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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They were young seals though. Vut with their size, the pengiun has no choice but to endure. The seals get yhe idea from seeing other seals do it to other seals and when they themselves become victim to it. Yhey then turn to the pengiuns after. Much like humans sometimes if they have no self control over their sexual tendencias at all.

Revenge why?

Lets just eat. Im hungry.


Im actually curious to how this would taste.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The raped Penguins deserve justice !..and there will come a time when the Penguins find it.

Much like humans sometimes if they have no self control over their sexual tendencias at all.

Psychological weaklings that need to be thrown into a rather large Seal compound, if you ask me.

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