My greatest life experience!!!

in spanish •  2 years ago 

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Hoping to be known more on this platform, I am a boy Incase you don't know nifemii

I will tell you things about my life, the strongest experience I have ever overcome and seen, experiences that made me fear life.


These are things that will make us feel like we are in this world, life experiences will teach you how to live life properly and also how to make life good to your own use.

My strongest life experiences:

First of all, it was the day I broke my leg, during a stunt compitition. 7 Am a normal guy that does normal stunt ( backflip, front flip, and many othes) on a normal day, am not scared of doing all this stunt.

I have limit to what ever I can do, Although I can practice and learn some stunt and also there are some I can't reach due to body shape or my figure am a little bit fat

I was called one breaktime them in my school, because I was almost the best stunt man then in school, everybody knows me to be a star and also can defeat most people.

And this guy I want to challenge with, his body is soft, thin, and can jump a lot which has more advantage than me in everything, and those limit I can't unlock he has unlocked them. I knew this guy will beat me, but I stood to my ground and says he can never beat the only champion the school has.

So the challenge begin, we started peacefully and he his beating me, but there is a rule guiding the games if you are Injured and you can't continue again, then the opposite challenger wins the compitition.

So I made myself clear that I want to unlock all this limits of mine, then rather I begin to start multivating myself that once I unlock this level I can't, I will make sure I become a legend, one that nobody will ever overcome. And I will be a teacher someday.

As we reach the fourth round of the challenge, I stood my ground and said I will beat this guy at all cost, then I decided to do danger. This stunt they call danger is the most dangerous of all, it is only done by someone who have been training on it since time to time.

This danger task is all about rolling in the air or doing double or more steady in the air. So I moved back and run, then my mind start to shake, then I just close my eyes and do the stunt, then immediately I jumped up and I landed, all was bad, I broke my leg instantly, the vein connecting to my left leg shifted all was pain.

Someone had to assist me up and I partially move to my class then sleep after the event than when I woke up, it has already swollen up, I can't walk again... In my mind I was troubled, and my dad is a disciplinary man, he beats you when you are on the wrong part, that was all in my mind, I knew that I don't know what I will tell him that happen to me, and he will beat me.

So someone help me to call my brother in secondary school that I have an injury oh that I can't work. Immediately I felt embarrassed, peope will look at me and they will go. I just pray that the day will just pass and go, so some people came and assist me to walk, outside then we look for bike and we move to my house, unfortunately I told my dad and he re-served my case till i get better.

As times goes on I learn from it, and say I won't do anything like that again and I was happy till now without any pain thanks y'all.

Con la esperanza de ser conocido más en esta plataforma, soy un niño en caso de que no sepas happypen ...

Te contaré cosas sobre mi vida, la experiencia más fuerte que he superado y visto, experiencias que me hicieron temer a la vida ...

Estas son cosas que nos harán sentir como si estuviéramos en este mundo, las experiencias de vida te enseñarán a vivir la vida correctamente y también a hacer la vida buena para tu propio uso ...

En primer lugar, fue el día en que me rompí la pierna, durante una piscina de truco ... Soy un tipo normal que hace un truco normal (backflip, flip delantero y muchos othes) en un día normal, no tengo miedo de hacer todo este truco ...

Tengo un límite a lo que puedo hacer, aunque puedo practicar y aprender algo de truco y también hay algunos que no puedo alcanzar debido a la forma del cuerpo o mi figura estoy un poco gorda ...

Me llamaron una vez que los rompí en mi escuela, porque era casi el mejor hombre truco que en la escuela, todo el mundo sabe que soy una estrella y también puede derrotar a la mayoría de la gente ...
Y este tipo con el que quiero desafiar, su cuerpo es suave, delgado y puede saltar mucho que tiene más ventaja que yo en todo, y esos límites que no puedo desbloquear los ha desbloqueado ... Conocí a este tipo w ..

Así que el desafío comienza, comenzamos pacíficamente y él me golpeó, pero hay una regla que guía los juegos si eres rojo y no puedes continuar de nuevo, entonces el retador opuesto gana la compit..

Así que me dejé claro que quiero desbloquear todos estos límites míos, luego más bien empiezo a multiplicarme que una vez que desbloquee este nivel no puedo, me aseguraré de convertirme en una leyenda, una tha..

Cuando llegamos a la cuarta ronda del desafío, me mantuve firme y dije que golpearía a este tipo a toda costa, luego decidí hacer peligro ... Este truco que llaman peligro es el más peligroso de todos, es ...

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