The Futuristic City on Mars

in storytime •  3 years ago 

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"The Futuristic City on Mars"…

For so many years, humans have always wondered and thought about the possibility of life outside earth.

Mars has been chosen as the only planet that can inhabit life.

Lorenzo, one of the leaders of a high tech research station department here on earth along with his team of scientists and engineers began to carry out research to build the first ever futuristic city on mars.

This was like an impossible mission when the idea and plan was first made, it was all a dream. But now, that dream has become a reality.

Lorenzo and his team took it upon themselves to embark on what seemed to be an impossible mission… it wasn’t an easy task…

The difficulty level to pull such a magnitude of work was as big as what you can imagine…

After so many years of research, trials and errors, sweat, sleepless nights, tears, failures, ups, downs, and above all, determination and perseverance, Lorenzo and his team were confident that they could pull it off...

With everything written out, the plans, the thesis, the calculations, the theories, it was time to go to the government and investors to seek for funding to kickstart the project of what is to become the greatest work of mankind…

It wasn’t as easy as it sounds… He were threatened not to fail as billions of $$$ was involved, he knew the consequences if his project fails.

Lorenzo wasn’t fazed by the consequences, he was determined to bring his dream to reality.

With months of convincing and pitching, he finally got the financial backing to begin the project. It was tagged “mission mars”…

Collaborating with one of the best rocket and spacecraft company and teaming up with the best of the best when it comes to space exploration, the journey to mars began.

Lorenzo and his team of engineers and scientists took off to mars… History is set to be made… The Construction of the “futuristic city on mars has begun”.

...History is set to be made.

The end.

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