I love decorating my plate with items from my balcony I might not yet have managed to grow actual fruits vegetables or salad but I can at least put some herbs and some flowers to make my food look pretty. These nasturtium flowers from my plant are so pretty and totally edible. This is how vegans like to make salad LOL it’s one of my favourite dressings on here actually which is just coconut oil mixed with Tahini, lemon juice salt and pepper. It makes any salad taste delicious.
Getting that salad used up 😹
Looks beautiful and yummy 😋
When I worked at the organic centre we used to bag salads up for selling in the local supermarket. We put nasturtiums in there but also borage and marigold, also edible, easy to grow and look great. If you can grow nasturtiums you can grow lettuce and rocket, so easy.
Marigold I tried but got eaten completely we even have slugs on the top floor
I used to eat hibiscus flowers when I was a kid :)