countries including the US do not recognize the ROC as a country.

I do believe the current president of the ROC has made many foreign policy mistakes, for example in 2017 they were the first country to congratulate Juan Orlando Hernandez for winning an election which was rigged, fraudulent and ended with several people dead. Turns out when his second term finished he was extradited to the US to face drug trafficking charges. As an afterthought they even gave one of his daughters a scholarship to Taiwan. Bribery? Probably.

But I think what really terminated the relationship was that, despite Honduras asking for some financial help, the ROC government decided they preferred to give it to Lithuania, a country that does not recognize them as a country. So, they lost an ally and will most probably get nothing for their 1.2 billion USD.

I personally do not care about these diplomatic shifts, I am just commenting because I saw several very bad intentioned tweets. If it were up to me there would be no borders and no countries, of course I know this is not possible.

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