Are You A Stress Avoider Or A Stress Explorer?

in stress •  4 years ago 

Do you have what it takes to be a stress-averse or a stress seeker? If you think that you do, then you have come to the right place. Here you are going to find out which one of those extremes you fall into. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.


Stress seekers will always seek out negative things in life. They'll see them everywhere. They're all around us. If you're a stress seeker, you'll see all the negative aspects of life everywhere. You'll see people who are miserable, sad and in pain, looking for someone to blame. They'll find it everywhere. So, how do you know which one of those extremes you fall into?

I can honestly tell you that there is no one stress-averse type. Everyone has a certain amount of stress in their life. Some people are more stressed than others. Some people have more stress in their lives than others. It's all a matter of personal choice. It also depends on your stress tolerance. And, it can also depend on how much you like to do the things that you're already doing.


If you're a stress seeker, you'll see everything as a battle between two people. You'll see yourself as the winner. When you think about all the suffering that someone else must go through, you will start to see yourself as the winner. If someone is sad because their boss fired them, you'll see yourself as the winner. It's a win-win situation for you.

You can't just accept this kind of thinking because most people have been taught to. It's just normal. However, there is a better way. I can tell you that a true stress seeker will see things differently. He or she is going to look at a situation from a different point of view.

That's the kind of person that I was. It took me a while to realize that what I believed was wrong and I had to change it. But, that's the kind of person that you need.

The best thing that you can do to become a stress seeker is to find a place where you are free to let go of what you're holding on to. Get away from it for a while and see what the world is like without it. Try to see what's around you and how you feel when you're not around it. Are you a stress seeker or are you a stress explorer? If you're a stress explorer, then you're in trouble.

The best way to be a stress explorer is to go out and explore new things. You have to get out and live and see things for yourself. This is a lot of fun!

To be a stress explorer, you have to learn to embrace new things in your life. Start to go places that are not familiar to you. Go to new places, meet new people, try new things, meet new people. and get a new perspective on life. Once you feel more comfortable with what you're doing, you'll become a better stress seeker.

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