Attack of the cyborg race

in informationwar •  2 years ago  (edited)



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I am not feeling properte today. I have some stomach flu, could be food poisoning. Have the runs and i am vomiting. All morning. It just suddenly hit me and am now trying to keep electrolyte drink down. I don't know how long it will last. I'm dying folks. It's over for me. Already lost 250% of my body water. Well not really but it feels like it.

No doctor visit, just saltine crackers, rest and fluids have kept me alive today. Albeit I think I will make a full recovery by tomorrow. It is nearing the end of the day and I feel sufficient enough to make this post today.

And I can't complain too much because, it is much better than having nano tech in the blood stream via the convid jabs which is also transmitted through sexual intercourse. So if you are not jabbed and your partner is, and you play the in and out game, your screwed. No pun intended.

Looks like the "conspiracy theorist" were right, again.


It seems almost trite to say this, but this is not what human blood should look like. What me and my research partner have demonstrated here entirely validates and conforms with the scientific literature on these synthetic structures. We see clear signs of self-assembly in this sample, as well as the distinct physical characteristics of these nanotechnologies as described in the scientific and medical literature cited in Section I. While this may be hard to fathom, those among us who have become infected with these technologies are now by definition a cyborg.

How does it feel to be a cyborg now?

Proud not to be vaxxed.

For those who think with their dicks will have their days matched by this aswell. Not only is infections and diseases you have to watch out for, you might want to take extra caution who sleep with after all the vax. My question is, is it transferred through birth and what would that mean for the next new generations to come?

Cyborg babies?

It may appear so.

Despite that part, the use of this nano tech is being developed as we speak to relinquish the "fog of war". The inability to communicate with command during war will be a thing of the past. Imagine then, being able to recieve communications via your own head?

Applying that tech to society, then you got yourself a propaganda machine directly in your skull. Surely Elon Musk would love that tidbit.

What do you guys think about this?

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Sorry you are not feeling well. So much E.coli in the salad greens the last few years. I wonder if that's what happened to you. Especially the bagged salad mixes. I stopped buying them. I peel all of my store bought vegetables too for safety.

Anyway, I think it's more like Daleks because the vaxxed leftists are more like mutants in a shell. LOL. And they rant and rave to themselves like they do too. LOL. AH, I am laughing pretty hard right now.

Anyway, feel better soon. Rain water and home grown food is the only way to go now a days. Too bad we can't all do that given a variety of reasons and circumstances but it is the only way to stay healthy. They want us sick and helpless.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I get my greens directly from the farmers or from stores that get it from them. Keep my buys local. I don't buy canned goods anymore. I do wish I had the amount of mason jars I used to have in the states. Their gone to the unkown.

I seen too much of DW like all of the available ones. Some are supposedly lost.

Me no tv
Yayo read now.

I feel better today. Guanábana tea helped with the stomach and the runs.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Real or spreading fear and depression among the people ?

I have no way of telling ,. did they use the HIV virus to bind the vaccine ?

Many scary story's out there , your are better of not vaxxed .
The whole sex transmission could be just made up to keep the cheeple separated .


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Real or spreading fear and depression among the people?

According to the studies this is very real. Nothing to fear at all however. My intention is not to spread fear or detention but to stay informed so we can make the right decisions.

I was also mocking the leftist because I know how much they love to obey their masters. As npc people as they were, being a cyborg seems to fit their persona.

did they use the HIV virus to bind the vaccine ?

As far as I have been informed on HIV, is that it has never been isolated, so I can't say such a thing exists or not. I used to believe it did because I just trusted the doctors. That was way before.

The vaccine. Guess depends which one. In the article above it mentioned the J&J vaccine not the others. Maybe the J&J is the only with the nano tech? I don't know. Either way, nano tech or not, I do wish they used a more powerful microscope to see these graphene particles with greater detail. Vaccines are proven to be worthless as based on several decades of history of the use.


Many scary story's out there , your are better of not vaxxed .
The whole sex transmission could be just made up to keep the cheeple separated .

It's called shedding. A d very real woth the covid vaccine. You sleep around, you can get it like you can get the claps.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It was a great time to being a total slut the 90's/early 2000's!...I defo hit the wet spot, you might say !

(testosterone and age, says 'no',

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I saw a documentary on pe giuns once. A disturbing scene of a seal raping a penguin. They said it happens on occasion and once it happens they all abandon the pengiun. Pengiuns are just sex toys for seals. It was sad to see.

I though only women could be sluts?


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

patreon header - Copy (3) - Copy.jpg
Bloody seals.
We will get our revenge, don't you worry...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They were young seals though. Vut with their size, the pengiun has no choice but to endure. The seals get yhe idea from seeing other seals do it to other seals and when they themselves become victim to it. Yhey then turn to the pengiuns after. Much like humans sometimes if they have no self control over their sexual tendencias at all.

Revenge why?

Lets just eat. Im hungry.


Im actually curious to how this would taste.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The raped Penguins deserve justice !..and there will come a time when the Penguins find it.

Much like humans sometimes if they have no self control over their sexual tendencias at all.

Psychological weaklings that need to be thrown into a rather large Seal compound, if you ask me.

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