You gain knowledge in all four subjects. How is that possible?

in sprots •  last year 


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To gain knowledge in all subjects you have to live for at least five hundred years in this world and it is also said to be less.

Acquiring knowledge takes time You cannot master a subject in a day or two.

And there are too many things to know in this world that cannot be counted.

But you can gain some knowledge about what is happening in the present or what is happening in the past by reading different types of books.

He needs to read a lot of books.

And it is not possible to gain complete knowledge even by reading books. You have to learn by hand. And all this takes a lot of time.

Still I would say you can learn a lot if you try properly.

And for that what you need first is, those who have this power of "Observation Power" are ruling or will successfully rule this world.

What others take seven days to learn will take you one day if you have observation skills.

You can also read newspaper daily. Where and what is not happening, many other things are known from the daily newspaper.

You can also gain knowledge on many subjects from YouTube. If you want to know or learn about the subject, search YouTube and watch the video. There are many videos on a subject and you will get many ideas.

You can watch the videos by searching the name of a YouTube channel. Various topics are discussed in this channel.

The name of the channel is "Prahelika".

And one of Swami Vivekananda's sayings is, Earth is the biggest book.

All the books we have read or are reading today have written about learning from this world.

If you want to gain knowledge, observe the environment around you well, then you will not need any other book, you will know everything from here.

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