Leo Messi declared that the upcoming WC will be his last.

in sports •  2 years ago 

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Who is the greatest footballer of all time in this planet? This is one of the most difficult question I have ever faced related to football. I think this is totally impossible to certify a players as the greatest of all time.There are many differences from players. Many great players are the best at their position, not all the greatest played at the same time against the same situation. So it can't be certidy a player as the greatst of all time. But one can be certified as one of the greatest of all time. Two present players, Leo Messi and Christiano Ronaldo must be in the list of greatest of all time. They are obviously two of the list.


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In last 15 years we have enjoyed the firced war between this two great. They both have given us a lot of enjoyable moment. We can't ignore that as football fans.May be we are the luckiest generation who have enjoyed two greatest at the same time on the play ground. They also have played one another in a match. That matches was not just a simple match. It were more than a game.


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But time don't care about anyone. This two legend are now at the end of their football career. Though Ronaldo don't told about this retirement yet, may be he have to leave top flight of football soon and a permanent retirement also. Leo Messi has declared that the upcoming world cup will be his last. That means the end of a special football era will be end very soon.


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So don't criticise them at all. They both are the legend. They have given us all they have to give. We must show respect to them. You are obliged even if you are rival.

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