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You can see my reply below also....

But bottom line is that I don't blame anybody for moving over to Hive, Justin made some very grievous mistakes at the outset with steem.

Of course as our blockchains share DNA, we are open to collaboration with either community.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

A lot of people did bud. They thought it would be so amazing there, problem is they have no leadership and its run with a group of leechers, with no motivation to improve the system because they benefit at their current status, they have secret rooms were they laugh about it. Outside of these 10-20 people, the rest on HIVE have no benefit yet commit themselves with such loyalty.

JUstin is a GREAT marketer, Hive has 0 Marketing and isn't treating it like a business -- Plus their downvoting mob. It is all fun and games, but ultimately you need to be business minded.

Although I disagree with their purging of Koreans, I still respect what hive did.

The fact of the matter is that action was needed and they took action.

Also, the downvote mob is really no big deal.

But there is a problem, a dark force under the surface.

It seems that the hive team is pretty much okay with some large users threatening even physical harm to other hive members.

Here on blurt, if somebody were to act in that manner they'd be tossed from discord and any chat channel that we run, And in the future once the moderation features are complete, they would find themselves without a voice.

Screw downvotes.

We will give this chain a mechanism that prevents spam and prevents illegal threats of physical harm against other users.

This will be yet another important differentiator.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)


The most important distinguishing feature between the three blockchains is that visionaries who know the Steem work on the Blurt. They think the future of our blockchain and one of the driving forces behind good ideas is @jacobgadikian. His idea, the blockchain out of the box (Raspberry Pi 4), is in my opinion exactly the ingenious piece of systematics that the content economy has been missing for four years to be able to use a blockchain for its own purposes. The main differentiator is that visionaries still work on the Blurt.

I therefore hope that Jacob can inspire enough experienced developers so that his revolutionary vision, the idea of a blockchain out of the box, can finally become a reality. The Steem is just a past nuisance. The hive was an initial response to this nuisance. But the Blurt evolves what was good about the Steem. Therefore there is no wrong or right blockchain. But there is one where real development continues and that is the Blurt. This is because the interests on the Blurt do not primarily have to do with preserving old possessions (like on Hive). Rather, it is predominantly those miners who are primarily interested in the progress of a good, but faulty system who gather here.


Das wichtigste Unterscheidungsmerkmal ist, dass auf dem Blurt immer noch Visionäre arbeiten. Sie denken die Zukunft unserer Blockchain und eine der treibenden Kräfte mit guten Ideen ist @jacobgadikian. Seine Blockchain aus der Box (Raspberry Pi 4) ist meiner Meinung nach genau das geniale Stück Blockchain, das der Content Wirtschaft seit vier Jahren gefehlt hat, um die Blockchain für ihre eigenen Zwecke zu nutzen.

Ich wünsche mir daher, dass Jacob genügend erfahrener Entwickler begeistern kann, damit seine revolutionäre Vision, die Idee einer Blockchain aus der Box, endlich Wirklichkeit werden kann. Der Steem ist nur noch ein vergangenes Ärgernis. Der Hive war eine erste Reaktion auf dieses Ärgernis. Der Blurt aber entwickelt weiter, was gut am Steem war. Daher gibt es keine falsche oder richtige Blockchain. Es gibt aber eine, auf der es weiter geht und das ist der Blurt. Das liegt daran, dass die Interessen auf dem Blurt nicht primär mit dem Bewahren alter Besitzstände zu tun haben. Hier versammeln sich vielmehr überwiegend jene Miner, die primär am Fortschritt eines guten, aber fehlerhaften Systems interessiert sind.


thank you

There it is.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Here you go, nothing to thank. Still, I would like to know what you thank me for. I'm not that good at understanding silent bedroom talks. You found one step further. I got that. But what did i do?

It was an honor to spend a few minutes on the computer with you. I not only heard the baby and followed your steps on the screen with interest. In principle, I understand what went over the ARM. I could even learn that, but everything in me resists it. I can follow a cookbook on the console. No question about it, but that's about it with my IT skills.

Rather, I'm interested in the application of your famous idea, which is a breakthrough in marketing a blockchain for me. When you're done, you can recommend blockchain systems to content producers, where no CFO will come in to point out windy business models. Every organization has its own blockchain. This is genius! The big ones can mine their own coins, the small organizations bind themselves to the BLURT. I think that with the blockchain out of the box, a completely new, prosperous IT branch can emerge that is able to offer many different business models.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yes sir, you get it.

I was thinking because not everybody does

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I will tell it the Blurtians. Many people doesn't understand.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yes. The best Minds, developers. artists and Creators are moving to Blurt. ... Thanks to @jacobgadikian and @megadrive

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Ah, you checked it. You've changed it into Blurt. Not really all, but some of them gathering on Blurt. I wish, there would be more developers among our Communities. Libraries of the blockchain have to be modified for to work inside a box.

Work is ongoing :)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I know Jacob, you will never rest before it is done. I watched your workshop and want to buy a Pi 4 as well, just when the development is done. I'm not a developer and I'm not the one you are looking for in this state of development.

Would you tell me please, how far the way into the box is gone already for Blurt? I like to write an article about your concept. Because the idea of thousands of blockchains is the only fitting model to my thoughts about, how the content producing economy once will be attracted by a DPoS Blockchain like Blurt.

Box status for Blurt:

I'm running into pretty major issues building alert for the arm 64 platform. They are the worst kind of issue, I don't know what the problem is exactly. We can break it up into several groups of possibilities:

  • old libraries don't support arm64
  • Blurt's code does not have good arm64 support
  • Build env

will help. night.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yeah.... typing too fast. Too many windows open.... 10 conversations going at once.

Should link you to the code....

blurt attempt on aws graviton

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