First Day of School

in school •  3 months ago 

Back To School 2024-2025
1.Eat a nutritious and filling breakfast to fuel up.
Start your day off right by eating a healthy breakfast that will fill you up until lunchtime. Eat a balanced breakfast that has some protein and carbs to give you fuel, like eggs and toast or a nice bowl of cereal with milk. Snack on some fruit and veggies as well.
•Don’t stuff yourself or you could feel sluggish and groggy.
•If you feel too nervous to eat, try to at least get some toast or a piece of fruit so you’ve got something to help you make it until lunch.

2.Arrive at school 15 minutes early to find your classes.
•Pritchard advises figuring out where each of your classes are ahead of time so that you're less nervous about being late. Meet up with friends and find out if you have any classes together. Find out where your first class is located so you know exactly where you need to go.
•Knowing where you need to go and where everything is may help you feel less anxious about the first day.
•If you ride the bus to school, you’ll usually arrive a few minutes before classes start, giving you plenty of time to catch up with friends and scope out your classes.

3.Introduce yourself to your teachers to start off on the right foot.
•When you arrive at your classroom, go talk to your teacher. Tell them your name and what you’re excited about for their class. You’ll make a good impression and your teacher is much more likely to remember you if you need assistance in the future.
•For example, if you love books, tell your English teacher that you’re looking forward to reading for their class.
•Building a strong relationship with a teacher can be a game changer if you need that extra boost with your grade at the end of the year.

4.Pay attention and try to participate in your classes.
•Ask questions if you’re unsure about something and raise your hand if you know the answer to a question that your teacher asks. The first day of school usually doesn’t involve a lot of classwork or lectures, but if there are, take notes so you can review them later. If your teacher asks for a volunteer, don’t be afraid to go for it! But, if you’re nervous, it’s okay to lay low, take notes, and answer questions only when your teacher asks you.

5.Talk to your friends and classmates about your summer.
•Meet up with old friends that you already know and talk about what you did over the break. Introduce yourself to new people you meet in your classes or in the hallways to make new friends. Talking with friends, old or new, can help calm any jitters or nerves that you have about your first day.
•If you have social anxiety, being extra brave on your first day and making friends is a good way to help break out of your shyness. You'll soon find the vast majority of the people around you are potential friends you haven't bothered talking to yet!

6.Try to enjoy yourself on your first day.
•While there’s a lot coming at you on your first day, usually your teachers won’t assign major homework and you’ll spend most of the time learning about your new classes and figuring out your schedule. Use the opportunity to relax and settle into what will be your new routine for the school year. Enjoy catching up with friends and eating lunch. Make the best of your new school year and enjoy yourself!

7.Relax and unwind when you get home at the end of the day.
•Take some time to relax whenever you get home from school so you don’t feel overwhelmed from your first day. Play some games, grab a snack, lounge on the couch, or watch some TV to unwind.

*Have A Wonderful Monday To All Of Us!🤗😍


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