Who are in main race of EPL this season?

in sports •  2 years ago 


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In last five years of EPL, the main race for title was mainly between Liverpool and Manchester City. In this period, City won the title four times and Liverpool one. Liverpool would win more title in this period if City wasn't there. They have recored to be runner up with the most points in this period loosing the title to City. In previous season, City was the champion and Liverpool was runner up. And the title race was alive till the last minutes of the last game. City was the semifinalist in UCL last year and Liverpool was runner up. Both of them lost against Real Madrid in semi final and final respectively. As considering their previous years performance, It was seemed that the main title race would be between the two giants this year also. I posted about it just before the start of new season. But now I am wrong.


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It has just passed just eight gameweek in EPL, it is hard to say anything sure in this stage, inspite of that I have to say that my prediction was wrong. Liverpool has a bad start in new season, though City is now in right track. On the other hand, Tottenham and Chelsea are playing good also. Manchester is still unstable in their performance. But I am surprised to watch the performance of Arsenal. Though Mikel Arteta was developing gradually by years, this time they are playing really an outstanding football and consequently they are now at the top of the table. I never satisfied so much by watching Arsenal football after Arsen Wenger.


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I am almost sure that I will see same performance from City, but not so much sure by from Arsenal. But if they performed as like present, obviously we will see a new competition race between City and Arsenal this time after some season. It will obviously be eye soothing to see this because many fan became bored to see the same race between City and Liverpool since years. To say more, I won't be surprised if there are some outstanding performance from Tottenham and Chelsea in upcoming gameweek. Specially I am very optimistice about Konte's Tottenham this time. I also want to enjoy Liverpool's gorgeous performance in upcoming gameweek.


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